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Bard spotting on Bluesky 12 January 2025 :marseyrandom:

Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.

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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

… volunteer?

I suffered through being screamed at by adults when I was six for not knowing cursive yet, and those adults' taxes can line up a commission per page, tbqh.

Ian Hill (@ianhillmedia.bsky.social):

More than 200 years worth of U.S. documents are in need of transcribing (or at least classifying) and the vast majority of them are handwritten in cursive – requiring people who know the flowing, looped form of penmanship. www.yahoo.com/news/read-cu...


Can you read cursive? It's a superpower the National Archives is looking for.

Konnor Rogers (@konnorrogers.com):

"Superpower they're looking for...volunteer"

Ahhh! Found your problem!

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Dave Willner (@dwillner.bsky.social):

Longish answer - Users blocking content for themselves is a useful tool for some kinds of problems (e.g. you don't want to see nude pictures) but doesn't do much at all for others (e.g. you don't want other people to see nude picture of you). 🧡 1/6

Dave Willner (@dwillner.bsky.social):

More generally, it's more or less impossible to have really large social spaces online that aren't moderated for a whole host of things, very few of which are actually legally required (e.g. CSAM, NCII, regulated goods) and many of which are not (e.g. spam, doxxing, terrorist propaganda, etc). 🧡 2/6

Dave Willner (@dwillner.bsky.social):

So the question is really just "which things do you think should be moderated" not "should moderation happen". Everyone outside the dark web moderates, including X and 4chan. It's just disagreements over which things are in and which are out. 🧡 3/6

Dave Willner (@dwillner.bsky.social):

That's true for FB's changes here. Their hate speech policy still prohibits quite a lot of stuff! It just now has very specific carve outs to allow certain kinds of speech if based on gender, sexuality, and immigration status that is still prohibited if based on race, religion, etc. 🧡 4/6

Dave Willner (@dwillner.bsky.social):

In my view, that doesn't make much sense from any principled point of view. If you were primarily concerned with "free speech" you'd go further than they have, while if you were only concerned with ensuring you don't interfere with legislative debates you'd go much less far. 🧡 5/6

Dave Willner (@dwillner.bsky.social):

Either way, what they've done here is incoherent to me and, in my view, only really makes sense if it's motivated by avoiding pissing off Republicans, rather than by any specific set of principles one way or the other. 🧡 6/6

Zach (@zbayou.bsky.social):

It is utterly supplicating to Republican viewpoints. Zuckerberg is just embracing maximum cynicism and has made himself and his company maximally embarrassing and dare I say, nefarious.

Dave Willner (@dwillner.bsky.social):

I have found myself puzzled what the long term strategy is here. My belief had been that Zuck was pretty good at prioritizing the company's long term financial interests. I get the short-term strategy here, but not the long term - a bunch of the damage here feels like it can't be easily undone.

Zach (@zbayou.bsky.social):

My sense is that he's fully ingrained billionaire hubris like Musk and based on both the corporate structure of his organization, Meta's embedding of its ad infrastructure so widely, and M&A-monopolization of digital services via Insta and Whatsapp (and now Threads), he doesn't fear any consequence.

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

"If people didn't leave over the Rohingya genocide, they won't leave over this" is how I expect it boils

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Are you feeling okay bud?

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MaxLaw_in_SC (@maxlaw843.bsky.social):

Homeless with Internet access and email? Interesting, but probably false, IMHO.

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

In the interests of saving everyone a lot of time, can uou answer these few questions as honestly as possible:

  • Do you know what Freedom From Association means?

  • Did you vote for any GOP political candidates since 2016?

  • Have you ever read and understood, exegetically, Matthew 25:31-46?

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Matthew 25:31-46

"But when the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then he will sit on the throne of his glory. Before him all the nations will be gathered, and he will separate them one from another, as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. Then the King will tell those on his right hand, 'Come, blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry, and you gave me food to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave me drink; I was a stranger, and you took me in; naked, and you clothed me; I was sick, and you visited me; I was in prison, and you came to me.' "Then the righteous will answer him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry, and feed you; or thirsty, and give you a drink? When did we see you as a stranger, and take you in; or naked, and clothe you? When did we see you sick, or in prison, and come to you?' "The King will answer them, 'Most assuredly I tell you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers{The word for "brothers" here may be also correctly translated "brothers and sisters" or "siblings."}, you did it to me.' Then he will say also to those on the left hand, 'Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire which is prepared for the devil and his angels; for I was hungry, and you didn't give me food to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave me no drink; I was a stranger, and you didn't take me in; naked, and you didn't clothe me; sick, and in prison, and you didn't visit me.' "Then they will also answer, saying, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and didn't help you?' "Then he will answer them, saying, 'Most assuredly I tell you, inasmuch as you didn't do it to one of the least of these, you didn't do it to me.' These will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life."

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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

So, the whole "buy Greenland" thing is a long-term NATO destabilisation ploy, relying on complicit or gullible us politicians.

If this were 1983, 1993, 2003, or 2013, these twerps would be impeached and unelectable, with the FBI in their daily lives.

Anonymous (@youranoncentral.bsky.social):

US Senator Tom Cotton claims to have given Trump the idea to buy Greenland.

