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>Listen to me Historia, this is very important. That farmer who's been hitting on you? Seems like a decent, athletic guy. Frick him. Have the raunchiest s*x imaginable and as often as possible. I'm gonna genocide half the globe to end Ymir's curse, so you can have as many babies with him as you want. You'll be fine, both you and your children.

>Eren, what are you...

>Please let him impregnate you Historia. God, you're gonna look so hot pregnant. Also, this is gonna sound weird but then I'm gonna turn into a bird. I'd, uh, like to think that it's fine if I check on you every once in a while. You know, just to see how things are going, haha...

>Eren, what the frick are yo-


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Giant foreheads

Why are Japanese "artists" like this?

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I have no clue how the manga ended so im going into this blind. I guess when it drops with subs ill say what I think

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It had a mediocre/unsatisfying ending but it really wasnt that awful. What made it so bad to manga readers was the fan scans having some cringeworthy supposedly mistranslated dialogue

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!downmarseyrs IESLB


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I think the person who is truly coping is the one seething after I said something mildly neutral :marseyill:

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>Le radical centrist take with fencepole up his bussy




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Someone is angry :marseyill:

Ill never understand people who take any piece of media this seriously. I read mid ending, said "wow this wasnt satisfying" and forgot about the show for the rest of my life. You people meanwhile remind me of the TLOU2 "players" who are still seething at the game 3 years after it was released

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NGL I dropped AoT super early on so I'm just laughing along with everyone else, when I tried rereading it last year I barely got passed where I dropped it the first time (when the gang was stuck in that tower?)

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People get really invested into stories, if anything you're the weirdo for not getting attached to characters you've been reading about for a few months or more.

For me the bad endings are annoying but I usually seethe in silence, it's the fanboys defending sloppy writing that really grind my gears.

The only thing worse than hatewatcher is author white knight.

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You watch anime :marseyill:

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and not that much anymore I used to and aot has been going on for 10 goddarn years so I gotta see how it ends.

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A Mimic Ate 76 Coins!

RNJesus says Total Weeb Death.

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I'm just :marseysnap: watching this animated

!anime reminder FLOCHad is the protagonist of Shingeki No Kyoji. Cuckren is no less mentally ill than the wall King.

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Ngl I hate the AoT artstyle

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Mappa's artstyle fricking sucks real bad. All of their shows just looks so gross.

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has the whole movie been released already ?

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:#marseyfloch: :#fireball: :#marseyeren:

If only


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Floch fans keep on sneeding. Your fascist boy deserved a much more gruesome and torturous death. Armin's plan was the correct one and it's why Erwin, the undisputed best character in the show, picked him as his successor.

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>Gets all Paradis carpet nuked by B 52s


100% rumbling or suicide, those were the only two choices.

Also I can't trust cute twinks who don't feel righteous rage at their enemies. The rest of the world they gave so much of a shit about would 100% have been comfy with them being genocided.

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Partial rumbling targeting military facilities and capabilities of the rest of the world followed by rapid militarization and modernization of Paradis, with the use of the abundant crystals in the island which would also be used as trading resource with other nations, and many many decades of diplomacy and trade to assure the rest of the world Paradis island wasn't a threat to them. The only realistic choice that avoided mass genocide or the perpetration of the cycle of hatred and violence. Then again, it doesn't matter, since the universe of AoT is very deterministic and everything that happened was basically fated to.

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Canonically Paradis is medieval age. And after even a partial rumbling even countries like not Japan wouldn't help them. A few million people with medieval tech would take longer to build up capacities than just a demilitarised WW1 era soyciety, there's just no comparison. Japan had western aid and even so it took them ~50 years since start of Meiji reforms to truly become a peer of European powers.

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I mean, in just the few years after the Scouts ventured to the outside world and got a hold of new tech you saw quite a leap in technological progress inside Paradis. They're also the only ones with access to the iceburst stone resource (the crystals) which Zeke himself said is an incredibly useful resource with numerous applications that can catapult a nation's technological progress forward. There's a reason why outside governments are desperate to get a hold of it. It's essentially magic petroleum.

Honestly, it's not entirely beyond the realm of possibility that Paradis could actually overtake the rest of the world in technological progress had a partial rumbling took place and destroyed every army on the planet.

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That's all with outside help though. And railways while decent technology won't amount to much against a world that's entered the aviation age, they'd need an insane edge in fact to pose a credible threat to the rest of the world considering their relative size. Also IDK if its ever stated exactly how many people lived on Paradis but considering they lost a ton when the first wall fell and its a small island on their world map I'd imagine 2-3 million max? It'd be difficult to innovate much with a population that small when you're cut off from the rest of the world.

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Yeah, it'd be quite a challenge to catch up with the rest of the world. It all would really depend on how set back the rest of the world would be by a partial rumbling.

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Every time I go into those threads they have more and more new cuckren OC lmao

>HORSEDkasa :marseychessknight:


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:mar#seyxd: :mar#seyxd:

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Another one to the folder.


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Why the AoT spam suddenly?

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the anime final ending episode just dropped. Idk where I can find it with subs yet tho

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For real this time? Aren't we already on season 4, part 3, the final act?

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Attack on Titan: The Final Season - The final chapters: Chapter 3: The bussystrike titan

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It drops on crunchy roll and hulu tonight at 8 et

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Anime ending leaks.

