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:marseykente: Negotiate Release Of 1.3m Nigerians In Indian Prison, Ohaneze Tells Tinubu :marseymugshot:




220M population BTW. 0.5% of the Nigerian population is in Indian jails supposedly.


We should give them the zoomalis we have too.


>Usually, at least 1 Nigerian get arrested per day in India


Kangz probably outdoing 90% of subkastus in prison stats without even trying






Yorubros not like this



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Now THAT's a number:marseypoggers:

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we don't deport them?? :marseyquestion:

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Why would so many nigerians go to india? Why not go to the eu like their fellows? No offense to out indian users but I doubt india offers much better living conditions to nigerians than nigeria does lol.

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There aren't that many and the Albanians already control the drug market in Europe.



50k are here legally at present, govt doesn't even bother tracking how many never went back on a tourist visa if they somehow get into trouble with police then it comes up.

Also tbh it does. It has its issues but Delhi blows any African city out of the water, mb excluding South African ones. Its a true megalopolis, 20 million people in the greater area with mass transit, not the agglomeration of villages most third world cities are.

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not the agglomeration of villages most third world cities are.

Lagos is a city of 15 million inhabitants but living conditions and infrastructure are probably similar to that of India's during the 1980s.

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I meant that more in a sense of how people live. Like average Delhi resident probably travels 30km daily(mostly public transport) while for most even larger cities here, avg person doesn't really go beyond walking distance from his home, most neighbourhoods have workplaces as well as residences. One city vs thousand villages in close proximity. Its a big issue with metro extension in smaller cities here, 4M population cities are struggling to get ridership despite extremely low fares cause most residents there don't travel between city regions regularly.

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Like average Delhi resident probably travels 30km daily(mostly public transport) while for most even larger cities here, avg person doesn't really go beyond walking distance from his home, most neighbourhoods have workplaces as well as residences

From the POV of urbanists, the high density village approach is the best, but I get your point. SΓ£o Paulo is like Delhi on that regard with colossal traffic jams or people taking the subway (overcrowded despite having over 100km of extension) or the suburban train from the outskirts to work downtown.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1735094221dEvXXhkn8944Zg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17350942220O_t5WrdQLkWJA.webp

It's hard to move there without a car and if you want to avoid public transport.

It's a big issue with metro extension in smaller cities here, 4M population cities are struggling to get ridership despite extremely low fares cause most residents there don't travel between city regions regularly.

How's public transport availability in those places?

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IDK how useful that kind of planning is to run an actual complex economy. Like you say pretty much all major cities follow this trend, with good transport you make the whole population potential labour pool for each employer in the region, the less efficient your transport the further this bubble shrinks. There's also the network effect of downtown areas. Urbanism has become a very idealist thing in the developed countries, very divorced from economics.

Generally at that scale there's a decent state run bus service. I was checking how bad figures were and this is reported to be disastrously low in Indian media btw but its almost at same figure as the Paki's one and only metro(:marseygiggle:) and that too with less than half its length. :marseytwerking: Chinks are so going to lose every pence they invest there its hilarious.


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Maybe certain places do for Indians, but there's no way Nigerians who can't afford nicer destinations are living that well in India.

Places like Delhi are disgusting shitholes with some of the worst air quality in the world..

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Why would so many nigerians go to india?

I imagine that for the same reason Venezuelans flock to Peru, is not first world but is better than their home country. The difference between "developing" countries can be a cliff more than a gap.

India has worse social indexes than the poorest countries of Latin America but Nigeria and most of sub-Saharan Africa are rock bottom.

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Taking a wild guess, the 1.3 million figure is the number of Nigerians imprisoned in India EVER and does not account for release.

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I doubt even then it'd be 1.3 million, considering there's been 70 years since both countries have become independent and like 20 maxx where any migration levels have been significant. Even with 70 years that'd come out to 20k imprisoned annually, so maybe 70-80k actual prison pop considering most offences are low level drug peddling and stuff like that, our total prison pop isn't even 575k that'd make them >10% of Ind prisons which is obv not true. There's supposedly 5k foreigners in our jails atm.

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If any of you are looking for any last-minute gift ideas for me, I have one. I'd like Bardfinn, my janny, right here tonight. I want him brought from his happy holiday slumber over there on Janny Lane with all the other mentally ill people, and I want him brought right here! With a big ribbon on his head! And I want to look him straight in the eye, and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, peepeeless, hopeless, heartless, fat-butt, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey shit he is! Hallelujah! Holy shit! Where's the Tylenol?



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>We should give them the zoomalis we have too.

Don't lie you dirty jeet, no Somali would stain their soul by visiting India.

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As I said, they're glorious raiders of the sea, they never stepped foot on Indian soil.


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Zoomali they were captured and bound up like the slaves you lot are born to be, its too bad we abolished it I'm sure our coal mines could use some unpaid bulbheads.

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