Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.
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Here we spot wild Bardfinn Bluesky activities.
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Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
Jesus Hopscotching Christ
We're just lucky that motherlover got checked against a pre-selected list and walked
Not above Putin to Poloniate Zelensky's waterbottle thru a TASS plant
Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
Block Reuters
Block AP
Invite an unvetted Kremlin apparatchik
Invite a third rate bumblefrick reporter from RightWingNutJobCableAccessInc
Who Attempts to Humiliate the leader of a sovereign nation that's been fighting for existence for years over his choice of uniform
Cut the summit short
Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
It would be less humiliating for the USA if Trump had punched himself in the testicles repeatedly whilst chanting "Putin is my Daddy"
Ms. Penny Oaken, SkyWitch (
Rule of thumb: the more swear words I use, the angrier I am
This is a 7 out of 10
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