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Are gays the same? When a pooner comes into a gay sub and acts like a foid, do other gays protect the pooner or is it purely a foid phenomenon to do this?

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Askgaybros is notorious for keeping pooners at bay. Couple of times a week, a pooner comes in asking "are trans people welcome here?" And the answer is unequivocally "we like peepee, you have no peepee, frick off".

This happens on a regular basis and yet they keep coming.

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What if she has balls

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Lmao guys don't put up with this shit.

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Dudes rock.

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In two ways :#marseyheavymetal: :marseywindmill: :marseywindmill: :marseywindmill:

:marseypooner: :stoni#ng:

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i couldn't find any bros to be racist with in my city until i went to the gay club

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I like your color. Legit I saw it and thought "wow that's a pretty nice color, I should use it on one of my alts" then i saw you even advertise the hexadecimal value.


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Elementary OS might be one of the biggest wasted potential distros out there, but the branding is top tier: https://elementary.io/brand

I get a bunch of colors for stuff from that page.

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god i love branding guidelines. really tickles the autism

hopefully i can find more spots in the vidya to use these colors but for now, this highlight will have to do


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Nice! Always glad to see more colorful design language.

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Some of them do, yeah. I mean there's a lot of gays who will straight up discount a pooner the second it becomes obvious and not even try to be polite, but there's also a huge amount of gays (younger) who will suck the boy clit happily. TBH there seems to be way more terfy lesbians than pooner-hating gays

edit: the only reason it seems like lesbians will accept 'transbians' at a high rate is because any lesbian who doesn't will be called a TERF endlessly (strangely the same thing doesnt happen to men for some reason....)

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My take is homosexual relationships are too phallocentric to put up with pooner bullshit.

I can much more easily imagine a cute butch taking peepee than a strag eating a natural axe wound. Lesbianism doesn't really exist, lesbian s*x is a meme, they fricking masturbate using peepees made of plastic.

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>has never spoken to a woman

>goes on rdrama.net


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Lesbianism isn't real lol

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Reported by:

>lives in a spare room at elderly parents house on a pull out sofa and jerks off to videos of barely legal girls doing piss stuff

>has a completely inorganic and unnatural understanding of sexuality due to constant exposure to porn and no romantic connection with a human ever

>resultingly unable to fathom someone's primary sexual interests being linked to flesh and blood people rather than concepts on a tube site

>goes on rdrama.net

>types "LESBIANISM ISN'T REAL LOL" one handed

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!metashit, look at @horsefuneral words words words at someone joking about lesbian. What an angry r-slur!


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!metashit I heard he got banned for being underage can anyone confirm???

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A comment that took about ten seconds to write made you follow me around the site and report me for shit, you are quite literally over-seething

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!metashit, he's so mad replied twice to my comment and spent 2k to ban my main, but alas! @Ubie is back! (Hey, @Grue. :marseyblowkiss: )


Did he say anything worth reading? :marseydukenukem:.

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if lesbianism were real they wouldn't be lining up to suck gocks :marseyxd:

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i love the assumption that online wingcucked twitter r-slurs are virtue signalling...except when they're telling trains they look beautiful in a kmart sun dress. sure

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lol, you really are mad and r-slurred.

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I mean, he ain't lying though

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i gooned to this post

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lesbianism is an illusion of perspective, like centrifugal force.


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Every lesbian I've known has fricked a dude when they're drunk.

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That's because they aren't gay. They're bi, just like half of all zoomers who are confused about their sexuality until they learn the hard way.

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I don't know, gay guys are fickle. They will be very clear that they are not into you as a pooner, but then they will do the classic woman thing and say "OMG daaahling you're serving LADYGARDENY REALNESS" as a compliment to some morbidly obese, sallow skinned homo wearing a Britney crop top with his hairy gut fully hanging out, that no one would ever find attractive in a million years

:#nikocadoavocadodance: :#nikocadoavocadodance: :#nikocadoavocadodance:

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What kind of gay guys are you hanging out with??

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A gay dude I know chases after old, gross men. They exist.

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Well, yeah, there's plenty of gold diggers, but I've never seen this:

say "OMG daaahling you're serving LADYGARDENY REALNESS" as a compliment to some morbidly obese, sallow skinned homo wearing a Britney crop top with his hairy gut fully hanging out

I can't believe he lied about this! :marseylaptopangry2:

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These aren't men with money, lol. He just had weird daddy issues.


::guy lies to get laid::

Something that has never happened since time immemorial.

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Are you transmasc? :marseyflirt:

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is it purely a foid phenomenon

irl, yes. though in this case it's a foid (male) phenomenon. there are maybe three cis lesbians left on reddit.

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