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Based queen balls move. This is a great tactic for staying on unemployment ngl. It's like showing up for jury duty and telling them you can tell if someone's guilty just by looking at them :marseynoooticer:

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That's why I use temporary swastika neck-tattoos when going in for jury duty selection.

The good ones have a bit of redness to enhance the realism

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Just get a permanent one r-slur you're wasting money paying for henna every couple years !peakpoors


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>I won't offer humanizing context about struggles in my life and how I've overcome them to become a productive member of society, but I will stonewall your questions in the most obnoxious way possible, with faux-legalese I don't understand.


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Yea that answer is enough for a company to skip right past you

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if you say this in an interview you resume is getting tossed lol

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If he actually gets a job his wages will be garnished for child support, but he has to interview so he can keep his welfare bennies

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this guy bardfinns

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There is no child support. He gave up custody of his child. That's who is smugly banning you

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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You can give up custody and still be on the hook for child support. You think every dead beat Dad just didn't think of that one trick?

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Family Court HATES this one weird trick!

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He gave up custody and was forgiven of the child support so his new dad could adopt him. At least there is a happy ending

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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Child Support can't go after SSI money. Lot of Bardfinns of the world technically a lot back support, but the government can't do anything about it.

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Wasn't it recently revealed that it wasn't even his child?


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The bike chain potty kid was his stepchild if I am remembering correctly but he did also have a biological kid with his second wife.

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Oh that's good. I'm glad that the Bardic bloodline will not die with Steve.

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I missed that one if so.

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What is your signature about?

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The Witcher 4

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That can't be accurate! Who is the bald Indian girl?

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Ciri's girlfriend in Witcher 4.

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You guys are annoying! It's funny how the actress that character is based off of isn't as ugly as the actual character though.

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Supposedly he has two. That's the first one, and the second is his genetic offspring.

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Imagine the spiritual power boost his kid is gonna get if he ever looks up his dad's name

dude bussy lmao

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Finding out that your dad is not only a deadbeat but also an ugly, terminally online :marseytrain: janny who knows way too much about libertarianism would be depressing.

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A weaker man would come out of it lesser, but Bardo has astounding genetic stock. Dudes a giant. His kid, if he lets the spite of having an r-slured gay dad guide him, could possibly be the most ripped individual ever recorded

dude bussy lmao

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>TFW your neetbux distributor never gives you any Benzedrine


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He's been playing 4D chess this entire time


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100% what he wants. Keeps him out of work and on the dole

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Does that work in Texas, b-word? I thought everything was fricking bigger there except benefits.

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Texas makes it hard to get on the dole in the first place, but once you're on you just have to comply with minimal requirements ("act like you're trying to find work) and the gibs keep rolling in

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Same as any other state. Go talk to an advisor in the Texas Workforce Commission and they'll tell you what to say and do to maximize your chances lol. You can even get a lawyer to help you get unemployment.

And for all states it's pretty easy to stay in once you're actually in.

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Yeah, you refuse to answer a question like that, and the interviewer is going to assume it means you spent time in prison, or the nut house. Maybe both.

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Even more basic than that, it'll show you're gonna have a stick up your butt and be generally unpleasant to work with.

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Why hire r-slurs in the first place?

Do big companies get paid to put up with worthless degenerates?

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Can you imagine having bardfinn as a coworker? Strong argument for welfare imo

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What's you're disablity?

I'm too much of an butthole to work with.


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Strong argument too go postal (in self-defense tbf)

Black lives matter cus they'd definitely pop a cap in bardys butt

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I think MAID is more appropriate here

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That would be hilarious. He'd bring a gun into work and shoot me like week 3

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Does this crossdressing r-slur think WPATH is the name of a federal law in America or what? No one cares what WPATH says. It's a discredited child grooming manifesto.

Edit: Out of curiosity, I tried finding the part he's talking about, but word searches for resume, employment, etc. didn't bring up anything relevant. Tardfinn is such a serious researcher that his idea of sourcing claims is just to say something that makes no sense and then point at a 260 page document.

But let's think about this for a minute: did you ever have to explain gaps in employment history? Nope, it just makes you look bad. Now, if some law said you don't have to, it... still makes you look bad. And if you specifically cite a :marseytrain2: privacy law as the reason you're not explaining it, then you actually did explain it.

