How was your holi celebration bhaiyo?

Tell me how you celebrated holi. Tell me about the holi celebration in your colony, if you live in one. What you ate, drank, etc. Did you have fun? I wanna hear it all.


It is now 5 years since India had to face the dreaded ‘semengate’ which threatened the entire Hindu festival of Holi. Thankfully, we could still continue to celebrate the festival and no government or court-mandated ban on Holi could arrive because the entire semengate turned out to be false.

On the 1st of March in 2018, two students of Lady Sri Ram College said that they were targeted with semen-filled balloons at Amar Colony. The alleged ‘victim’ said, “The balloons that were thrown on us, had some kind of gooey material coming out of them. We took a written apology from the family of the girl. We need to change the mindset of people who say that ‘balloons phenkna toh holi khelne ka tareeka hai. No, it is not’.”

The ‘victim’ girls posted on Instagram about this attack

She claimed that the balloon which was thrown at her when she was in an autorickshaw. The content of the balloon dried white on her kurta, and the smell indicated it wasn't water. However, she concluded it was semen. As per reports, at least 3 girls were hit by 'semen filled balloons'. While the girl who wrote the Instagram post has not specified the gender of the person who threw the balloon at her, presumably another victim claimed the semen filled balloon was thrown at her by a girl and they have taken a written apology from the said girl.

As always, Indian liberal media jumped on the news without any verification and started vilifying the entire festival of Holi.

Without applying their minds and thinking about how can someone fill an entire balloon with semen, or how can one get that much semen in a balloon in the first place, mockery of Hindus and Holi began in liberal circles.

Some people tried to use science to explain how this is simply impossible that a balloon was filled with semen, but they were largely ignored.

Apart from social media outrage, the balloons were sent even to the forensic laboratory where scientists left serious crime investigations to investigate these balloons and voila, they could not find any semen in them, as anyone with any semblance of sense knew already.

While we do need strict action against hooliganism, action also should be taken against those who spread such false news without thinking about the consequences and repercussions.


Personally, I enjoy it. They sound like they had a good time singing it :marseyvibing:

So true sister

Dravidian !bharatiya bhratas :marseysmug6:

Its over Sexy Indian dudebros

!bharatiya discuss


They're still talking about masks on flights

Literally no one is wearing one, the air hostess only put one on like 30 sec back but the pilot reminded us to wear one throughout. I could understand if it was prerecorded bs but they are still making humies make mask announcements. :marseysigh: Also the hostess was sort of a qt and the mask masks that :marseymad:

I found a cult island :marseysoypoint:

IDK how I never heard of this guy before seems very dramatic. Flag would be a b-word to draw though :marseythinkorino:. Supposedly owns a private island off Ecuador but they claim they were taking people there from Australia so might be Polynesia too idk the info is very confused.

He made a gov. site to cope with not having a .gov site


The United Nations has published the eighth report in the series of reports accepting, recognizing, and bringing out the persecution on the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) Jagat Guru Mahasannidhanam (JGM) His Divine Holiness (HDH) Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam and KAILASA – the revival of the ancient, enlightened Hindu civilizational nation.

The SPH is the founder of the KAILASA nation – the First Nation for Hindus and the revival of the ancient enlightened civilizations of the 56 erstwhile Hindu nations which were home to over 10,000 sects and destroyed by invasions over the time from 3200 BCE. He has been recognized as the Sovereign of the Sovereign State of SHRIKAILASA by heads of states and spiritual leaders worldwide.

:marseyexcited: :!marseyschizo:

The SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam is the leader of 2 billion Hindus and the reigning spiritual emperor of 19 ancient traditional indigenous Hindu kingdoms. The persecution has been ongoing for over a decade including over 70 assassination attempts, over 250 sexual assaults on the SPH and AIAT members, lawfare of 120 false cases, massive hate propaganda in electronic media of over 17,000 hours, and print media of over 25,000 articles, destruction of heritage properties worth over 27 million USD, and the Hindu Holocaust – continuing ethnocide and genocide of over 80 million Hindus worldwide since 7 centuries that faces the double-pain of an outright denial by the mainstream narratives prevalent worldwide.

