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Daily Bard Digest 2024-07-24

Live feed of the best moderator on the internet, straight into your veins.

Here's todays official post from the BARDCHIVE:

02/25/14 22:17:48 with a score of -3: https://old.reddit.com/r/Dallas/comments/1yxyd3/im_insert_name_of_old_white_guy_and_im_running/cfoxera/?context=8

It greatly annoys me that the volume increases a few decibels every time they say "Obama", and that they attribute so much to him. I just want to shout at them: "JUST GET IT OVER WITH AND SAY THE N WORD!"

"Ah will protect our state from OBAMA".

He's president, he's on his second term, there are a dozen legitimate criticisms of him that you douchenozzles won't touch because they're attached to your extremely, extremely wealthy and corrupt campaign donators' interests.

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At 07/24/24 22:27:08 in AntiTrumpAlliance with a score of yall:

And the prize for "Making me throw up in my mouth a little" goes to …

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At 07/24/24 21:56:03 in ModSupport with a score of 2 points:

I'm so glad to see others carry this torch. Thank you ever so much.

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At 07/24/24 22:05:45 in ModSupport with a score of 1 point:

One of the known issues with Reddit's ticketing system is that there's no case handling distinct between "no violations were found" (a statement about an observation) and "this isn't actually violating" (a statement about the content) and "we are automatically closing this ticket because we've already actioned this account on something else but can't tell you / we're investigating the mod team already / we're investigating the agent that closed this wrong to go on their lunch break".

The only certainty in the first tier AEO ticket close messaging (and even then, it's not absolute) is "We investigated, found a violation, and took the following actions …".

The important thing to remember, however, is that AEO and Sitewide Rules Enforcement are not an oracle, not a court, not science, and not the arbiters of Truth.

AEO & Sitewide Rules Enforcement are only an economic disincentive against trolls, bigots, violent extremists, spammers, and other bad faith efforts to "Make Reddit Die".

And they work well enough. Toxic content going public on the site has dropped two orders of magnitude or more since 2020, more and more of the clearly toxic content is being proactively tackled reliably by native systems instead of going public or volunteer mods having to bear the burden, etc.

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At 07/24/24 22:08:25 in ModSupport with a score of 1 point:

Reddit T&S are required to report CSEM / CSAM to NCMEC. Every incident that meets the criteria.

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At 07/24/24 21:09:06 in ContraPoints with a score of yall:

Hey there β€”

This subreddit is for Contrapoints, Natalie Wynn, and direct responses to her work. This video is useful, but offtopic. So it has been removed. Sorry for the inconvenience

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At 07/24/24 21:10:34 in conservativeterrorism with a score of 0 points:

Thanks but no. It's your word versus a preponderance of the verified facts.

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At 07/24/24 21:18:29 in conservativeterrorism with a score of 0 points:

There's not one yet.

My whole thing for years has been "hey wow flat earth arguments sound compelling but the experts say …", "hey wow anthropogenic global warming denialism sounds comforting but the experts say …", "hey wow these "FBI crime statistics" sure sound compelling to already racist teenagers who don't understand statistics or how the criminal justice system works, but experts say …", "hey wow Intelligent Design sure is a structured and persuasive argument, but experts say …".

"I don't think the prevailing narrative is accurate" isn't critical thinking or criticism. It's just doubt. "I heard it was glass spall" β€” from whom? What distinguishes that from the original BS RW disinfo narrative about a shattered teleprompter?

What we have here is an assertion by the director of the FBI,

acknowledging that there is an open question of what caused the wound

That could easily be picked from the context of "from the standpoint of legally admissible evidence that would prove …". LEO and the Director of the FBI especially have to be absolutely adherent to questions of what is in evidence and what are open questions.

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At 07/24/24 21:22:48 in conservativeterrorism with a score of 1 point:

No, I would be keeping open the question of what caused the wound while simultaneously working under the maxim that as someone who only experienced the event through 24 fps video at a hundred feet,

I don't have enough evidence to make the decision on what caused the wound and neither does anyone else outside of the forensic team investigating this.

which isn't y'all

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At 07/24/24 20:28:17 in conservativeterrorism with a score of -3 points:

The shooter is in evidence, the rifle is in evidence, an Occam's Razor is that the simplest explanation is the best explanation.

Beyond that, there's the question: What does it matter?

Does it change anything for anyone, in any way, if he got nicked by a bullet or nicked by shrapnel?

Presumably the shooter was firing at Trump. Trump was wounded - presumably as a direct result of the shooting. That's the important part. There's no real evidence demanding another explanation. Dedicating time and effort to the fine points is just … I don't see any reason for it other than flooding the narrative with uncertainty and doubt.

For me, it's a closed book until and unless the forensic experts release the results of an investigation

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At 07/24/24 20:29:57 in conservativeterrorism with a score of 1 point:

the first news report

And what's the provenance of that news report?

We got a lot of people here while the incident was first being reported, who cited a right wing cable news outlet as their source on that. And since then there's been no evidence demanding that as an explanation.

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At 07/24/24 20:32:33 in conservativeterrorism with a score of 2 points:

The problem with this narrative is that there were never any shattered teleprompters found by the investigators.

Where would glass come from?

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At 07/24/24 20:42:54 in conservativeterrorism with a score of 2 points:

I don't care about the downmarseys. I knew it would be unpopular. I'd take 100,000 downmarseys if it closed the book on "what happened" until forensic experts present an investigatory conclusion, and -1 million karma if society adopted the attitude of "let's not jump to conclusions" going forward

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At 07/24/24 21:07:04 in conservativeterrorism with a score of yall:

I came to my own conclusions about what is most likely, entirely independent from Trump's narrative. And I came to the conclusion that the "shattered teleprompter" narrative was right wing firehose of falsehood / craven media eyeball grab. And none of the LEO investigation has released a final report. So.

