I'm a :marseyfortuneteller:


From the twatter thread on the topic, lots of sneeding mudslimes


:marseysmughips: :!marseyblack:



Papa Xi's strongest warriors




And Pakistan will have as many blasts with >100 dead





I wish global warming was real just so these c*nts would finally drown

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>$31.6 billion

That's a lot of gift cards.

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better get calling

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>iraq 2003 could be india 2043

:marseyconfused2: why would china invade india

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To destroy the only Asian country that can face them one on one? :marseyconfused2: Why're they pushing at border right now lol. Its all shaping the land for a proper offensive. Their issue with Bhutan is 100% about securing a valley that'll put them in arti range of the Indian border.

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Its a disputed region so obviously theyd challenge for it. But its not the 50s or 60s anymore, the ccp doesnt have the political capital to send millions of soldiers to die in an aggressive war for no reason. They dont even have enough support now to invade taiwan.

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its not the 50s or 60s anymore, the ccp doesnt have the political capital to send millions of soldiers to die in an aggressive war for no reason

I wish this was true. :marseydoomer:

If you see what the Chinese actually believe, the stuff they say talking to each other on the Chinese internet, it'll blow your mind. It's like when you stumble across the AGP :!marseytrain:s talking to each other about "skirt goes spinny!!!" They're not into the communist economics anymore, that's true. In fact they would probably be like this even if communism never happened. They're still extremely butthurt from being humiliated in the 1800s. They feel like they've been having to eat shit for the last couple centuries and now they're going to get their revenge on the rest of the world. They feel it's their turn to be the imperialists. And that's not coming top down from the CCP. That's coming from the bottom up. If anything the CCP has been restraining the population from being more psycho.

Look at all the insane provocations they're doing against the Philippines. There is no threat, no current reason for a conflict, no historical grievance. They just found a country that's militarily weak and they're going to go start a fight to show they're bigger than someone.

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Im ethnic chinese and lived in China for almost 10 years. R-slurs yapping online is not an accurate reflection of peoples views irl. 99% of people are just like everywhere else, worried about school or work and putting food on the table. Its like the difference ive noticed in the users of /r/melbourne and the people i talk to irl ever since ive moved to australia.

The Philippines thing is relatively minor, not even close to the scale of a full war with a equivalent military. Its like when trump assassinated soleimani, 99% of americans didnt give a frick because it didnt affect them at all in their daily lives, the same way a chinese frigate ramming a pinoy resupply ship doesnt affect 99% of chinese people.

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The Philippines thing is relatively huge. !Pinoypride :marseyraging:

...but the US hasn't really stepped in to help, the bases are definitely for Taiwan not to protect us at all. :marseysad: We're so screwed if things ever pop off.

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I can't tell exactly when it's the US shamefully failing to support our #1 ally and when it's the Filipinos not wanting to escalate, probably a combination of the two.

At least in the Philippines people get that they have some national interests. In America I've been screaming at everyone for 5-10 years that we needed to get real about China a long time ago, and the way you do that is by building up the Philippines. And I don't mean having 3,000 guys go over for the next joint exercises instead of 2,000, I mean a massive program to build transportation and military infrastructure throughout the country. Admittedly I am a bit biased toward thinking everything is about the Philippines, but look at it rationally:

In 1898 the Spanish said they were going to sell it Germany or to us, and we picked us. Because we couldn't let a hostile foreign power be in control there because it geographically dominates China. That hasn't changed at all since then. We built up this big complex of bases around the Manila Bay-Clark Field area. And then we were too fricking cheap to maintain the defenses there and the Japanese just walked right in. A little more investment in the 1930s in our garrison and equipping the Philippine Army and they could have held out. We had to fight this war on a scale so f-ing huge that it cost the energy of a whole generation of our people, all because white trash congressmen and apathetic midwits wouldn't send the Filipinos enough antiaircraft guns for an army of 200,000.

