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  • DickButtKiss : Atheists are sheep just like the religious. Only I know the truth
  • usernaw : this study makes me feel euphoric
  • fartnigga : seething christcucks above and below me
  • Poj : PeepeeButtKiss what is the truth?

Atheists are more intelligent than religious people, finds study | The Independent | The Independent



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Aren't a large percentage of religious people POCs? This seems racist... :marseythinkorino:

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Chinese bugpeople aren't religious and game the IQ testing metrics to make their country look better and Atheism is the protestant denomination of choice for midwits. Shocking.

Those intelligence maps also using the same shit IQ metrics as Charles Murray, i.e. "Botswana: Average IQ 65 (Estimate based off of English GRE exams administered to 15 deaf students in state asylum)"

We tested predictions of this hypothesis by analyzing data from two large-scale Internet-cohort studies (combined N = 63,235). We report that atheists surpass religious individuals in terms of reasoning but not working-memory performance. The religiosity effect is robust across sociodemographic factors including age, education and country of origin. It varies significantly across religions and this co-occurs with substantial cross-group differences in religious dogmatism. Critically, the religiosity effect is strongest for tasks that explicitly manipulate conflict; more specifically, atheists outperform the most dogmatic religious group by a substantial margin (0.6 standard deviations) during a color-word conflict task but not during a challenging matrix-reasoning task. These results support the hypothesis that behavioral biases rather than impaired general intelligence underlie the religiosity effect.


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I just enjoy pooping up the site with chudposts. I'm aware of how ridiculous a lot of methodology for African IQ stat collection was.

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National IQ should be assigned based on whether the country ever invented, or currently has, any of the following:


>mud hut

>house other than mud hut



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The wheel is such a fricking stupid one because it's almost entirely dependent on terrain. Wagons were usually not practical except on roads in relatively flat terrain. Even the US military didn't phase out mules until WW2 and that's only when they were replaced by airplanes.

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Wheeless cope, if you cant figure out a use for wheels you get assigned the 65IQ category

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Anybody who hasn't figured out how to use a snowshoe is a subhuman r-slur -you

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pretty much

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Okay I guess everyone but Iraqis and Kazakhs are tards then. Muslims scoring pretty high here.

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>or currently have

Poor reading comprehension drops you to 50IQ, sorry old man

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it's fricked up that africa is completely made of mountains and the swiss had wheeled wagons because switzerland is flat as a pancake

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There wasn't wheeled wagons crisscrossing the Alps you dumb albino gorilla wigger. Armies crossed the Brenner Pass but it wasn't a major trade route for heavy goods untill the railroad tunnel.

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There wasn't wheeled wagons crisscrossing the Alps

duh they used elephants to carry the wagons you frickwit douchenozzle

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I bet actual africans are pretty smart, but black americans are so fricking r-slurred that IQ testing their school kids was made illegal in California because they all got sent to r-slur school.

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!christians !catholics God is not relevant to people's lives when they live very comfortably, are financially rich, and face little difficulties in their day-to-day.


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idk i tend to most strongly embrace God when things go well, its when theyre bad that i falter


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To be honest, it be like that sometimes indeed, when things become desperate, I try to contain my inner 2012 ebic Dawkins atheist from kicking in :marseysadge: !christians

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oh boy here I go reading job and ecclesiastes again

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God tortured a pious man and woman and murdered their innocent children as part of a bet, truly his grace knows no bounds :marseyheart:

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God gave us femboys to guide us during trying times.

Community Note by @DK_KD

User is a massive gay r-slurred cute twink homo cute twink gay homo cute twink

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It is those moments you should clinging to faith above all!

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i told my devoutly catholic friend about you and she said your fishy butt aint getting into heaven

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She's not very devout then because it's a mortal sin to suggest that any specific person besides saints is destined for heaven or heck so I'm thinking she's not real


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by devoutly catholic she probably means 'visits church on christmas and easter'

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I'm the opposite

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Something something rich man, camels and needles....

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Proof that Argentina is white

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Stop Asian hate :#marseyjewoftheorient:

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AAPI. Remember that people in Bombay and Bikini atoll are the same.

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Taiwan isn't that atheist, this image is wrong

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Religicucks absolutely dunked on.

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Haha frogs neurodivergent (atheist) yet not smart

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Darn fricking lying Chinese commie bastards

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I wonder if atheist whites are smarter than religious whites, or whether atheist Chinese are smarter than religious Chinese.


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