In 2019, Danish intelligence found that Russia sent a forged letter to Senator Tom Cotton, claiming to be from Greenland's foreign minister claiming there'd be an independence referendum.


Cinderella Mechanicus (@hroethgar.bsky.social):

Generations of Soviet leaders failed to take Marx seriously enough

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David M. Perry (@lollardfish.bsky.social):

Rufo invents a problem. It goes viral for and against. There are opeds. Reported features. And at the end whether or not policy changes, a thing that wasn't controversial becomes controversial. Division is the goal. Destabilizing anything helpful to marginalized people is the goal.

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

He worked for the people who invented "Teach the Controversy" about the theory of evolution vs "intelligent design", after all

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Kiraculous the Cyborg🏳️⚧️ (@kiraculous.net):

me, an hour ago: i'm hungry but i will do nothing about it

me, 50 minutes ago: i'm hungry but i will do nothing about it

me, 40 minutes ago: i'm very hungry but i will do nothing about it

me, 30 minutes ago: i'm very hungry but i will do nothing about it

me, now: why am i atill hungry?

Foxy ✨Gaming Witchβœ¨πŸ¦ŠπŸ³οΈβš§οΈπŸ‰ (@foxynature23.bsky.social):

you need to eat if just a small snack

Kiraculous the Cyborg🏳️⚧️ (@kiraculous.net):

i'm eating a sausage and gravy pot pie, i wouldn't make a joke about a situation i was ignoring

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

B/c then you wouldn't be ignoring it


Just curious: would you murder me in return for a box of Girl Scout Samoas

Kiraculous the Cyborg🏳️⚧️ (@kiraculous.net):

ewww coconut! i would eat a person before i ate samoas

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

Oh my goddess

More for me, then


Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

Also you can nibble on mi

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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

"Conservative", as an ideology, is vastly overspecified, and used coherently at present only to signify "member of a political coalition that acts in opposition to liberation, egalitarianism, pleasure and freedom".

As a negative diagnostic pool.

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

There's surely no real coherent ideological similarity between an Evolaist and the signatories of the Nashville Statement, save that they both desire political power and see LGBTQ people as convenient scapegoats, that they both know the propagandistic inertia of misogyny

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

One of the problems we have at present is the confusion between "coherent ideology" versus "effective political praxis".

Progressiveness has both, but the Democratic party has lost both.

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

Barack Obama was popular, invigorating, and served two terms specifically because he espoused both a coherent ideology of "the Dream of America" and an effective political praxis of it.

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

Donald Trump espouses a "Dream of America", too. His political praxis is cheap and easy, it is fear and hatred and anxiety about people's retirement funds.

When I was in line waiting to vote, the people around me spoke β€” not of the price of eggs or trans women, but of their 401k's

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

An effective political movement that can take America away from fascists and grifters and felons and predators in the GOP, has to find a way to state, clearly, "Economic Prosperity & Justice through Liberty"


Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

It can be the set of people who aren't aspiring to be transphobes, homophobes, christian theocrats, fascists, looting the tax coffers, running social media sites as networks of neoNazi terrorists

But it has to want to find and define the movement, to embrace the BRAND

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

It has to want to blaze that brand into public consciousness, to make it burn so bright it incinerates the efforts of the Chris Rufo's of the world trying to "Uhm, actually, this is Marxism inchoate" the brand.

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

Branding Trump & Vance as "Weird" (derogatory) was a step in the right direction.

But the effort of this successful polity has to not be in tearing down MAGA. It cannot exist for the sake of contrasting to MAGA.

It must exist to hold a torch for the American people and the people of the world.

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

It must be its own entity, holding open a door to the future.

Not as "we're all the things MAGA isn't".

But as "we're all these things - things you truly want and need from government".

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I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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Talia Bhatt, Third-Sexed Transfeminist β™€οΈŽβ™€οΈŽβ™€οΈŽβ™€οΈŽβ™€οΈŽ (@enkiducoin.bsky.social):

People fundamentally just do not understand how conservatives view the world, which is why so much liberal discourse involves "dunking" on them for "hypocrisy" that is perfectly in keeping with their views.

Conservatives value hierarchy above all, even if it hurts them personally.

Oruniter (@outsidein.bsky.social):

I worry that we have a generation of liberal/left types who do not understand right wing morality at all and attribute it to cruelty rather than a slavish belief in the moral righteousness of an unbalanced, rigid social hierarchy that provides "order" to society with all else being disastrous chaos.

Alys 'n Heck (@fleur-de-alys.bsky.social):

I'm a former conservative who lived surrounded by other conservatives.

This is mostly false.

The prime conservative view is that things are the way they are because they must be, and trying to change it will always make things worse.

They focus on adapting to what is above all else.

Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (@skywitches.net):

Both. Both are the truth.


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:marseytrain: janny with a mop. :marseytrain: janny with a mop.

Granny panties and a dress. Granny panties and a dress.

6 foot 4 and a mugshot. 6 foot 4 and a mugshot.

Child abuse and no job. Child abuse and no job.

Living in mama's sunroom. Living in mama's sunroom.

Giant pale hands and lipstick. Giant pale hands and lipstick.

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