Is this your doing, sexy Indian dudes? Wanna fight? :!marseypunching: :marseytunaktunak: :marseypunching:
Most peaceful rally in land of peacefuls
I have no idea what this means but discuss.
Elamathi Musk is secretly Endian confirmed

He must be the descendant of one of the many Indians in colonial South Africa. Westoids hide this truth to demean India, saar.


At this place called Malana, :marsey420: users will have heard of it. Its a fairly costly cab ride from a place I went so I didn't visit personally but a lot of the locals I talked about it with seethed a bit at how they don't consider themselves Indians etc etc. But because of aforementioned :marsey420: fame it gets a lot of footfall. So there's repeat tourists who don't mind a ban on touching any of the locals or buildings(yes :marseylaughpoundfist:).

Is hating untouchability a psyop :marseytabletired2:

The South should secede from the north. Lets settle this eternal battle

Also why?trans lives matter


Journoscum shills for journoscum

Police in Delhi have raided the premises of a news website known for its fierce criticism of the Indian government, over a retracted article about a politician in charge of the ruling party’s social media campaigns. Officers arrived at the homes of several editors of the Wire in the middle of the night and seized their laptops and phones. They also searched the website’s office in the capital.

The Wire discovered after publication that a researcher had falsified documents used in the story. It acknowledged the error, retracted the story and acknowledged the need for more stringent cross-checking by independent experts. The Wire filed a complaint of its own against the freelance researcher, Devesh Kumar, for supplying it with fabricated material. The website’s editor, Siddharth Varadarajan, said on Tuesday that Kumar had confessed to fabricating the evidence.

We retracted the story after we were caught lying blatantly chud what more do you want?


The raids were criticised by journ*lists and opposition politicians, who for years have accused the government of trying to muzzle or control the media. Critics of Narendra Modi’s government say freedom of expression has been severely restricted since he came to power in 2014, with much of the mainstream media acting almost as government cheerleaders. This has left only a few news channels and publications that function independently.

Suhasini Haidar, a journ*list, described the raid as “thinly veiled intimidation”. A spokesperson for the opposition Congress party tweeted: “Modi govt’s move on every free media voice: stifle, suppress, subjugate, strangle … nation has turned into a police state.”

An editorial on the Citizen, another news website, stressed the need for journ*lists to exercise responsibility and accountability, but criticised the raid. “Using the police to raid the homes of the senior editors is unacceptable and a clear infringement of the long-established norms concerning the media. This amounts to intimidation and is action used by governments to muzzle the media by spreading fear and terror,” it said.

In the latest World Press Freedom index, published by Reporters Without Borders in May, India fell to 150th out of 180 countries, down from 142nd the previous year and 133rd in 2016.

Nooo the rules don't apply to us we're the press we can defame you chuds however we want and you have to take it


States of :marseypajeet:

trans lives matter


I'm racist
punjabi g*mer anthem

trans lives matter


neighbor singh

trans lives matter



trans lives matter


g*mer moment

trans lives matter



trans lives matter


how 2 queue

trans lives matter


Lipstick alley copes and seethes over :marseytunaktunak:

Call me racist but I don’t want some Indian guy to be our next prime minister. I know all the Asians living in the uk will have a field day and talk for generations onward about how a brown person was able to become a prime minister

:blacksoyjak: :chadindianheadset:

What does ws mean? If you’re living in the uk you will know what Indians are like their mainly conservative and don’t give a frick about black people


I agree, it's just like Sadiq Khan and his appalling response to knife crime, Asian people don't care about the average person here in Britain especially black people. Rishi Sunak is the wrong person, the only reason why he wants to be Prime Minister is because his wife is a billionaire and that is the only way he can become equal, as being a Prime Minister of a country cannot be bought with money.


A lot of Indians are racist af towards black people so idgaf about them.

Kaalas seething :marseyjam:

I don’t support white supremacy. Indians also act like white supremacists and wish they were white

:marseyannoyed: now that is just mean

It probably will be him and then you will see how ruthless their version of anti black is. At least whites (pretend to) placate black people. In the event that any issues with black people arise, those asians will straight up tell you they don't give two figs.


What have YOU done?
Me on da rite
:marseyitsover: 1/5th of graduating officers for Indian Army are foids :marseycontemplate: :!marseykneel: :marseyxi:

A total of 186 officers including 151 gentlemen cadets, and 35 women cadets were inducted into the Indian Army on Saturday, October 29 after a Passing Out Parade held at the Officers Training Academy (OTA) in Chennai.


Bengali supremacy thread

Born in Nadia district of Bengal, Suresh spent a wild childhood, fighting feral cats and dogs, joining in hunts, and risking life and limb in every conceivable way. He brawled with British soldiers on Calcutta’s Maidan, but also became close to his missionary teachers at the London Mission College in Bhowanipore, and left home after turning Christian at the age of 14. Despite the efforts of the college principal, he failed to hold down a steady job. After a brief spell at Calcutta’s Spence’s hotel as a kind of tourist guide, Suresh decided to stow away on a ship for Rangoon. This was to be the beginning of 40 years of non-stop globetrotting and swashbuckling.

In Rangoon, Suresh rescued a woman from fire, and she became the first in a long line of women to fall in love with Suresh. But failing to find any work in Burma, he once again took ship and reached London, all of 17 years of age. Suresh slummed it out in the East End, working as porter and newspaper seller by day, and warding off murderous attacks at night. Writing with remarkable frankness, Upendrakrishna describes how Suresh had gone drinking in a pub and woke up in his room with a beastly hangover and two women in his bed. The trio kept drinking until Suresh ran out of his last penny.


Eventually it was in Kent that Suresh found steady employment, in a travelling circus. Thanks to his gymnastic ability and his ease with animals, his acts became an instant hit. During this time, he fell in love with a 14-year old German girl in the same circus, but in a twist straight out of Bollywood, it was revealed from a newspaper advertisement that she was the runaway daughter of a German nobleman whose wife was dying. The tearful fraulein then returned to Germany. Several years later, when the circus was touring Germany, Suresh ran into her again in a shop. Their love-affair resumed, but irate family members hounded Suresh out of the country and he found himself in the United States in 1885.


The next 20 years of Suresh’s life are even more remarkable, but we know relatively little about them. Continuing to work in the circus, Suresh became the first Bengali to set foot in Brazil. There, he lectured in Portuguese when not performing feats of valour at the circus. Enchanted by the beauty of Brazil, he decided to settle there and married the daughter of a local physician. In 1887, he joined the Brazilian army as corporal and rose swiftly through the ranks. The monarchy was overthrown in 1889, but Suresh became a lieutenant in 1893 and was instrumental in quelling the Brazilian Naval Revolt the following year.

:!m#arseyshooting: :marseysailor:

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