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EFFORTPOST I found one of the most intriguing accounts ever on reddit, and for the first time, an actual polish radfem femcel (yea I know femcels dont exist but she gets points for being a virgin). Her entire routine consists of posting on reddit all day about how: men are evil because theyre horny, s*x is evil and degrading (true!), why we should abandon all moids to die, as well as her beliefs that the planet is a prison. When are we going to invite this xueen to rdrama?


Heres some absolute bangers:



"Why cant you eat a fetus?"

"Its known that one of most nutrient dense foods are unborn babies. Eggs= unborn chickens, Kaviar= unborn fish. Now imagine how much protein and other vitamins a human fetus has. Im so mad bc we waste good food like this. Abortion clinics would rather throw good food into the trash instead of giving it to me. Thousands of such fetuses are throwm away each year when I could have eaten them. I hate wasting food. So why cant you eat human fetuses? They are unwanted anyways. I get that at some point the fetus starts to resemble a baby and has bones and all, but im talking about the fetuses in their boneless jelly-like form. They could have been tasty with some sweet and spicy sauce mmmm."



"Straight women in relationships with men are basically prostitutes"

"Well not really, at least a prostitute gets money out of the intercourse, you Just are forced to do it for free lmao. And she forces the man to wear a condom meanwhile your man coerces you to do it without it and you end up pregnant, with Stds or a broken heart. You see what I mean?

Ever occured to you why lesbians have less s*x than straight women? Its not bc lesbians have lower libido or sth, its bc straight women are forced to have s*x with men to maintain the " relationship" . You are still forced to have s*x whether you are a prostitute trying to make ends meet or a straight woman in a relationship.

Stay celibate."

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17229596758114352.webp half of her face doxx, ngl kinda cute

theres also tons of posting in conspiratard places like /r/prisonplanet, /r/ghosts

Shes also KIND of r-slurred - she, despite being a grown butt woman, doesnt know about the fresh water cycle. ! polish neighbors is euro education really this bad?




"Men could never live without women and its pathetic."

"They are slaves to their own balls and peepees. They are slaves to us and they hate to admin it. The mans life goal is to have s*x with women. Even if he says his goal is to be rich he wants to be rich to get acces to more beautiful women. Everything in a mans life revolves around getting kitty. They only think about s*x or destruction.

I once watched a movie and there was this guy who asked - what would we do if women were gone? Another guy anwsered- what do you mean we would play football or play games. Next dude replies- Yeah but there wouldnt be football players anymore, do you think they play for middle aged ret4rds or to get rich and get women?

Women make their worldgo around. Say to a man that for sure 100% he will never even get to smell a kitty and he will kill himself. Bc thats his only motivator to live. S*x. Truely pathetic.

Men are slaves to their own libido and peepee. If we were gone the whole world would collapse and mass suicides and violence would occur.

There is a sub called /r/neets and these are men who refuse to work for various reasons but mostly bc they dknt get any kitty. Their resaon is , why work if I dont get no s*x? Lmao give me a break. Shows how Men would never do anything if s*x with women wasnt on the table.

Meanwhile us women can get abything done without thinking about men and their nasty disiese ridden peepees. We have life goals higher than s*x."

just unironically adorable


nihilist redditor nonsense, kinda feel bad


ahh nahh blvd is opping with children

"Children are respected more tham women are

Title. As children we are respected and loved, we are told we are beautiful Just the way we are, we are cared for, until we grow up to be women. Then we are whores and b-words who deserve less, were told were too skinny, too fat, too loud etc. Childrens abuse is never justified Our abuse is. Honestly now I get why so many grown women are acting so childlish these days, they probably want to go back to being treated like an actual human being."


ok she actually needs help, is she trying to hang herself?

She also posts in eating disorder subreddits


Also unironically and seriously posts in /r/antisex (which is a real subreddit)



kinda cooking here, shes so innocent its cute



"Losing your virginity as a woman is losing yourself"

"Im writing this bc ive observed how one of my friends started to act after losing her virginity. So she told me that she lost her virginity to this one guy one day and I ofc pretended to be excited about it and showing support and all. That was 2 months ago. And now shes acting difffrent! She dresses more umm provocatively? Like mini dresses and all, showing off curves etc. And ofc shes blinded by the peepee, she cant stop talking about her boyfriend and spends all time with him. Wihich i dont mind really i like to be left alone as im an introvert. But what matters is that shes changed!

