OP IS A CHUD, DO NOT ENGAGE Senile old man literally forgets what guns are



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Feds asking why on Earth would you have firearms makes me want to buy more.

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Was it Beto who said the thing about the Constitution not intending you to have guns to protect yourself from the government? What was that delicious quote?


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Nah there was another one, it might not have been Beto but I think it was. Literally something about like “do you really think the founding fathers wrote 2A so you could protect yourself from the government?” or some such


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i cant deal with this

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What a dumbass


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News host: It sounds like confiscation.

Beto: No, I’m not suggesting that. And I think that’s why people use the word confiscation, because it scares people. What I’m talking about is a mandatory buyback, where Americans who own an AR-15 or an AK-47 will sell that weapon back to the government.

Methinks Beto believes he's cleverer than he actually is.

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back to the government


Buy something from a private company, return to government. What does he mean by this?


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:#marseysimpson: :#marseysoypoint:

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haha i love homer

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Original simpsons will never be surpassed by any pop-culture entertainment, and i actually mean that.

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The first couple of seasons of family man were done really well tbh

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not confiscation

mandatory buy back

:marseyhmm: I guess technically it’s not a confiscation, but it’s pretty darn close if it’s mandatory.


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It's a confiscation but they pay you afterwards lol, idk who the dude thought he was fooling.

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And I think that’s why people use the word confiscation, because it scares people.

Coming from the man using the term "assault weapons"

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Politifact being based??? Unheard of

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They also keep on calling Biden on his "You can't buy a cannon" claim

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They have to give away a few low hanging fruits

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I think someone at Politifact just really enjoys Revolutionary War LARPing

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I like how 2Aers have* an infinite number of arms (bodyparts) for their arms (weapons).

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40mm grenade peepee launcher


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Lol I'm genuinely glad your country has another elementary school classroom liberally splattered with lots of ten year old brain matter. You all deserve it :marseywholesome: I sincerely hope it's your entire family next!

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Why does this sound like it was written by a 20-something female.

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Ok I think that’s enough noticing for today.

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What happened to @Absinthe?

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I mostly use it to post marseys and stuff like that. This account is for spamming Twitter ragebait and farming dramacoin.

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Ah okay I should’ve paypig-ed this one then, plus it’s offshore so no taxes

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Fine, I’ll use this account, for you.

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Trans lives matter


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32 basis point increase/dead kid:#marseycapitalistmanlet:

God I unironically love capitalism

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Capitalism isn't a real thing, this is free markets.


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:marseyagree: "capitalism" is just another nonsense commie term created by hungry santa himself

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Because scotus rumors.

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Frick I forgot again. I told myself I'd buy some gun stocks during the next school shooting.

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Love how everyone in the thread demanding he do something.

LIke b-words, where have you been in the last two years? He literally doesn't do anything.

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Apparently most Americans agree with extended background checks for firearms, even republicans. I'm pretty hardcore 2A and I don't see a problem with that.

I don't see why they don't try that again, even if it's going to fail.

It's way less stupid than pretending specific types of rifles are more dangerous because they look scary.

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Except we already have extensive background checks and have these school shooters on FBI radar and they STILL get away with it.

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I dont think much will stop pre-planned mass shootings TBH. I care more about crazy randos and emotional domestic violence. But I should probably look into the background checks a bit more.

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But the mass shootings are the only kind the public actually cares about. That's why you'll hear about a mass shooting for a week after it happens but won't see a single story about how twice as many people were shot dead in Chicago during that same week. That's why everyone yaks about "assault weapons" even though all rifles combined account for like 2% of firearm deaths (hint: it's mostly pistols).

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Those are blacks killing people and that doesnt count chud. What we need is white cops putting boots on the necks of white people while blacks are absolved of responsibility.

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If basketballs lose their guns, they'll switch to melee weapons, which they are genetically superior with. We'd have a national emergency as tribes of melinated spiked club wielding super soldiers pour out of Chicago

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Nobody is talking about disarming black people, chud. Only white people need to keep their ideals of murdering innocent folk in check.

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No one cares about violence in Chicago because it only happens far away from the city proper and it's all black on black violence.

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these school shooters on FBI radar and they STILL get away with it.


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The only way that would ever help is if we let federal agents take away specific peoples' firearms even if they already own them. That's... probably not going to go over well.

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daily contact with fbi agents

Yeah whats going on here.

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My problem with extended background checks is I don't trust the criteria to be used. Unelected people shouldn't be able to declare you unfit for rights.


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Once congress goes Repub the only "extension" the background will towards is making sure minorities don't buy anything. But hey, that's what leftists want, why not give it to them?

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But certain types of rifles are designed for combat vs sporting.

The "looks more scary" thing is both leftoid ignorance and rightoid trucknutism.

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yuor rong put mor ettachminst = beter damage plus accuracy insta kill, jus rember if u use extended mag to use speed reload attatchment or perk :redditgigachad:


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Why you want rail for kalashnikov?

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Ive already made a post about this, banning AR-15s and Chinese AK47s wont stop SKS and Ruger 14s and the million other rifles available that are just as powerful and extensible (Canada and NYC banned both of the prior ones but not a ton of others, which is exactly what they are going to do).


Auto-sears are everywhere too so good luck stopping that.

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Do you understand how dumb this argument is?

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How is it dumb?

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It addresses the dumbest possible characterization of a gun control argument.

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But it’s not? A lot of gun control arguments hinge around accessories/appearances than just capability.

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> a lot of

Exactly this. Skip a constructive discussion and focus on the picket signs and the uninformed. Then declare victory be those libs don't know what they are talking about.

Dumbest. Possible. Take.