I'll try to cut myself off here because I know I'm going to inflict the same rant on you over and over again in the coming years. We're doing the same fricking thing right now where we're walking into a huge goddarn disaster again because our foreign policy is all about our "friends and allies" who have influence in Washington and not our #1 most important ally right now.


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I tried to stop, but it was already too late. :marseysad:

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Okay that's a fair point. I guess if I was Chinese looking at our internet I would think Americans only care about instagram thots, :!marseytrain:s, and instagram :!marseytrain:s. :marseyshrug:

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Other guy is wrong. They say this stuff IRL too

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Would you have said in 2019 the modern Russian state had political capital to launch a war in Ukraine? Cause I wouldn't have lol. But they've been fighting for two years now. Racked up a casualty count that, if not quiet comparable to WW2 levels yet, greatly mogs all the minor wars that have been fought since even by majors like the Soviets in Afg or USA in Vietnam.

Rus-Ukr basically shows post WW2 order is over. One of the chief winners of that order is now trying to overthrow it outright and the largest economy in the world backs them. Nothing that'll happen over next two decades is going to be predictable.

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Yea I didnt think putin would actually invade but I also didnt know the russians would be so tolerant of the embarrassing performance of the russian army. But even then putin is still limited to using wagner pmcs to bolster his ranks and he hasnt been able to use his conscripts outside of russian borders.

The situations and culture of russia and china are very different. China would have to invade over the himalayas whereas the russians already have paved flat roads straight to kyiv. China and india also have similar military size and spending so the conflict would be way deadlier.

Think about chinese culture and the effects of the 1 child policy that still linger to this day, the son in the chinese family unit is so valued, if you start sending them to die en masse you're gonna have a lot of angry mothers and once you have lots of angry mothers you're on the path to getting your head chopped off in a revolt. Idk how valued sons are in russia but from what ive seen it might be just a few bags of cheetos worth so maybe thats why they dont care too much about the war.

Im not saying its impossible but imo its extremely unlikely, considering all the other problems the ccp has to solve in the near future including their declining birth rate which i think they wont have a solution to any time soon. I just dont see how theres any benefit that outweighs the costs

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I would 100% be down for a Chinese Indian war, I see no problems here

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The good news is they are much more likely to go for Taiwan and thus the great satan first, especially with their own recent naval buildup. :marseywholesome: That's why I'm saying 2043 and assume burgerstan plays zero role, they'll probably take Taiwan by mid 2030s. Its what I'd do, in a war with India first you'd have to deal with our manpower and potentially foreign aid, esp from south koreans who have a formidable defense industry, while there's zero chance of us interfering in a war in the east china sea and they could roll over worst korea in a week if things turned hot.

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I think if you're the Chinese, going after Taiwan is a way bigger risk because once you do that you're basically declaring war on the whole world. The whole global economy will be fricked for years if not decades as soon as you start that war. With India it might be a bigger war but at least it's up in the mountains so nothing that decisive will happen right away. If you decide it was a mistake, there's a good chance you can make peace. With a Taiwan invasion, that die is cast. On day one you have to blow up half the infrastructure and send half a million guys there who either win or get captured.

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Its also a question of what you gain. India is a challenge to Chinese supremacy. Taiwan is a challenge to Chinese integrity. It wouldn't make much sense to start establishing supremacy when you can't even end the hundred year long running civil war at this point :marseysmug2:

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Yeah and the same thing but economically. Taiwan is deeply embedded in the mainland economy. A huge part of their economic boom in the '90s was Taiwanese going to the mainland and starting to build everything up for them, so they must still have their tentacles in everything. India might have a way bigger economy but you're just a competitor, so it's much safer to get in a slapfight with you without it hurting them internally.

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Even if they do, how can they really harm China? I'm sure there'd be many Chinese businessmen eager to take over any concerns Taiwanese might abandon. They're already creating major issues for TSMC etc by poaching their engineers lol. They brought at one point expertise China didn't have. But now they have loads of it. Now Japan, Korea, Taiwan, stay in China at their pleasure and get pushed around. Deng's period of biding their time is over.