I feel like losing virginity as a woman is losing a part of yourself. That part is being taken by a man of course and you will never get it back. How humiliating is this? Being concured even once by a man, would make me feel like a whore honestly. Imagine having s*x for the first time in your life and then the man dumps you, like i would straight up wanna kms. Hes taken something from me and now I feel disgusting for the rest of my life.

S*x is damaging to women and the more you have it, the more your losing your mind. Look at prostututes, they are mentally ill and depressed bc of all the s*x with men. I feel like all women subconciously or conciously know that s*x damages them in one way or another.

Honestly i think i will be a virgin forever idc. Lose your virginity, lose your mind, lose yourself."

Rare femcel virgin spotted. Yea I kinda feel sad for her, kinda gives me "save me vibes" if you get what im saying. In other words shes perfect :marseyheart: i think im in love

also posts in /r/neet shes unemployed


yo redpillers were cooking when they said wahman are perpetual children













yea i just feel bad for her.

So what do we think about our femcel anti s*x xueen? Cooking, or nah?

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im not sure I really get this website but ask me questions ig

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Hey, I saw that you just joined rdrama and a group of people who hate me are trying to smear my name by calling me a date male feminist. I just wanted to let you know that it's not true. If you want all the receipts proving it they're right here.

The TL;DR is that I hooked up with one of the hot girls on rdrama, and since I was twice her age, a lot of the guys here who wanted to bang her got jealous and assumed that the only way I could have managed that was by raping her, even though she herself said both before and afterwards that it was all completely consensual. So now that you're the new hot girl on rdrama, I guess they think that I'm going to somehow seduce you into flying all the way across the country (or some crazy shit like that) to hook up with me and they're trying to talk shit about me to make sure that doesnt happen. I don't understand it either, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm a nice guy and I hope you'll look at the evidence and make up your own mind instead of listening to all the jealous haters.

Anyway, with that little intro out of the way, welcome to rdrama! The culture's a little rough here and you're probably going to get tons of requests to •show boobsU but if you talk to some of the women here first before engaging with all the creepy dudes, they'll give you some good advice to avoid stalkers and predators. Or (If you haven't been scared off by the rumor mill) you're welcome to ask me and I'm happy to help.

Just out of curiosity, how did you find this place?

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Would you say you hate incels because they hated you first?


!verifiedugly one of you

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men are repulsive they only care about getting their peepee inside of a woman. you can see how they treat a woman thats below them. its proof of their mindset.

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Whats your opinion on celibate :marseybetauprising: moids :marseyfeminist: like priests and those waiting :marseyunresponsive: for marriage :marseybride:

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its just a form of manipulation in hoping to catch another woman and subject her to a life of servitude

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What about priests doe they dont cate about moids :marseyfeminist:

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interesting that it takes holy intervention for men to stop thinking with their peepees

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Straight fricking bars, dudette. Don't stop

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Please stay around to bully all the simps on the site :marseybegging: the moid menace has gone on too long. if you ask one of the mods I'm sure they'll bankroll your incel crusade. Just make sure you put the mods in their place as well for their meta-currency financial simpery

dude bussy lmao

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Wrong I only care about getting my peepee inside of a man

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men are repulsive they only care about getting their peepee inside of a woman.

counterpoint: gay men

you can see how they treat a woman thats below them

self-confidence is not your strong suit

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I heard that the average man thinks about s*x every 7 seconds. They're like animals.

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@collectijism think about killing women every 5 seconds though so yah know


Trans lives matter

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FACTS :marseyagreesuperspeed:

Also can i put my peepee inside of you (please) :marseybegging:

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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Well its not fair when they are the ones that put me in this position :marseysulk:

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Since they treat all women the same, would you say all women are below them?

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Wouldnt you also say that most women also only care about getting a man to take care of them in that case?

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im a drug addict tho my peepee barely work

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incels are losers femcels are truecel queens

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What color are your nipples?


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We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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FOID MOID TROID :soyquack:


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not sure why youre asking as if im gonna tell you.

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this isn't how you're meant to do an ama


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im assuming your male given your porn brained personality

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Bear in mind that this guy that you are talking with runs a snuff film site (watchpeopledie.tv) and is a self-proclaimed Catholic warrior :marseydarkxd: !metashit !moidmoment

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and im assuming your a terf given youre bioessentialist hostility


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males really put their opinions where it isnt welcome do they?

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why are you asking questions and refusing too answer questions in youre own ama


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because I came to this stupid website and get nothing but dumb questions and sick in the head males asking me gross questions

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More comments

Tell his butt xueen

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Please do not assume peoples gender that is very ruude!