2 billion :marseywut2:

Nithyananda has made several pseudoscientific claims, including that he delayed the sunrise for 40 minutes, that he could make cattle speak in Tamil and Sanskrit, and that he could disprove the correctness of the mass-energy equivalence formula E = mc2

Enna Tamil oldest bovine language :blacksoyjak:

In 2010, Sun TV telecast video recordings that claimed to show Nithyananda and an actress Ranjitha (who was one of his followers) in a bedroom. The story became viral among news media in Tamil Nadu.[46] Nithyananda and Ranjitha claimed the video to be fabricated and accused Sun TV of extortion.[47] A forensic sciences laboratory in Bengaluru confirmed that the video appeared to be that of Nithyananda and Ranjitha.[48] Sun TV and other media channels since then were subject to various lawsuits.[49][48][50][51] Ranjitha filed a complaint with High Court of Karnataka against news channels.[52][53] Channels were ordered to apologize to Ranjitha for violating the complainant’s privacy and dignity


On 20 November 2019, the Gujarat Police issued a statement that Nithyananda fled India after choosing not to appear at several court hearings.[73] Some senior police officials did not discount the possibility of him still being in India.[74] He subsequently approached the United Nations complaining about persecution and sought recognition for his new country Kailaasa.[75] Nithyananda also claimed attempts at mob lynching and assassination as reasons he was forced to withdraw himself from Indian society.

:#marseycop: :#marseypajeet:

I found him from one of his followers sperging out on twatter. Yes it's a foid :marseywink:

They mock @SriNithyananda because that's all they can do. The fact remains that he built a Hindu nation, with legal validity & recognition from UN. Whether you like or dislike his teachings, it's obvious that the RW cannot respect genuine Hindu gurus or their achievements.

If you are genuinely curious about Kailasa or Him, you'll take time to listen to His teachings of the last 20 yrs & news directly from Him--atleast something beyond idiotically edited social media clips. If you don't, you're just as stupid as those who float these videos.


When RW worships Modi ji as a God, it's all ok. But if devotees of @SriNithyananda worship him, it's suddenly not ok. RW doesn't know a single thing about Guru Parampara--Guru is placed higher than Gods as per Shaastras. This mockery only exposes ppl for who they are.

But he isn't my guru b-word


I've mentioned "RW" because I'm seeing most of the mockery & insult from RW. They're far more zealous to show how liberal they are (in trashing Hindu Gurus) than the LW. As always, RW just copies LW with a different colour combination.


Kailasa is sovereign land--where you are under Hindu law/admin, NOT any other country's law--in many countries. People cry 24x7 about how Hindus are getting butchered. He got land where nobody can persecute you! And yet they mock him.

As always, I'll not respond to nincompoops. Basic info:There is no case in which Swamiji's been proven guilty. They're subjudice. Case against him in the US was proved FALSE & complainant fined 1mn$. Gurus have been under attack for decades. Hindus are too stupid to see it.


Good Morning

Good morning !bharatiya


Did anyone know there were elections in junglechinkland?

I had some news articles in my feed and :chudsey: are winning again so I thought I'd harvest some seethe but the thread on /r/india has 2 comments, same for /r/indiaspeaks both threads are 10+ hours old.

Are redditcels getting tired of politics? :marseyshook: !bharatiya bros discuss

Can I get some info on Saffron?

I live in America.

This Christmas, Mom was all excited and gave me some saffron to cook with.

The other day she asks me to make something with it.

I look up how. I Put x amount of strands per serving. I put my rice cooker on warm and let it sit for an hour and a half.

The water turns yellow orange. I flip the switch and make the rice.

The flavor was... incredibly mild. Did my mom buy shit saffron, or did I frick up, or is saffron overrated?

Ludo chads....we won

Deputy commissioner of police, Whitefield, S Girish said Singh came in contact with 19-year-old Iqra Jeevani from Pakistan’s Hyderabad through an online game. “The man used to work as a security guard at a private firm and used to play Ludo online. Last year, he came in contact with a minor girl and asked his Pakistani girlfriend to come to Bengaluru so they could get married. They came to India rough Nepal in September 2022,” the DCP said.