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I've had employment gaps and I prepare answers at to what I was doing then. I haven't been asked in a long time anyway. It's mostly if you are going for jobs early on or haven't worked in a long time. "I refuse to answer" just makes it seem very suspicious as to what you were up to. And besides all that, quoting employment law (which WPATH is not) straight off the bat makes you sound like the kind of troublemaker they don't want to hire, because you are a lawsuit waiting to happen.

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I just lie and claim to have been working those years

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I was working as a secret agent :marseychineseballoon:

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I was spinning up Nazi hunting departments.

No I wasn't paid, that work was too important for mere fiat.

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You did a great job preventing fascism

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Looking at any :marseytrain: already explains any gap lmao. Not like the interviewer isnt gonna realise its a dude in a dress.

Well, theres basically 2 possibilities: the gap is due too :marseytrain2:ing out, wkth surgery and extended goon sessions and all the mental illness stuff they do, or its because of an incarceration for child molestation

Black lives matter cuz BIPOCs have too explain their gaps and come clean about the felony record in yt mans america.

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>family medical emergency - taking care of elderly or young family

>self employment under 1099 or training you ended up not pursuing

>moved to another area and didn't find work

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his idea of sourcing claims is just to say something that makes no sense and then point at a 260 page document


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>quoting WPATH :marseylaugh:

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The high priests

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More like Lpath :#marseyemojilaugh:

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This is some :marseyschizowall: shit, standards of care have nothing to do with a job interview.

That doesn't matter though, Steve's level of expertise is worse than a first year intern and there's no way they are getting an interview.

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I could imagine the interview wrap up from that.

Rejected on heavy suspicion she is a child abuser.

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When you add those suspicions to the actual arrest for child abuse on the resume, a picture starts to emerge.

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Honestly better than "I was ERPing on Second Life as a woman"

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Bardfinn leaves off his resume his long storied history of molestinf children.

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I just say i didn't have a job and they're like "okay"

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At least when I ask that on interviews, I'm mostly just making sure they won't say something like "I burnt out" or "it was too much pressure".

Not going to challenge anyone's excuses of course

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We have accepted your application to Amazon Warehouse. Please take your piss jug and start work immediately

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I actually did work in an Amazon warehouse as a second job during covid because it fricked up my actual job and my hours got cut in half because we couldn't get shipments in. The piss jug thing is only for the drivers.

Also frick amazon, only job ive ever had where i drove all the way there, said frick this, then went home

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Does the burger dole require you to actually apply for jobs? Maybe Bardfinn never has to face the consequences by accidentally doing the tank every interview strategy used by unemployed smackheads.

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He gets disability benefits I believe, and since the qualification for that is you're too disabled to work (allegedly) , probably not.

Nobody really enforces the welfare work requirements anyway, you just fill out a form stating you applied for x number of jobs, nobody will ever check up on it.

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Does the burger dole require you to actually apply for jobs?

Certain types definitely do, but idk which ones on account of the fact that I am employed. Part of the whole welfare problem is how many different kinds of gibs there are, each with their own lists of requirements and exclusions.

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I dont think "WPATH SOC" has any legal power :#marseysipping:

But noted legal expert and polymath Bartholomew d. Fin surely knows the intricacies.

Well, not like you have too say anyghing in an interview (unless you want too get the job, not that bardy knows anything about that)

Black lives matter imprisonment is the only acceptable reason for a gap in you're resumee.

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>Bardfinn pretends like SHE interviews for jobs and actually has the balls to say things to an interviewer!


On a related note, does anybody know if Bardfinn still has her literal balls?

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He doesn't even try to pass. I don't even think he takes HRT.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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Does Medicaid cover gender affirming surgery? That's the only insurance she could afford and qualify for.

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I don't care if Steve gets a womb and live births a human, he is too ugly to ever be a woman.

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Would anybody be astounded to find that the WPATH document referenced says nothing about job interviews or employment? It does mention discrimination in the workplace, but if an interviewer asks about gaps in employment, you are not protected by "I don't have to answer that because I'm a :marseytrain:".

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I don't even believe people do this shit irl. I interview like 20 people a year and Ive never had someone answer a gap question like this

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Stop writing inflammatory titles if we're ever to lure her grace to our janitor closet

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>WPATH Standards of Care

>employers owe you a standard of medical care and this bs isnt just guidelines for doctors

Actually r-slurred

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I am certain you do not wish to argue that several years ago you assaulted me at Tanglewood Forest. Several of your fellow company members have chased me and thwapped me with Amtgard -legal boffer weapons on Company Road while I was making announcements on behalf of Kingdom Officers.



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