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He wants to know if you're white. Pink nipples=white, since your hair and eyes are dark you could be a light skinned latinx or something.

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It's hilarious you think men are evil when you're a wh*te person yourself. There is literally nothing worse than a wh*te, man or woman.

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uh oh BROWNIE ALERT!!!! I smeLL!!! BROWN SKIN!!!!! https://media.tenor.com/piCXvK3ABIUAAAAx/be-doo-be-doo-minion.webp

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>dark hair

>brown eyes

Verdict, not white

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Neighbor shes polish of course shes white

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>she's polish :marseynietzscheretard: of course shes white

!chuds who's gonna :marseyvenn6: tell him


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No refugee would stay in poland when germany is a days ride away

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No one* would stay in poland when germany is a days ride away


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You would think so, but somehow poles do indeed exist

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Yeah, and half of them are working in the west.

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I remember talking to a Polish person about Arabs in terms of them being nonwhite and the pole was like what, Arabs are white tho? Like oh yeah I forgot you'd think that lmfao

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Can you try typing but remove the butt plug first

Trans lives matter

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Do you prefer /r/femalepessimists or /r/femaleseparatists more?


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Yo so like what did you for work

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follow up question @Gorgoista do you plan on doing so?

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Welcome! You'll do well here. You've already grasped the essential failure of the pornbrained scrote.

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What opened your eyes to the moid menace?

:#marseyfeminist: :#marseyproctologist:

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i love my dad but my mom couldve been a lot more if it wasnt for him. she was so smart and i looked up to her until i realized she threw away her life to be a wife

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:#marseymanysuchcases: :#marseyshesright:

Once you fall for a man, you can never go back :marseyscared:

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Can the moids redeem themselves if they transition to women?

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What do you think she could have been? A nurse? A teacher? A maid at a four star hotel?

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We're talking about Poles here. A maid at a two star hotel is a good start

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You're being a bit hard on her. What exactly did she throw away? Even if you're smart most careers are not fulfilling, they are a means to an end. As long as your dad can reasonably provide she is probably living better as a mother than she would have as a participant in the corporate rat race. I do understand wanting to make something of yourself ,and getting social validation from achieving career goals, but in the long run its overrated.

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No, the highest purpose of life is wagecucking :marseyindignant:

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Are you prepared to take the necessary steps to liberate your mother? :marseysuffragette: :marseydoit:

Or just going to complain online about the moid menace? :marseysleep:

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if I can convince a girl to make her own choices besides being slaves to men then ive done something.

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Your mom is happier to have you and your dad more than the best job or the highest accolades this world could have ever given her. Tell me she wouldn't agree with that.

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Your mom is happier to have you and your dad more than any job or the highest accolades this world could have ever given her. Tell me she wouldn't agree with that.

Not in this case :marseysmug2:

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That's cus of moidnipulation (moid manipulation) doe

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What is your opinion on the Combahee River Collectives critiques of female separatism, namely that it struggles to resolve intersectional issues of identity and why do you think the female separatist movement of the period collapsed and how can that be averted today, and how can trashing best be reduced within the Movement? Do you have preference of economic system?




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sad we had the trolls get to her first :marseygiveup:

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Trashing doesn't exist. It's just a right wing talking point.

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do you like Marsey?


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idk what that is

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This is Marsey -> :marseyexcited:

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This is Bimothy -> :#marseyitsbimothy2:

!metashit :#marseyweeping: why'd she leave. She would've sexo'd me if I had the chance to show her who Bimothy is

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Nice job scaring another one away, dork.


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Nihilism is for cute twinks. Go make meaning out of life neighbor

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It sounds like you hate being a woman (justifiably), have you ever considered becoming a man? :pooner:

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sounds like my nightmare

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Opinion on trans :marseypennymisia: folx

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have u thought :marseymindblown: of doing scat porn

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yes another pornbrained man showing his face. i hate males and their sexuality

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That's kind of gross though

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But you also thought about it...

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Can I jerk off into your eye and you smile at me?

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I never got a no. Things are finally in my favor.

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It's a retirement home for old strags from /r/drama which was itself a retirement home for 4chan posters

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What are your thoughts on trans-rights?



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How many bottles of wine do you plan to destroy this month


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Jeśli ty nienawidzisz mężczyzn, ja nienawidzę kobiet, a przeciwieństwa się przyciągają, to może... :marseyshy:

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Ah, cóż za okrutna bezpośredniość.

