Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.
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Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.
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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
I'd love to have a talk with all the "Job Title: Democratic Strategists" in the room, but they universally ignore and sneer at the likes of "Trans Woman Who Got /r/The_Donald Banned From Reddit", because if I was worth listening to, someone would be paying me already, right
Take Me Back to Eden (
I'd tell them to stop going right. We don't need right light! We need a hard left turn. If republicans can force bigotry and ignorance on us why can't we force single payer healthcare and decent wages on them?
Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
They can reclaim DEI! And it doesn't have to be about left or right wing - just point the way to the mountaintop
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steven monacelli (
Give me a few days
Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
If you can find Vance's Reddit user account(s) —
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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
I'd love to have a talk with all the "Job Title: Democratic Strategists" in the room, but they universally ignore and sneer at the likes of "Trans Woman Who Got /r/The_Donald Banned From Reddit", because if I was worth listening to, someone would be paying me already, right
Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
If they did listen, I would tell them that they're not fighting a battle on two fronts, they're losing a battle on one front, and that is the battle for the future of America.
I would tell them to set aside their legacy attitudes and either lead, or follow, or GTFOTW
Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
I would tell them to reclaim DEI, immediately. Hammer home that DEI is what America is all about - it is the promise of The New Colossus, 🗽, it is the antidote to centuries of racist poison that was only just outlawed within our lifetimes.
Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
I would tell them that America does not, cannot succeed by leaving behind our fallen, our different, our elderly, our widowed and orphans.
I would tell them that we are "… caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny"
Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
I would tell them that their full time jobs now are to give everyone who believes in the promise of America, hope.
Because, "in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope"
Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
We know who The Enemy in this fight is: vicious, misogynistic, bullying bigots who are isolating us from the rest of the world, burning our credit with other nations, abandoning the least of us — For the sake of more profits — because they DON'T believe in the promise of America.
Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
And I would tell them to develop absolute focus on the job they need to do, the fight on one front.
If we're climbing out of heck (and everything says that's where we are) we don't look back for anything.
Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
But, mostly,
I would tell them to believe.
Americans want leaders who believe.
Trump believes (in something we won't name here). He believes so hard… & The people behind him believe (in something (possibly different to what he believes)). But - They believe, fervently.
We need to Believe.
Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
I don't wanna be too blunt here, but goddarn, you've been handed a dyed-in-the-wool absolutely-broadcasting-it villain.
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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
"Сука блять" in this instance translates to "un-fricking-believable"
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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
The reason for all this chaos is to prompt the state legislatures to call for a constitutional convention
If they initiate a constitutional convention while Republicans control Congress, the United States is gone forever
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Sable 🏳️⚧️ (
Yeah we've had that GIF discussion but how do you pronounce "gib"?
Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
As in "Gibbering"
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Isaac Dovere (
Joint statement from Democratic Govs. Kelly, Beshear, Evers, Ferguson, Healy, Hochul, Lujan Grisham, Mills, Murphy, Pritzker, Shapiro, Stein, Walz and Whitmer:
"Donald Trump and JD Vance used the sacred Oval Office to berate President Zelenskyy for not trusting Vladimir Putin's word."
Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
Please let us know when CNN puts out a news piece
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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
I honestly think that if the TASS apparatchik hadn't been walked, Ukraine would be without a president this afternoon. And the USA would be blamed for it.
heartpunk (
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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
Russia's "leading news agency", aka a propaganda & policy arm of the Kremlin
Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
A "reporter" for TASS was invited by the White House but hadn't been security cleared and so was escorted off
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Cesena Marie 🕷️ 🏳️⚧️ (
None found
I'm shocked
Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
Mine neither
Which is why long ago I made my own
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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
Jesus Hopscotching Christ
We're just lucky that motherlover got checked against a pre-selected list and walked
Not above Putin to Poloniate Zelensky's waterbottle thru a TASS plant
Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
Block Reuters
Block AP
Invite an unvetted Kremlin apparatchik
Invite a third rate bumblefrick reporter from RightWingNutJobCableAccessInc
Who Attempts to Humiliate the leader of a sovereign nation that's been fighting for existence for years over his choice of uniform
Cut the summit short
Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
It would be less humiliating for the USA if Trump had punched himself in the testicles repeatedly whilst chanting "Putin is my Daddy"
Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
Rule of thumb: the more swear words I use, the angrier I am
This is a 7 out of 10
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Michael Battalio (
Mars climate scientist here. The oceans won't just return. We don't have a good explanation for how Mars had oceans when it did have a thick atmosphere in the paleo record billions of years ago. Everything in the last few months should prove that Musk is an idiot and knows nothing about anything.
Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
Billions of years of sublimated H2O into space I tell you hwat
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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
Proud to say I'll never wear a suit again
Cersei Transnister 🏳️⚧️🏴☠️🦋 (
What about a latex one?
Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
Those motherlovers at the White House today did for the men's business suit what John Kennedy did for the men's hat, is what I'm saying.
And worse.
Clownshoes. It's clownshoes now.
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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
Hot Topic is Not Punk Rock
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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
The (illegitimate, probably illegal) move to declare English the Official Language of the United States is a step towards establishing a government department prescribing what words mean,
Which, uh,
Is a cult move on par with Scientology & Big Brother from 1984
Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
Right wing chuds have screamed "1984" and "Censorship" so much since G*merGate that they are now welcoming it, they want to be the ones censoring and doupleplusgooding over everyone else
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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
Embrace, Funnel all traffic through the NSA, Extinguish
Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
I remember when it started, thinking to myself, "That's unacceptable to the surveillance intelligence apparatus", & then MS acquired it, & then researchers sent canaries across the network and they got hits off multiple .gov & .mil systems
Well before Snowden's reveals
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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
I've cracked it —
Trump wants Greenland to give to the Shadows to use as a base for their ships.
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/r/dallas is a discussion forum with 4 mods, down from 7 mods 5 years ago, and an unacceptable long running policy and practice that can be expressed as "Moderating here comes after job, commute, cooking, family, sleep, holidays, exercise, naps, and blowing our noses".
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