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:marseyflagindia: Instead of converting to Buddhism or Islam or Christianity, why don’t Dalits just pretend to be Brahmins? :marseytunaktunak:


How old are you OP? No disrespect but I think you have too much to unravel and learn.


You are too naïve...


In villages, people of different castes have been living in different parts of the village from a long time.

So they know that on that side of village XYZ castes lives and on the other side ABC caste lives.

So even if you change your caste, people will question you and find out your caste.

Another reason is if you change, there is possibility that you may lose on the benefit of schemes and reservation meant for you.

People who have no link with villages, living in an urban setting can definitely do this. But then again, people have this feeling (rightly so) that why should we give up our identity because of this. If we give up our identity, we will lose our culture.


That's what they did in Tamilnadu. The first name is their name and the last name is their dad's name -- no surname in the official name. It worked significantly but not enough to completely solve caste discrimination.


The man's solved caste discrimination! Why didn't they think of just acting like Brahmins lol.

They're killed for having a moustache , attending weddings , not attending weddings, polluting water , touching someone. Imagine what will happen to them if they claim to be Brahmins. They will be found very soon, they share none of the cultural aspects, none of the religious.


Why should a non-vegetarian caste give up meat and all their customs just to pretend to be another caste?

And brahmins aren't just one block. They have different sub-sects and gotras. A dalit would have to do tons of research just to pass off as one. > > Why do all that?

Conversion to Buddhism happened because Buddhism doesn't believe in caste. Conversion to Christianity happened because Christian missionaries were willing to educate communities who weren't allowed to be literate.


Might work in some places. But not in others where families are known to be from a lower caste by everyone in their social circle. Of course people can move. But that’s expensive. Also a lot of caste inferiority eventually gets internalized. So no matter where they go they still feel low self esteem due to years of brainwashing/upbringing. Not to mention you have pride and ego. People not wanting to change who they are to satisfy others.


Why didn't Indians pretend to be British and do away with the British rule in Indian? What is stopping them from doing that?

You have a very naive outlook. Beat around the bush than deal with the actual issue.


Read Coming Out as Dalit by Yashica Dutt if you're not a massive troll.


In today's generation I would rather be born as a dalit than a brahmin the amount of opportunities are insane even am ready to be born a middle class dalit too [-20]


Then they cant claim benefits of reservations lmao. The truly suppressed caste is brahmins haha [-6]


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Does India have caste reparations now or something?

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There's an affirmative action program called reservation. It's been there since 1950 and continues to this day.

It's the primary driver of government dysfunction because almost all hiring is done based on caste quotas and you can't fire these people without backlash.

Same with elections and politicking. Nearly all voting is done on along caste lines. So the more votes a caste has the more favors and gibs they can demand.

Democracy is one big joke in India.

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It's the only thing keeping Indian democracy afloat, gibs is the only way to keep a people divided along ethnic, religious, language, class, caste, and tribal lines together.

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Yeah sure the soyciety we kept together for 3k years would totally collapse without affirmative action. :marseyeyeroll:

Upper cucks cucked out that's all there is to it. Lower cucks were and are npcs, that's how they continue to be le oppressed in every shithole where the upper cucks haven't turned into soy sipping gommunists yet despite outnumbering them 10 to 1.

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Oh yeah the society that was mostly kept together in dozens of little kingdoms that all fought each other constantly and ended conquered by the Muslims and then the Europeans for centuries. And many rulers cooperated with said invaders only to get cucked in the end or be made a puppet.

As a result upper cucks ended up having to be literal cuckolds to said invaders by having to give up their daughters in marriage to Mlecchas. The Indians (both upper and lower cucks) that ended up being successful today were the biggest collaborators with their conquerors.

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India was too vast and geographically divided to be an empire in pre modern times. And that wasn't a problem, I'd rather competing states exist than the stagnation of imperial China.

Greeks were conquered by the Turks, China was by their eastern cousins and they got as far as Vienna, they were for a few centuries the best military force on Earth. Falling to them isn't really proof of society being weak. We pushed back the gayrabs repeatedly around the time those were launching raids in southern France lol. Euro contact is again same pattern as the rest of the world.

Rajpoos aren't upper cucks.

>Muh collaborator

BIPOC there was no idea of a nation anywhere outside yurop in the eighteenth century. Anglos 'collaborated' with their Norman conquerors. Italians 'collaborated' with the Austrians trying to keep them divided. Germans 'collaborated' with Franco/Scandi plans against fellow Germanic Austrians. See how stupid that sounds? Because it is stupid you worthless island BIPOC. Everyone acted in self interest. Nationalism, religious sentiments before that these are the oddities. Not self interest.

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Haha what a complete backtrack, the society "y'all" kept together actually was never together, and that Akhand Bharat is a dumb meme all along. And the collaborators I'm talking about also worked against their own nations who spoke the same language and practiced the same religion.

Best proof of this is when we were dragging Tamil cousin frickers through the streets the TamBrams were all too happy to collaborate with our gov and leave their people at our mercy. Good people to have on your side though.

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Darn, maybe being white is a social construct if whites and upper caste have the same cuck tendencies… there is something here and I will find it

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I also blame socialism. :marseyshapiro:

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Sounds like the future of Somalia

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Must make things more concise for the politicians.

Who is the swing-vote caste(s) that gets catered to most?

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That is very much dependent on the state/region. A caste that's upper/lower in one state might not be the same status in another states. It's a clusterfrick of a system.

But SC & ST, scheduled castes (dalits) and scheduled tribes are the most backwards and politically catered to a lot. There's also a list called OBC (other backward castes) which is sort of an assortment of castes that cannot be easily classified, and they also get preferential treatment since they're technically a majority minority.

Nationally, it's nearly impossible to win along caste lines alone, which is why BJP is hyperfocused on Hindu nationalism. Hindu castes might hate each other but they hate Muslims and Christians even more.

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BJP is hyperfocused on Hindu nationalism. Hindu castes might hate each other but they hate Muslims and Christians even more.

Classic strategy.

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Yep, and they'll win again in '24 too. The opposition is useless, if not totally non-existent.

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Funniest thing is depending on the gibs distribution you'll have Muslims supporting the BJP and Hindus in fierce opposition.

Hindu nationalism is a very weird concept tbh, it's made possible mostly by the fact that the vast majority of Hindus have no idea what the actual scripture and theology of their religion is. Even the online Hindu rightoids defend their religion using western memespeak that was initially used for Christian nationalism (later by online Jihadis).

One of things the Abrahamic religions got right was emphasizing the importance of laymen being able to know their holy texts. It lets the subsequent "Great Awakenings" have real teeth to them. Buddhism disappeared from India not through Islamic jihads or Hindu debates, but because the majority of it's practitioners genuinely had little idea of what it was about. In most places the switch from Hinduism to Buddhism to Hinduism wasn't a big switch for the average person, despite theologically being pretty distinct.

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