Moje biedne serce, moja zmarnowana pasja. Ajajaj...


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Co za głupi, podludzki język. Prawie tak zły jak rosyjski :marseyrussianmutt:

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Twoja opinia źle swiadczy o twoim lingwistycznym guście.

Polski język wymaga wyrafinowanego smaku, którego najwyraźniej ci brakuje. :hmph:

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Mupki da doo diddski po mo gub biddaczy be dat tum BIX NOODski

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Post tits or gtfo

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Will you marry me? :marseyshy: :marseyflirt:

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Why are you so gullible?

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Need man-hating femcel gf :marseycry:

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Yes, yes, a thousand times, YES!!



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You can troll the moids here by posting your thoughts. The mods don't really delete anything and they'll fill the replies with scrote fury. Hit that "post drama" button and you can write whatever you like.

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ive noticed most of these men cant even argue properly

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Well I can femiBIPOC that's why you use electronic torture weapons against me for exposing female C-Con hivemind and 88 longhouse because feminism is coded to the number 88 feminazi witches using word magic to hide they're genocidal ambition and corral the nomie BIPOC cattle to Andrew Le Vey Tate




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Btw f*males won't touch this information because they're afraid of me

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you should make posts on here often, that would be cool. there are a lot of fragile people here and I think that it would be funny :marseysneedbuddy:

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Sadly, scrotes are very stupid and most are barely literate

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What is your plan to supersede wh*te women privilege with BIPOC women privilege? In what ways do you envision wh*te women can be subservient to BIPOC women without the luxury of tethering themselves to their castle, the savior complex?

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@Gorgoista Why are you ignoring this question and answering questions about nipples? Perhaps you are pornbrained, too?

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>wah wah I can't get laid :#taylorlorenzcrying: and it's not my fault

Unironically keep yourself safe you frickin loser

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I'm really handsome and s*x-negative, how do I date femcels?

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go to church unironically

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You're so right queen, don't let the incels tear you down. :marseysad: Many such cases of female friends changing after getting a bf

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How's that men's fault? Women should grow a spine

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Why are you p*lish?

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Do you endorse Kamala Harris for prez??

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What's so bad about sexuality exactly?

Women aren't as s*x driven but they're mostly not asexual so it's not just a male thing.

Do you feel out of place in a world that values something you don't understand, or do you have some kind of past trauma regarding s*x?

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men only think with their peepees. they take women and then make them dumber and lose themselves and become a slave to men. women are the true caretakers and ones who want love. men only want what women can give them

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She's right !fellas, DUDES ROCK!

We need trans hedgehogs! Trans hedgehogs belong here! We love trans hedgehogs!

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so you think women are more smart and overall better than men?

if thats true, how come men are the most dominant in mostly every country and men are in more leadership positions in government and businesses?

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because they keep women down to achieve that? men choose not to understand or can't ig

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So men are worse than women but they keep women down through underhanded tactics?

Sounds exactly what neo-Nazis say about Jews. :marseyxd:

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You've heard of the merchant but have you considered the (((moid)))?

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unrelated but you said you hate moids :marseyfeminist: because theyre controlled by s*x right?

Whats your opinion on feminism :marseyterfdomesticabuse: then, which allowed for moids :marseyfeminist: (specifically HVMs) to have casual :marseywillnever: s*x and ghost :marseyqatarworldcup2: as many womb men as possible, without any consequences.?

Also opinion on YT folx and BLM

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If men are smart enough to keep women down in every society in the world, i think its safe to assume that means men are smarter. Im just using your logic, I personally believe everyone is equal.

You have a terrible mindset and you need to fix it. This is really unhealthy

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Obviously since taking peepee lowers your IQ, haven't you been reading her screeds

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The simple reality is that basically everyone can be hypnotized by peepee. Men begin their lives self-hypnotized, and women become peepeenotized through experience.

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Do you know about Black girl magic? :marseykween:

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do you date women?

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Femcel vs Gaycel both covered in oil who wins the twerk off?

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  • whyareyou : please be still, an agent will be with you shortly

If penetrative s*x is inherently harmful and unpleasant to the receptive partner, why do some lesbians buy strapons?

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why are you gay

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hello new friend :marseywave3:

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If men can't stop thinking about s*x, aren't they the ones stopped from reaching their true potential?

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Thoughts on petite anime women? (Not libertarianstrag loli, women over the age of 18 with slender dainty features)

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Post cutting scars.

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Are you active in fandom circles?

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