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I WANT EVERY COPIUM "T-t-they'll do an anime original ending" STRAG IN FRONT OF ME BUSSY SPREAD.

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>Eren: I never wanted to turn the lights off or become a devil...

>Armin: Me, too...But, to me, you're not the devil.

>Eren: Eh?

>Armin: You're my hero who saved my world.

>Eren: So I...

>Armin: You were the one who was always beside me. You created your own world inside me. I want to keep that part of you with me forever. Therefore...Thank you. Thank you for walking with me in this life. I'll see you on the other side.

>Eren: Other side?

>Armin: In heck. Where we always were and always will belong. We'll suffer together. Just the two of us.



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He...he did know GOT ended without the creator's input, right?

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so whats the gist? did they frick up the show even more? more bipocs? more p-do pandering? !nonanimecels pls explain

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spoilers for those who want to watch it

people have various issues with it. For one, its revealed that eren is only doing all that shit because he has no idea why. Instead of talking about the issue at hand, he cries about how he does not want mikasa to be with another man, at least for 10 years. A lot of weird plot points are "revealed" like how the founder ymir actually just wanted to see love or something. It takes mikasa kissing eren's decapitated head for her to relinquish eren's actions. And also, the whole struggle about breaking the cycle of violence is proven moot, IDK if this is adapted in the anime, but its shown that some long time later, the island eren is from is carpet bombed anyway.

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It's bizarre. The whole premise of the series is how collective punishment and guilt is bad from how bad Marley treats everyone after the wars. Having the protagonist about to commit genocide to protect his people (and for his chuddy worldview) to give up his psycho vengeance only to have his people genocided anyway proving him right?! Lmao


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the point is that the world is uncaring a and doing the right thing doesn't guarantee a reward. from the very beginning of the story heroes die pointless deaths and other people win or survive by random chance. that's a key part of that neighbor floch going crazy after he alone survives erwin's charge. the focusing on whichever nation is more wronger is a perfect example of missing the forest for the trees. the world don't care. that's why everything else aside (the paths reveals at the end were weird) paradis being blown up 70 years later fits perfectly. it may not even be the world getting revenge for all we know, it could have just been a random war. because regardless of how good the main cast's actions were (genociding the whole world is wrong, only attack on Titan fans disagree lol) that doesn't mean they fix the world and live happily ever after.

another big point of the series is that it doesn't matter who wins. people will always find new divisions and reasons to kill each other. it would have (and did) happen in eldia's glorious ethno state and it did happen in the ending we saw.

the quality (or at least consistency) of writing absolutely did decline toward the end, i won't argue that though

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still unemployed then?

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Wait is this just the AOT ending drama, except this time in anime form, instead of manga? I was so confused by this thread.

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Yeah, ending finally got adapted

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MC was a cuck the whole time not a mastermind schemer

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how the frick do so many people commit to such an obviously dogshit ending, after it was already put out and received as dogshit once before?

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I hate anime so much it's unreal.

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People do it ironically anyway, shit is decade old and more forgotten than GOT.

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Frick does anyone have the WHY YOU NO RIKE ARMIN greentext? I need it

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Which one?



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I'm really curious if the animeonlies will eat it up, and if yes, ifl they will go sour on it later on.

With voice acting and animation, the shit writing is easier to ignore for many. Also, reading a manga requires the ability to read, and watching anime has no such point of entry, so some may not even be able to tell what a shit show the plot becomes in this final stretch.

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The animation looks terrible imo. Looks like one of those fan animations made by Latinx.

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Oh. Oooh.


Ok, I need to start looking at anime only forums then.

Mangachads have released most of their seeth back in the day, but frustrated animecels will be delivering the fresh good stuff.

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Eh, it doesn't come across much better in animated form so I doubt it. Still a really pathetic send off for Eren. I get what Isayama was going for but it's just done in a very messy and convoluted way. Honestly the ending would've been mostly fine had that scene of Eren confessing to Armin not been included or if it had been changed to Eren showing some more maturity (even though I get the point was to show he was still that traumatized little boy deep down). Also, the animation was really odd at times and inconsistent.

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I think the majority of Eren's characterization at the end was inconsistent with how he was shown before. Him being actually scared young man and not some fearless badass is fine, but we know what he thought before and even during the rumbling, it painted a different picture. Especially the "I don't know what I'm doing" aspect, and him not really having free will.

Zeke changing his mind because of Armin also felt very weak.

It may be not dog shit ending, but the contrast with the rest of the series makes it immensely disappointing.

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Yeah agree. I was also disappointed that Wit Studio handed the series to MAPPA. The old art style was so good.

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Gonna need some spoilers because I'm not gonna go learn for myself what happened in this dumb butt show

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Thanks bro.


Am I understanding correctly, that this is just the anime version of the drama from the AOT manga ending from a few months ago?

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People had convinced themselves the anime would have a different ending than the manga because [schizophrenia] and there might be some melties over this.

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Thanks king

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Just watched it and it was good. They really smoothed out the ending and it looked beautiful. Solid 9.5/10 anime.

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I've never seen a popular anime/manga fail to stick the landing so dramatically. There's honestly no explanation for it. Bleach had a better ending than this despite Jump basically yanking the rug from under Kubo's feet while he was drawing it.

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