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Applying logic to an emotional political issue is stupid and nobody cares. Beto and Biden say this shit because their base has an emotional attachment to gun control.

Politics is 90% theater and a lot of people don't seem to get that.

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So? Rightoids have been pretty clear that they’re not meant for sport, that’s not them being crass or dishonest.

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Methinks they don't want to solve the problem unless it's by restricting guns for most people.

Personally I wouldn't mind raising the age of civilian ownership to 25 when the brain finishes developing

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What do they propose we expand the background checks to?

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Rectal examination

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Because if we simply made the NICS system available to everyone, it would be simple and it harrass gun owners enough so democrats can't support it. Their idea of reasonable gun control is to ban everything fun, and put you on a list so the glowies can come kill you for your .22 bolt action they generously let you keep in a few years

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What are "extended background checks"?

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Sounds like freedom to me 🦅 🇺🇸💪

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I need an assault weapon for when you try to come take my assault weapon, goober.

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dear lord HOW MANY posts can you make IN ONE DAY??? histrionic woman!!!!!!!!!

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More than you I bet


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Kiss me


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okay sure :marseythumbsup:

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no that’s me

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Stop talking to yourself carp

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Yaaaas your feelings are valid qween 💅👸

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he NEEDS to be silenced. harrassed into silence

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they are

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The elephant in the room is that nearly shooting in America is done by a young man 16-25. Whether it’s a school shooting, a theater shooting, gang violence, street crime, robberies, domestic… young men 16-25

We can fix a LOT of gun violence just by raising the age of gun to 25

Do drug laws stop the drug problem?

How about we stop deflecting with other agendas and stick to the lax gun laws in States. One problem at a time


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I can't tell if that foid is pretending to be daft and missing the point or if she really thought that guy wanted to start discussing the war on drugs instead of making a point.

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I love that they had to drop the “white” from the shooter description because of latinx. You know they’re seething about it

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This year has been major for representation. Its so wholesome. There was also the sandchad last year but they were twisting themselves into knots making him white.

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lol, its clear as day his twitter is run by a middle aged foid, jewish or mayo. What am i saying of course she is jewish

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Maybe instead of crippling women’s reproductive rights, the supreme court should be focusing on ending gun violence.


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Maybe instead of crippling women’s reproductive rights, the supreme court should be focusing on ending gun violence.

Fixed your comment for you. This time it’s free, but next time it’s gonna cost you.

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we don’t have a yoda marsey :marseycry:

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Where’s my heckin baby yoda Marsey CHUD

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> 24 week old babies are getting killed for fun

> this is somehow a seen as a women's issue

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Its also a men's issue, men can get pregnant, and all of that is a good thing.

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For the past 30 years, we've had feminists saying "if men could get pregnant, abortions would be available on every street corner". Now that men can finally get pregnant, abortion is being CANCELLED.

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Some kid killed 20 kids. The supreme court will save thousands when they take down Roe v Wade.

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To kill Russians?

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Maybe to shoot stuff to a song rhythm

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Democrats are so r-slurred about this stuff. They'd do a lot better if they went the route of "We just want solid background checks so that criminals can't have guns." Even Reagan pushed that platform, because hating criminals is a very Republican viewpoint.

But because Democrats love to virtue-signal rather than accomplishing anything effective (and perhaps because they lack all empathy and are thus incapable of understanding anything from the Republican perspective), they always try instead for taking away everybody's guns - a delusional idea that will never happen. These people absolutely don't know what they're doing.

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It wouldn’t even stop this case because he did go through a background check when he bought the guns from a licensed dealer. He had a clean criminal record despite getting in multiple fistfights at school and throwing dead cats at neighbor’s houses. The school/admin didn’t bother to actually report any of this behavior, and apparently the classmates that were able to confirm his Instagram account as his didn’t think “huh the loner emo boy we literally call a school shooter bought guns, I wonder what for” and never bothered reporting it.

The school admin and everyone who knew who he was and saw his Instagram posts failed those children, and yes I am fricking seething that we live in a society. He was telegraphing this shit hard and no one fricking bothered to lift a finger. He may as well posted a notice on the door of the school saying “I’m coming here with a gun tomorrow to kill kids.”

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The Parkland shooter was forbidden from physically setting foot on campus for his senior year due to his deranged behavior, had the cops come to his house like twenty times in the year before the shooting, and had been reported to the FBI for threats he made online MULTIPLE TIMES.

The authorities in this country are fantastically inept at every single level of government and whenever they royally frick up they're eager to deflect and use it to seize more rights from the people.

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Makes you wonder why cops are always exempt from bans if they're only useful for killing people


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^-^;;;; kekekekeke


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Her banner is a pibble lol



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Of course it is :bruh:

Someone should suggest her to support banning pibbles too

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What's a rhetorical question?

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It’s a statement that appears as a question, of which I see none on this post :marseyexcited:

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English. Do you speak it?

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Yes, otherwise I would not be able to answer your questions! :marseyexcited:

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Reminder that "assault weapon" has no legal definition.

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He wont stop saying "in the name of God" like stfu your literally a agent of satan.

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How were you chudded? Dont you have like 3000000k hours of deflector award?

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"Why on earth would you need the Second Amendment if not to kill someone"

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Lol Aevann chuds @I-AM-SCHIZOPHRENIC-XD for 30 days for writing similar shit like this. @I-AM-SCHIZOPHRENIC-XD hate jannies so fricking much

Trans lives matter

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One day, eventually, the US will wake the frick up and delete the second amendment from the constitution. I wish I will be alive when that happens just to see the amount of seethe

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Biden is pathetic. More news of the obvious tomorrow.

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