Explaining the investigation that led to the arrest, Girish said that after coming to Bengaluru in September, Jeevani was living in the labourer quarters at Bellandur police station limits. “Since she was missing her family, she used to make calls to Hyderabad in Pakistan several times. These calls were intercepted by the intelligence agencies and based on the inputs we made the arrest,” said Girish.


This is not the first case in Bengaluru, where an Indian in love with a Pakistani brought her to India illegally. On May 25, 2017, an Indian and three Pakistani nationals were arrested in Bengaluru for allegedly staying in India under fake identities. They were living in South Bengaluru’s Kumaraswamy Layout for the past nine months. Besides their Pakistani passports, the trio was found to be in possession of Indian voter identity and Aadhar cards.

During interrogation, Shihab and Sameera told police that they met each other in 2012 when they were working in Oman. Sameera’s mother had passed away, while her father, who had remarried, was not in touch with her.

Sameera found solace in Shahib and they got married three years later. Sameera was pregnant with her first child when her estranged father came to Oman upon learning about his daughter’s marriage to an Indian. She was taken back to Karachi and was kept under house arrest. During this period, Sameera had a miscarriage, she told the Bengaluru Police.

With the help of Sameera’s cousin Kirhon and her fiancée Khasif, Shihab made plans to take her out of Karachi. Realising that her father would find them in Oman again, Shihab decided to take Sameera to India. Kirhon and Khasif, who faced opposition from their families to their marriage, tagged along.

The couple flew from Muscat to Kathmandu in September 2016. They subsequently crossed the Indian border in Bihat by road, and travelled to Patna, before arriving in Bengaluru. They were arrested by police after a police man who grew suspicious of Sameera’s Urdu accent questioned them.

In 2022, Sameera and her four-year-old daughter were deported after they spent 5 years in jail.

Thot status-patrolled







A week ago I was in Calcutta, where I saw mile upon square mile of squatter camps in which hundreds of thousands live generation after generation in leaky huts of plastic, cardboard and scrap metal, in poverty so absolute it is impossible to see any hope of escape. I do not mean to equate the misery of those hopeless people with a movie; that would be indecent. But I was deeply shaken by what I saw, and realized how precious and precarious is a happy life. And in such a mood I watched "Apocalypse Now" and came to the scene where Col. Kurtz (Marlon Brando) tells Capt. Willard (Martin Sheen) about "the horror."


In a way I cannot quite explain, my thoughts since Calcutta prepared me to understand the horror that Kurtz found. If we are lucky, we spend our lives in a fool's paradise, never knowing how close we skirt the abyss. What drives Kurtz mad is his discovery of this.

Average day in Lundia shocks a whitey to his core:marseylaugh::marseylaugh:.

I was conflicted on whether to post this on /h/Bharat or /h/Kino but I guess either works. Jokes aside, I quite like Ebert and little real life tidbits like this are one of the things that makes his reviews worth the read.

YWN be a zamindar


That idyll, hedonism and opulence. :marseysadcat: Where did it go? :derpwhy:


So my friends I bring you a tale of my daily life in the diaspora. I live in small city in America with some people from the larger diaspora but because I'm a bad Sikhi who cuts his hair and doesn't always wear the turban I look like any other Indiabro.

I'm in the corner shop minding my own business until I get to the counter with some snacks and some Ayran (I fricking love Ayran, don't judge!).

Dude at the counter greets me in Nepali... I immediately reply in Panjabi. He doesn't get it so I switch to my horrible Hindi to explain I don't understand him. Finally he switches to English and says he thinks I'm not Panjabi. I inform him I in fact am and that I do not offer laddu to elephant man. By this point a Gujarati grandma and two older Hindi man are laughing at this exchange and I'm just sitting there trying to buy my shit so I tell the man "How much is it?"

It's like $8, I pass it to him and he asks me to, of all things, sing some Bhangra Pop. I quickly and poorly recite some Bolo Ta Ra Ra to hoards of laughter.

I uh don't understand why people think I look like anything but Panjabi.

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