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released hostage has FALLEN IN LUV with hamas "terrorist"

everyone is noooticing something about one of the girls

she said "bye shukran", it means she actually didn't want to leave hamas care to go back to stinky isntreal

finally she saw a real man, she's in love neow !jewish chads discuss

anyway, now that it's confirmed that hamas is super holesum, idf are real terrorists, plz cope :marseypraying:

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Just kidnap :marseychildcatcher: the women :marseyuterus: and eventually they'll come around :marseynotes:

EDIT: omg I know BIPOCs that's what they did in ancient :marseypharaohcat: times :marseyakshually: :nerd:

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I mean that is literally where the word r*pe comes from.

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Is SA heritage mostly from European Settlers and African Slaves or does it include a lot of Natives too?

I was under the impression Native societies had mostly collapsed due to disease.

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There were still millions of natives post collapse. Keep in mind that Europeans and later African slaves came at extremely small numbers at first and took a long time to ramp up. Also Europeans and Africans both had to deal with new (to them) diseases especially in the tropics and not all the Europeans that came over actually settled.

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Depends on the country, in Brazil is mostly whites (descendants of either of european settlers and 19th/20th century when 5 million europeans migrated to Brazil) and pardos (mixed people who are a combination of all, portuguese settler, indigenous and african, with portuguese component still dominating. Pure blacks are a single digit minority and pure indigenous make like 1% of the population. The whole “mamelucos” “mulatos” thing does not exist anymore and has not existed since the 1800s when the current category racial system was implemented.

Argentina and Uruguay were mestizo majority countries with influent white minorities until the 1870s when the great european migration began altering their demographics, modern Chile and Paraguay are probably what pre migration Argentina looked like (both these countries are mestizo majority leaning towards european but still received large numbers of german, italian and slavic immigrants, just not as massive as a wave as Argentina/Uruguay and Brazil and almost non-existent african influence).

Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela have a larger african component than their neighbors South genetically and culturally. Peru and Bolivia are the only ones with large indigenous populations but even so they're like 25-30%. However Peruvian and Bolivian mestizos are more indigenous leaning unlike the Southern cone.

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Thanks for you detailed racial information. I have a blind spot when it comes to my neighbors in the south.

I wonder why America got branded as a melting pot when it sounds like you guys are a whole vegetable soup of disparate cultures :marseyhmmm:

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As for culture I would add indigenous culture is gone, the mestizos have no indigenous culture and even in colonial times were all spanish speakers (the whole casta thing was more an ideal than an actual enforced system). In Brazil cultural differences have more to do with regionalism than race, Southern pardos don't have any strong african traditions unlike in the Northeast where those traditions are widespread among all racial groups but Southern whites with recent migrant background have strong cultural ties to the old continent (German culture and language associations and older generations like my grandparents are still german speakers, etc.) still all of them will drink chimarrão and listen to similar music styles, there isn't anything like US black churches or African American communities with a separte sense of identity.

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That sounds like a really cool culture. Do you enjoy living there?

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Funnily enough yes, my family is from Rio Grande do Sul but we live in the west of Paraná (though I inherited their thick gaúcho accent) in the triple frontier region so we have a lot of contact with foreigners, it is a very large country so every region is different and unique, we're probably the farthest away from the Rio stereotyped portrayal Brazil has abroad. There's also a large arab community in Brazil, mostly christians of syrian and lebanese ancestry but there are muslims too, there's a large mosque in my city so I guess diversity here is quite overrated.

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Brazil is mostly whites


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At no point in your rambling, incoherent post were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone on this site is now dumber for having read it. May God have mercy on your soul.

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In Brazil it depends on the region

North: Highest native mix

North East: Highest black population

Midwest: nobody cares about them

South East: white > native ~ black. Also lots of japs :marseychingchong:

South: white > native > black

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Tem mais negros e pardos no Sul do que índios. Centro-Oeste é cheio de gente do Brasil todo, tem muitos gaúchos morando no MS e MT.

I would also add that whites in the South/South-East are mostly from recent immigrant stock (19th-20th century great wave) while Northeast and North is whites are from colonial settler origins.

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>Tem mais negros e pardos no Sul do que índios.

Sim, mas os pardos sulistas costumam ser mais indio do que negro.

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WTF I love colonizers now

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what can be learned from this multiracial wonder.

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Midwest: nobody cares about them

Isn't that where the capital is?

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They put the capital there so people wouldn't try to coup the government. Four years after it was founded the government was couped

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Longest period of political stability in Brazil :marseybow:

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Almost all of LatAm the predominant genetic origin of majority population is mayo/mayo-Injun, including places like Brazil where Indians were smaller in number.

Native American societal collapse is overstated tbh depending on what you mean by collapse. Demographically there was a drop but most of the people and customs survived, both in the pre-Colombian cities and kingdoms as well as the periphery tribal farmers and hunter in Northern Mexico, eastern Central America and Amazonian and Southern Cone South America (who then became sedentary because of the Spanish and the Portuguese). The Amerindian population recovered over time but slowly as many places within Americas merged/mestizajed with the Spanish and Portuguese society so population growth was disproportionately towards the ethnically Latinx population.

Some ethnic groups completely metizajed like the Mexica/Aztecs to the point that almost everyone Mexican descends from them, while others were only partially/left in tact like most Maya groups. In Brazil, the majority of Indians were completely absorbed, probably helped that most were small tribes.

African ancestry in LatAm is very smaller in comparison because unlike Amerindians and Spanish/Portuguese, they were primarily restricted to specific regions like the Caribbean Islands, the Caribbean coast, the Pacific coast of Colombia and northwest Ecuador, the Isthmus of Mexico, northern Chile and northeastern Brazil, so African ancestry is common there though primarily among the black population

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That's great and all, but I asked for my burger without cheese.

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It's natives, settlers, and immigrants. Places like Peru are basically just genetically the same as they used to be, places like Argentina are basically Italian, and and places like Chile are mixes of the settler and natives. Actual African influence is much smaller than native influence

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Is African influence mainly pronounced in the island nations like the Caribbeans?

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yeah, and even then it's mostly 50/50

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Depends on a country to country basis

Colombia, Bolivia and Peru has a lot of indios, in Brazil they are mostly left on reservation-like areas, not exactly the same as the US, but close enough for you guys to grasp

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The article neglects to mention the typical age of the Índias: my great-grandmother was about 13 when she "got married" to my great-grandfather.


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Giving an indigenous woman the knot refers to rope while giving a white woman the knot refers to :marseytrans:. I see.

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It wouldn't be Brazil without some degree of degeneracy

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I have never heard this phrase :marseyhmm:

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That's literally one of the founding myths of Rome

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Caucasus still does it

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