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Apocalypse Now in India :marseyburn: :marseyfine:. Doomers cream their pants at the prospect of climatechange


I hope our sexy Indian dude drama-friends are doing fine considering the current heat wave you guys are going through. But it's possible the 52 C recorded could be due to a faulty sensor.


Anyway, here are the people at /r/climatechange discussing the incoming collapse and total extinction of the sub-continent and eventually the whole world.

Someone calculated how long until a single heat wave kills a million people in India. It was surprisingly close like 1 decade away. India will be unlivable as a country soon due to heat waves and there will be billions of people fleeing the country. Unbearable is an understatement.


I can't imagine how they are coping. I live in Florida and my air broke over the weekend. It reached into the 90s inside of the house and it was miserable. I couldn't think straight and all I wanted was to just lay down under a fan all day not moving. My pets could not sleep at night it was so hot and humid. I think about all of these poor animals that will die this horrible death so one species's greed

Floridan dramatards, thoughts? I only went to Florida during winter, mild winter close to that of where I live.

I'm surprised India wouldn't be going all-in on renewable technologies/energy if they're starting to see temps above 125F. What is life going to look like in 2040? Millions dying from heat? I hope not

Yes. Exactly. People have modeled it and this is the future.


So, revolution when?

Climate change? :marseystonetoss#:

Some people are not having it

Turns out that the temperature reading we're talking about was anectodal, cherrypicked, false, and not even taken in Delhi:


Today in Delhi top temp is around 46 C, which sounds crazy hot to us westerners, but it's totally normal for the hottest days of the year in that part of India, and is expected to drop in the next days.


!ifrickinglovescience !physics

And here's more doom!


Ok. Let's assume emissions were immediately zero, right? The cleaner air will accelerate the speed of global warming. The rate has doubled since 2010 due to low sulfur bunker C ship fuel regulations.

Taking this example further… James Hansen and the team at Columbia University estimate that the current atmospheric composition would result in earth being 8 - 10 degrees CELSIUS warmer than today. It will take roughly 10,000 years of warming for temperature to equalize. It's an exponential function so the last 1000 years the temperature wouldn't change nearly as fast.

We are F-U-C-K-E-D.

What? Where did he pull that 10 C warming?

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>people have modeled it

:marseyxd: These fricking people

!ifrickinglovescience How many times does it have to be wrong :marseythinkorino:

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The last 12 months were hotter than predicted, likely because of the El Niño combined to Hunga Tonga eruption throwing huge amounts of water vapor into the atmosphere, anyway… the temperature spike broke the mind of collapsecels and they went full doomer embracing the absolute worst case scenarios and taking them for granted. Now they talk about despair and how they're depressed because they're “mourning the future” and feeling grief.


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el nino affects the pressure difference between the pacific and the indian ocean, not rise in global temperatures

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The El Niño has an effect on global temperatures, every El Niño is accompanied by a temperature spike followed by cooling during neutral conditions and la Niña.


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Apparently the new grift is planting huge pillars of moss everywhere to reduce air pollution and release moisture to stop heat islands in cities. Also why hasn't every tropical country just paint everything in white? The arabs have it figured out.



!biology :marseytangerinefeline:

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that much moss ain't doing shit. also if its said to be magic it will just get stolen.

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Chinese cover their bridges with creepers. We have a few bridges like that in Delhi but nothing of scale chinx do. Also funny thing about Delhi, the peak reading was taken at an outlying village on the western end surrounded by farmlands(but still in Delhi state). Central areas are 5-6C cooler cause of massive forest cover.

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I'm surprised India wouldn't be going all-in on renewable technologies/energy if they're starting to see temps above 125F. What is life going to look like in 2040? Millions dying from heat? I hope not

They're doing much better than the USA

By what metric?

They are lagging only China in solar power production.

People like to dog on the raw emissions numbers from those counties. But in terms of pushing sustainable development, and what the average citizens' carbon footprint is, China and India are far more progressive combatting the issue and less harmful proportionally than most “western” countries (for lack of a better descriptor).



>you have to use per capita!!

>hmmm i wonder why raw solar energy production is a proxy for population size :marseyclueless:

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even with PER CAPITA the US is just 4 ranks above US


!bharatiya laugh at this burger

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It's very easy to have a lot of renewable energy if you don't have any energy in the first place. !bharatiya

Which is why ethiopia is the top of the list lol, I will say in the defense of the US, it's very big and a lot of places in it don't have the ability for easy renewable energy whereas some areas like Nevada have the hoover dam.