And tbh economy rarely prevents war. Russia's dependence on EU trade didn't prevent this war. Germany's dependence on food imports didn't prevent WW1. Nor did their dependence on Soviet oil prevent Barbarossa. And these were all very substantial dependencies, especially latter two, compared to dependency mainland China has on Taiwan today.

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You greatly underestimate how difficult it is to get these industries started up. You can't just hire a few dudes away from the competitors. You can't pass these technologies around like in a game of Civilization.

I grew up in the one of the world's main centers of semiconductor shit. It's grown up gradually since the 1950s, building up a skilled workforce over generations, and some of this stuff we couldn't get done without Taiwanese because they're embedded all through the industry. Even the physical infrastructure itself took decades to build. I used to go up on a hill at night and look out toward the Intel complex. You always knew where it was because the amount of steam coming out was so enormous it created its own weather patterns. These places are massive and they've got an area just as huge of empty land that they plan to expand into 20, 30, 40 years from now. (Great place to pick blackberries btw.) This isn't something where you can just spend a lot of money to buy your own version of that. I mean if it was that easy, you'd have been doing all this in India decades ago.

Russia's dependence on EU trade didn't prevent this war.


That's true, I've been doing what I always warn people against. Assuming that nobody could be so stupid as to start a war when it will disrupt all their trade and destroy their economy and impoverish their country. And then you look at WW1 where Germany understood all this and decided to be like "yolo dude" and just completely chimp out and fight the whole world without even thinking first about where they'll get food.

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can face them one on one

sexy Indian dude nation can face china one on one? :marseymao: :marseywerebackchingchong:

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Well, more like one on thirty but yeah :marseyexcited:

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great indian success saar :marseymao:


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They reached their claim lines elsewhere, Rezang La held. I was actually there this January, saw chinki bunkers with a binocular :marseychingchong: :marseybinoculars:


Anyway the incompetence bordering on treachery that had caused those men to be so outnumbered in that war has hopefully been purged since. Well not hopefully Nehru is dead thank god. :marseysigh: Current elites are thankfully childless enough we'll never have that farce of a prime minister appointing his whole extended clan to all the high posts of government and military he can find.

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unfortunately for the indians the people's liberation army and airforce are so far ahead of their sexy Indian dude counterparts, both numerically and qualitatively, that a repeat of '62 seems inevitable :marseymao:

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Not really :marseyshrug: there's a reason the Chinese haven't started shooting already you know lol. They would if they could, its certainly not dementia daddy holding them back :marseysmug2: Maybe in 10-20 years if trends continue. But as things stand we could still bloody them well enough it won't be worth it, mountain fighting kind of deletes 90% of the advantages of a more modern army(why Talibs were able to beat mutts).

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saar, i can promise you there will be no "bloodying" of chinese troops under the watchful eye of the people's liberation army air force :marseymao:

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pakis complaining that they're discriminated against since the 1998 bombings in Africa

:marseylaugh: :marseylaugh: :marseylaugh:

That is Peak Paki, isn't it? "Muslim Arabs blew up 2000 Muslim Africans. How can we make this into a story about Pakis being victims of islamophobia?"

As for the submarines, hold your horses there Rajeesh. When a big defense project like this is announced in the US, I assume it's going to take twice as long and cost twice as much as they plan. And it's often even worse than that. The Indian defense industry is incredibly notorious for this so I'd multiply by more like 4. (Although they do seem to be getting better lately.)

As for what India's nuclear strategy should be, thanks for asking me my opinion. :marseynerd2: You just need to have a well-protected deterrent force that can drop a few hundred warheads on China. In the Cold War the Soviets had a "bastion" in the Arctic around Murmansk where their SSBNs hid right by their own their coast in an area that they could constantly patrol with small surface ships, land-based aircraft, etc. Missiles are good enough these days that the submarine doesn't have to get close to the target, it just needs to constantly moving so it can't be tracked down.

