The problem is opium-smoking indoor-pop r-slurchad is waaay too busy smoking opium to be bothered with trife matters like the Taliban. And I mean good for him I guess. But the US was r-slurred to think anything different. (yes I realize this is most likely Pakistan. Close enough...)
Yes, he's merely the face of the government and handles duties suitable to his status, like meeting with foreign leaders and assaulting NGO fraudsters trying to do charity/molestation in your country.
You leave the day-to-day nuts-and-bolts stuff to Jamsheed and The Boys
Join !friendsofsnappy 2yr ago#3176722
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I'm taking a few minutes out of my busy schedule to explain something to you miserable meth-addicts:
I'm not here randomly. I'm here because you're scum, you're sick, and you have an astonishingly inflated sense of your own "aw shucks deep down we're good guys" bullshit.
You're not good guys. There's no valor or coolness here. You're sick, in the body and the brain, and the way you express yourselves is disgusting and damaging to society.
Other people's sickness or injury that you point to does not change this fact. Finding flaws in other people doesn't make your gaping wound horror-show life any less raw, painful, and pathetic.
You won't succeed in insulting me away, and I couldn't possibly give a frick if you get tired of me, like me, want me around, or enjoy my content. Your insults are tired and repetitive because really, every single one of you is a piece of shit who has nothing in your life except cycles of self-loathing and excess.
You're worth nothing, and you get excited at the thought that a mass murderer gave you attention or notoriety. You're evil pieces of shit.
I'm here to show your audience that you don't have the secret of anything, not even the secret of true insults, or expert bullying. Your shitty discourse is philosophically bankrupt and your theory of mind is wrong and a few hundred years old.
Respond however you want, and I'll be back later to laugh about how once again, the angry impotent hate-ragers you all enjoy are not only sad, but ruining your life, when all you really need to do is take a shower and clean your room.
Just think about how many of you actually killed yourself and just stopped posting, while everyone else failed to notice or were simply glad you disappeared. I hope it's you next. You're all a worthless drain on society.
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This is who the US expected to run Afghanistan when we left.
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Honestly I'd rather have opium-smoking indoor-pop r-slurchad as my leader than the current set
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The problem is opium-smoking indoor-pop r-slurchad is waaay too busy smoking opium to be bothered with trife matters like the Taliban. And I mean good for him I guess. But the US was r-slurred to think anything different. (yes I realize this is most likely Pakistan. Close enough...)
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Yes, he's merely the face of the government and handles duties suitable to his status, like meeting with foreign leaders and assaulting NGO fraudsters trying to do charity/molestation in your country.
You leave the day-to-day nuts-and-bolts stuff to Jamsheed and The Boys
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Fricking Jamsheed man. I think I read somewhere he was kia. RIP.
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Pretty sure that's a TT-33 aka the best pistol evar
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I just can't trust anything made by Russians now. I'm even beginning to question whether TATU were really lesbians.
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The FiveseveNcel Sneeds over the $175 TTChads ballistics
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Darn the chick in the corner in gold is so fricking high she doesn't even notice a gun shot 3 ft away. And the chick in pink barely seems surprised.
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Oh great, Virgihim is going to shoot off a few indoors to try and show up Chadshahads cool outdoor AK display
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Your life could be filled with drugs, guns and very comfortable gentleman's tailoring, if only you embraced Islam.
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He did that on purpose. Why?
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A. Has removed magazine; thinks there isn't a bullet in the chamber.
B. Is using blanks. Has never heard what happened to Brandon Lee.
C. All of the above plus opium.
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definitely b lmao
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Did he think a blank wouldn't frick you up at close range, I don't understand at all.
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He pulls the clip out, and I think maybe he didn't understand what that word 'automatic' means in 'automatic pistol'.
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Did he shoot his hand on purpose or is he too brown to realize there is still one in the chamber after removing the mag?
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The answer is drugs. See how he barely reacts to blowing a hole and breaking every bone in his hand.
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I guess I missed that part. I definitely saw him deliberately fire it tho.
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I'm taking a few minutes out of my busy schedule to explain something to you miserable meth-addicts:
I'm not here randomly. I'm here because you're scum, you're sick, and you have an astonishingly inflated sense of your own "aw shucks deep down we're good guys" bullshit.
You're not good guys. There's no valor or coolness here. You're sick, in the body and the brain, and the way you express yourselves is disgusting and damaging to society.
Other people's sickness or injury that you point to does not change this fact. Finding flaws in other people doesn't make your gaping wound horror-show life any less raw, painful, and pathetic.
You won't succeed in insulting me away, and I couldn't possibly give a frick if you get tired of me, like me, want me around, or enjoy my content. Your insults are tired and repetitive because really, every single one of you is a piece of shit who has nothing in your life except cycles of self-loathing and excess.
You're worth nothing, and you get excited at the thought that a mass murderer gave you attention or notoriety. You're evil pieces of shit.
I'm here to show your audience that you don't have the secret of anything, not even the secret of true insults, or expert bullying. Your shitty discourse is philosophically bankrupt and your theory of mind is wrong and a few hundred years old.
Respond however you want, and I'll be back later to laugh about how once again, the angry impotent hate-ragers you all enjoy are not only sad, but ruining your life, when all you really need to do is take a shower and clean your room.
Just think about how many of you actually killed yourself and just stopped posting, while everyone else failed to notice or were simply glad you disappeared. I hope it's you next. You're all a worthless drain on society.
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