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Fool. !eurochads

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>Renewable energy

>Not including nuclear

useless list tbh

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Nuclear is clean energy but is not renewable. There's enough fissile material on Earth to power us for the coming centuries but it will eventually run out.

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With fusion, it'll be recyclable!


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There's only 6000 years worth of uranium left and we would have to bury a few hundred cubic meters of waste somewhere. This makes nuclear completely unviable so stop thinking about it.

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>Ethiopia is almost 100% powered by hydro

Dang. So how much of the population has electricity 24/7? I just don't see how only hydro would cover all of their needs.

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I fled here this week.


Got this view from my glass wall room for 4 days straight. I wish I could stay up there forever.

Back in Dalli now but it's cooled down a bit

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Meanwhile it's autumn here and it was comfy min 7 C and max of 14 C tuesday :marseyneet:. It's going to warm to 15-25 C next week though :marseycry:

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I'm :marseyjelly: .

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It was min 14 in the hills :marseycry: Too sunny in the day for even short hikes. Half the hill districts had a heat wave warning ffs.

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Are those mountains near Dehli?

My dream is to have an apartment in Bariloche (South Argentina) to spend summers there, the city is lovely.

I took that pic from the airbnb I stayed a couple of years ago, that's the Nahuel Huapi lake and the Andes stand behind.


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Yeah like 500km away. An overnight bus. Best feature of Delhi

Lucky. Almost all the beautiful states here have laws prohibiting outsiders from buying land :marseytears:

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Almost all the beautiful states here have laws prohibiting outsiders from buying land :marseytears:

What kind of shitty laws are those? :marseyconfused2:

Indians can't own property in different states?

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States really are more like countries in most cases and I kind of get the point cause the whole state's population is literally half of Delhi so if rich people from gangetic areas start buying vacation homes there it'll be difficult for natives to survive. Also I really like the natives I don't want them replaced by gangetic scum. Its a real life high trust soyciety, even touts there are so polite. None of the pushiness of plains plebs.

Now kashmir otoh. Everyone should get to buy land and bear arms there.

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Considering population size it makes sense I guess, I bet at least one state is close to 100 million people lol. In comparison Argentine provinces are ridiculously underpopulated, and as citizens of Mercosul all we need is to present documentation and prove we have the means to sustain ourselves and done, they give us temporary residency visas. No restrictions for foreigners to buy property.

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A few accounts I follow on Indian twitter post pics of houses around the world and I still remember a full ranch with a few hundred acres land somewhere in southern Chile or Argentina cost less than a 2bhk in my city and I was just :marseyraging: I posted a vid of a 330sq ft flat in Mumbai yesterday, there was this hundreds of years old villa in Italy with wine cellars and everything that cost less :marseyseethe:

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Holy heck! I remember quite vividly during the lead-up to the World Cup in Qatar people were saying that it could get to 50 degrees there and it would be next to impossible to play football outdoors in that heat... Some health dudes on the news were strongly advising against it... In the end, they played indoors... easy solution, I guess.

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Floridan dramatards, thoughts? I only went to Florida during winter, mild winter close to that of where I live.

I didn't have power for awhile, but you surprisingly get used to it after a few days. It's like our bodies were designed to deal with temperate climates before the invention of air conditioning.


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Are power outages common?

I think we have the same weather as Florida where I live (minus beach as I live hundreds of kilometers away from the coast), hot humid summers and mild winters

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No, sweaty. It's the hurricanes that'll do it.

Having been around the world, living here and there, I love humid places the most. Give me that sun and those big poofy clouds! Of course, the autumn and winter are always welcome.

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Come and visit the Cataratas (Iguaçu Falls) then!

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South America is kind of underrated in terms of natural tourism. I'm planning a trip to Ushuaia next year (I was supposed to go this year but I had to postponed it because of work related stuff) and maybe visit the Perito Moreno glacier nearby.

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The language is a barrier, travel time from the States (but it's not too bad), and it's huge. That and the crime--specifically not knowing where to not go at certain times.

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That and the crime--specifically not knowing where to not go at certain times.

Depends on the country and city, Argentina is quite safe even in large cities like Buenos Aires where you can walk at night without worries (you can't do that in Rio de Janeiro for instance, or any Brazilian state capital for the matter). Towns in the Patagonia like Bariloche or at the tip of the continent like Ushuaia are even safer and are used to tourists.

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