The only problem with my idea is geographically this doesn't work well for India. I'm pretty sure that all the Nine Dash Line bullshit of China trying to take over the South China Sea is because they want to make it their bastion. They'll take over a ring of bases around it and make it an enclosed protected area for their missile subs to hide in. India doesn't have anything remotely like that. You just kinda got... the whole ocean. I suppose you could try using the Bay of Bengal but it's f-ing huge. Or I dunno, the Andaman Sea, but then you'd have to really depend on having allies in SE Asia. Or I guess you could just do the same kind of strategy in the Arabian Sea, knowing that it won't work as well since it's not an enclosed area.

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Navy isn't run by import cartels so I have some hope from them. Army won't allow for local procurement of even small arms while the navy designs and builds its own aircraft carriers and nuclear submarines.

The problem is a firing position from BoB or even Malacca strait will leave you with more distance to cover than ground based ICBMs which you could also move around on trucks or trains(and would be much cheaper alongside). Soviet and American subs could flit under the polar ice and show up mere hundreds of kms from each other's coastlines with zero warning in a matter of days. We need subs stationed in Pacific, idk how much more sophisticated missile defense is going to get but I don't like how far it has gotten already and it feels like we're going back to early cold war days where distance and time from launch to impact were most critical components of your nuclear strategy, before a second strike came to be seen as inevitable with growth of arsenals. There's probably going to be space based anti ICBM systems soon, maybe directed energy, its best to assume for long term that ballistics will be obsoleted and cruise missiles with under 1000km range are the future.

Nine dash line just seems like Chinese alpha rehash of greater east asia co prosperity sphere with same basic logic, its not very difficult to overwhelm the isolated islands east of the asian landmass and once you do a far east asian empire is practically unassailable strategically, Siberia and Burma as two frontier zones, you're golden. Japan will obv pose greatest challenge to this dream just as China did to Japan.

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Soviet and American subs could flit under the polar ice and show up mere hundreds of kms from each other's coastlines with zero warning in a matter of days.

This was our fear when we're thinking of the world possible scenario if your enemy is just totally completely evil and insane. For us, the Russians will put a sub just off the coast and suddenly nuke Washington. For the Russians in 1980s, it was they'll fire Pershing missiles from Europe and hit Moscow before we know what hit us. These are things to worry about your enemy doing, but weren't really a big part of anyone's strategy because nobody actually wanted to start a nuclear war.

What you actually see with SLBMs is the first couple generations they had to get relatively close to the target. But even by the 1970s with Poseidon we could hit Moscow from the Indian Ocean. With Trident, we can hit almost anywhere on Earth from anywhere. That's the real value of it. You could kill every American everywhere else in the world and we could have one boat out there somewhere with 100+ warheads to rain down on you. And you will never find it. See for yourself with MISSLEMAP. :marseythumbsup:

There's probably going to be space based anti ICBM systems soon, maybe directed energy

I've been hearing that for 40 years. It's always been possible to shoot down ICBMs. The issue has always been, can you make it cheaper than the other guy just building 2 ICBMs. Sensors have gotten way better since the 1980s, but I think we still need some new technology (like directed energy) before it's practical.

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Jesse what the frick are you talking about??

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Kill crackers. Behead crackers. Roundhouse kick a moid into the concrete. Slam dunk a moid baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy scrotes. Defecate in a crackers food. Launch crackers into the sun. Stir fry crackers in a wok. Toss crackers into active volcanoes. Urinate into a crackers gas tank. Judo throw crackers into a wood chipper. Twist crackers heads off. Report crackers to the IRS. Karate chop crackers in half. Curb stomp pregnant ftms. Trap crackers in quicksand. Crush crackers in the trash compactor. Liquefy crackers in a vat of acid. Eat crackers. Dissect crackers. Exterminate crackers in the gas chamber. Stomp moid skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate crackers in the oven. Lobotomize crackers. Mandatory abortions for moid babies. Grind moid fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown crackers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize crackers with a ray gun. Kick old crackers down the stairs. Feed crackers to alligators. Slice crackers with a katana.

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Imagine the smell once they're sealed in, and been down there a week or two.


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