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At 07/24/24 20:04:28 in conservativeterrorism with a score of yall:

Someone shot at him and simultaneously, he reacted as if he received a wound. People around him were harmed or killed by bullets from that weapon. One of those included a head shot.

If - IF - we get evidence / an investigation that says he bladed himself in a kayfabe manouevre β€”

I'm gonna party like it's 1999.

If we find out the shooter was targeting the parent of one of his school bullies, or w/ever, and Trump was collateral? That will be the story of the century.

But by means, motive, opportunity, economics, reason and analysis etc

The reasonable presumptive explanation for this incident is that a shooter with a rifle not capable of target accuracy at the distance used, while under pressure from police presence and knowledge that his position and intent had been communicated to law enforcement, "sprayed and prayed" and Trump got lucky by only getting nicked.

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At 07/24/24 19:18:13 in conservativeterrorism with a score of yall:

Sorry for the inconvenience; this is not a meme subreddit.

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At 07/24/24 19:23:24 in conservativeterrorism with a score of yall:

Sorry for the inconvenience; while this photoshop illustration is "truthy", it isn't sufficiently truthful. We're removing it.

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At 07/24/24 18:45:09 in Frickthealtright with a score of yall:

We have been reliably informed that this is a mockup / disinfo, so we're taking this down. Sorry for any inconvenience


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At 07/24/24 18:52:31 in Frickthealtright with a score of 2 points:

I looked at the "logic" being applied in that "code" and all it's apparently doing is whitelisting a set of accounts from being routed through a specific moderation department.

If it were real, all it would show is that those accounts are subjected to a separate moderation process than everyone else on the site, which isn't really a scandal above and beyond Musk restoring the accounts of Domestic Violent Extremists, White Identity Extremists, terorrists, and ignoring anti-LGBTQ violent hate speech.

If it were real, it would be an EU Digital Services Act violation, though.

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At 07/24/24 18:55:03 in Frickthealtright with a score of 1 point:

Thanks for understanding ^_^

I want Musk's enterprises and Xchan (formerly twitter) to bankrupt ASAP, because there's people on the site literally crowdsourcing anti-transgender murder & terrorism while Musk invites & encourages it, so getting the ducks in a row is important

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At 07/24/24 18:57:49 in conservativeterrorism with a score of 1 point:


Until there's a necessity to introduce a shrapnel or etc to explain the facts, it's just more garbage disinfo. Presumably it's a bullet until all the evidence demands another explanation.

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At 07/24/24 12:04:42 in AntiTrumpAlliance with a score of yall:

Thanks for the submission, but we're not going to even allow speculation, hypotheticals, contingency planning, etc.

It would draw the attention of the kinds of people who want to incite violence.

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At 07/24/24 10:15:06 in AntiTrumpAlliance with a score of yall:

(Never interrupt horrible people who want to harm you when they are making horrible mistakes)

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At 07/24/24 09:55:10 in ModSupport with a score of 1 point:

Approved User status only determines who may make a post to the subreddit. It does inherently not prevent comments.

A simple Automoderator rule will be able to remove any comments by users who aren't Approved User status.

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At 07/24/24 09:55:55 in ModSupport with a score of 1 point:

Ooh that's new, and I have a perfect use for it.

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At 07/24/24 01:09:38 in AntiTrumpAlliance with a score of yall:

But it's not true. JD Vance did not write that he bred an ottoman whilst wearing a bargain basement French tickler, and we should stick to his documented, factual lack of character β€” like the fact that one of his political mentors is an accelerationist who wants to destroy America and replace it with a sprawl of corporate hegemonies and thinks African-Americans should be slaves!

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At 07/24/24 01:13:27 in conservativeterrorism with a score of 1 point:

We just got a whole lot of comments today announcing that JD Vance made the beast with two backs with a camel back, and we'd like to make sure that our community - the topic of which is conservative terrorism, not erotic fanfic of conservative politicians - stays on the topic.

Here it's truthful and appropriate to discuss that one of Vance's political mentors is an accelerationist who wants to destroy America and replace it with a sprawl of corporate hegemonies and thinks African-Americans should be slaves!

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At 07/24/24 01:23:39 in conservativeterrorism with a score of 0 points:

I can certainly appreciate that you were making a joke; it's just that we at /r/ConservativeTerrorism do not have a sense of humour we are aware of.

So it's vitally important that we do not allow people to spread rumours that JD Vance, the man who would be a heartbeat from the nuclear launch codes, wrote that he had a Hot Yoga session with a bargain basement French tickler and a settee.

Instead we need to focus on how he will make sure that r*pe victims will be forced by government to carry their male feminist's fetuses to term, and that he will make sure the male feminist can sue for parental rights!

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At 07/24/24 00:50:13 in conservativeterrorism with a score of 2 points:

Oh, the usual jokesters on social media.

We've just seen lots and lots of comments here today stating that JD Vance, the GOP pick for VPOTUS, was getting his jollies from sleeping with a sleepaway, and in the interests of defending the virtue of all parties, felt the need to call the community to set the record straight.

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:marseytrain: janny with a mop. :marseytrain: janny with a mop.

Granny panties and a dress. Granny panties and a dress.

6 foot 4 and a mugshot. 6 foot 4 and a mugshot.

Child abuse and no job. Child abuse and no job.

Living in mama's sunroom. Living in mama's sunroom.

Giant pale hands and lipstick. Giant pale hands and lipstick.



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