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remember back in october when palestinians shot up a music festival, went door to door executing jewish families and launched thousands of missiles at population centers

a majority of zoomers, academics and libs have been passionately supporting that




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Pick your side cute twinks.


You're either a colonizer or on the right side of history.


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Both of these are pro-Palestinian propaganda

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Bottom has up to date 'jaks :marseysaluteisrael:

Top is dated 'jaks :marseyyikes:

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Why are new jaks all so disgusting? Fetish?

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BBC fetish to be exact

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new jaks are mostly gross twisted versions of the very excellent originals they're based off of

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>Hatian revolution

>Kill every non-african

>Country becomes fricked of own doing

>Country still fricked hundreds of years later

<Twist selves into knots to blame whites for outcome

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>kills every non african

>country becomes like africa overnight

>we have to pretend to care because its in the western hemisphere


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Poles were spared and awarded “honorary negroes of Europe”

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:marseygiggle: :!marseyflagpoland:

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Worth it

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What if I just want America to glass both sides and colonize it ourselves

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israel winning is basically the same as america winning tbh

or it's close enough

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It's not winning until I see the stars and bars over the Levant

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If you kill your enemies, they win. - Star Wars

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If only Russia hadn't invaded Ukraine the US could have teamed up with them like in Syria and declared the entire holy land as Christian clay

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God @Landlord_Messiah fricking love soyjaks

Trans lives matter

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Fr they are modern art.


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Trans lives matter

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It could take a whole, pre-planned lecture with supporting slides to explain this image to most normies


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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17044402815875494.webp : So the guy on the right is the zionist wojak

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17044402816470926.webp : There's a zionist wojak?

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17044402815875494.webp : Yeah and as you can see, he's holding a chainsaw

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17044402816470926.webp : And using it on the palestinian wojak

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Why does he have the queen of spades on his face?

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Coal built for BBC albeit

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The French deserve it :marseynails:

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>swatstika on the jew


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You don't have to pick a side in /h/aaretz because there :marseycheerup: is only one chosen :marseymerchantelf: side there :marseycheerup:

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Remember back in November when tiktokers were praising Osama Bin Laden and foids were LARPing as muslims wearing hijabs and shit



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idr any muslim larps

that seems like cultural appropriation


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What part of the Western lifestyle do you think I'm going to run back to?' She asks. 'Uh, rampant capitalism? All the colonizing? 'Cause I hate both of those things.'


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Famous pacifist and anti-colonialists, the Muslims.

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Average !foidmoment

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My vote is for the plumbing

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There are studies that like 90% converts in the first world will give up their new religion in the first year, in cases like what you linked I assume it will be even higher.

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Yeah imagine voluntarily converting to become a muslim 🤣

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No difference between this and tradwives converting to Catholicism. :marseyxd:

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Socially conservative people converting to a socially conservative religion is the same as the most socially progressive people in the world converting to the most conservative religion


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Both are for optics

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It was like 7 tiktokers tbf.

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It was like 7 tiktokers tbf. I think it totaled like 40 million views (I'm literally making that number up rn).

Doesn't matter. I'll tweet it for boomer and r-slur outrage clicks and people will think its millions(must convert). :marseymerchant: :marseyevilgrin:

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They should make all the zoomers, libs and academics go to Gaza so they can be r*ped an/or murdered. Anyone who refuses should be required to shut the frick up.

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This should be mandatory for every single foreign conflict :marseyhesright:

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Every keyboard warrior should be forcibly dragged to the war they're bullpooping about.

Maybe give the extra-psychotic, extra-r-slurred ones some paint balloons and suggest they follow Pat Tomlinson's advice to throw them at tanks to disable them.

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Would Fatrick really say something that stupid, child?

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Fatrick is the general every war needs. He would never let the idiots win. Do have fun while you wait for the knock.

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Israel would bomb them first lol :marseymacarthur:

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On the condition that Israel supporters have to survive a trek from the Muwasi safe zone (lol) to Israeli-controlled space.

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Show me any evidence of r*pe in october 7th still no evidence


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yeah pictures and eyewitnesses aren't evidence

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Ok show us the pictures

eyewitnesses arent evidence

On their own they arent, correct

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idk https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_and_gender-based_violence_in_the_7_October_attack_on_Israel

In a review of evidence mainly provided by the Israel Defense Forces and Israeli officials, NBC News stated that the evidence "suggests that dozens of Israeli women were r*ped or sexually abused or mutilated".

And then there was the body with the nails.

“I was called into a house, I was told there are few bodies over there. I saw in front of my eyes a woman, laying (down). She was naked and she had nails …,” Greyman managed to say before pausing for a long time, struggling to get the words out.

“She had nails and different objects in her female organs. Her body was brutalized in a way that we could not identify her,” he added, the trauma clearly visible on his face.


If you don't believe moids in rampage mode might r*pe a few things, you're living in a fantasy world.

Hey but if the Jews are lying maybe the Palestinians are, too.

Or maybe they're both telling the truth and people are pretty shitty (< this is the answer)

People are like "nooooo r*pe is a sin", yeah well it didn't stop many so called Christians, and it didn't stop Pakistanis from raping 500k Bengali women

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Israelis won't r*pe Palestinoids because they're racist

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:#marseycopeseethedilate: sandBIPOC

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Right wing misinformation

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downmarsey me harder daddy


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Death :marseycontemplatesuicide: to Israel :marseymerchant:

https://files.catbox.moe/ginbgb.jpg 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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I wouldn't go to party next to Gaza even for free so why should I have sympathy for some who went there and started a “party for love and free Palestine” ?

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yeah because that's the majority of who was slaughtered, and not the kibbutzim


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It should have been

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And you should've just been a blowjob, but here we are.

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Only if we do the same for boomers, chuds, CVLcels

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Remember when this incel site finally found victims it didn't want to blame? Heck it's even mostly women.

Crazy shit.

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:marseytrain:* site

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>inb4 what's the difference

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Drama doesn't blame anyone, wtf you smokin with your weird agenda

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Remember when this incel site finally found victims it didn't want to blame?


Heck it's even mostly women.

NO IT'S NOT :marseyconfused:



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it's just current year looooonacy :tayshrug:

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idk the line is usually drawn a fair bit before actual literal mass murder


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>Gods "chosen" caught in lies again


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It was EDITED omg so it's not trueeee

lol are you really that r-slurred?

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LMAO the organisers of the protest literally said they saw it happen and asked police to intervene.

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Wait how do people keep falling for this bait?

Is this an infinite DC exploit?

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Dramatards are still Redditors at heart, and insist on arguing even when it's clear no one will change their minds and the outcome of an Internet argument is irrelevant.

You can see this in every pro-Israeli !chuds/!nonchus vs. @transgender_spez2 argument.

They never seem to realize that, regardless of what they say: a) the schizophrenic teenage communist will keep hating Israel, and b) his opinion doesn't really matter and they shouldn't care.

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The point of such arguments isn't to convince the other side you're arguing with to change their opinion, but first to have fun and second to convince some of the observers.

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Making salvadore or spez so mad they DM you 6 months later still seething about it is the entire point of interacting with either of them.

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!downmarseyrs this is inherently Dramaphobic

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He never seem to realize that, regardless of what he says: a) the neet incel chud will keep hating reality, and b) their opinions don't really matter and he shouldn't care.

Fixed it for you

yes I know israel should be switched to palestine but I can't bring myself to do that.

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and coming at it from the other side, :marseytrain: spez will never realize 1. that his enemies are generally r-slurred burgers who were sworn to the israeli cause ever since their circumcision and 2. that their opinion equally doesn't matter and israel is never going to commit the genocide they lust for


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I just like arguing online because its fun :marseyshrug:

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I just want people in the ME to stop killing each other but both sides are so cucked with:

"tHaT's PALLYWOOD PrOPOGANDA, that's a fake dead kid/future terrorist" or

"All JEWS are Russian invaders and LIE like breathing because HITLER was RIGHT."

But they're not, so I'm going to armchair quarterback their terrible TTPs on the internet.

Not sure why the IDF had a reputation for being some deadly force. It's a conscript army with the hilarious issues that brings (where the frick is their security, why no dismounted patrols? Why no drones? Why no ECMs? Nobody should be able to use a radio signal within a mile of a patrol) the only reason they won those wars was because the other militaries were just as bad.

--and the Palestinian resistance has most of its skill in video editing and taking apart Iranian knock-off rifles to reassemble them on camera.

The big problem is that ISNTREAL has about 400 nukes so that's gonna get spicy if like Iran or any coalition tries to get froggy.

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yeah I can't disagree with any of that.

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Mofos be on here trying to defend Israel by pointing out that Hamas is composed of violent religious fundamentalists lol

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Dramatards are still Redditors at heart, and insist on arguing even when it's clear no one will change their minds and the outcome of an Internet argument is irrelevant.

I like arguing anyways. It's nice to confirm my priors constantly.

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