There's only one Battle of Britain pilot left
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bet he regrets his sacrifices for modern cuck island

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Read Unknown Warriors, or at the very least a few pages. It surveys and asks British WWII veterans how they think the country is going in the modern era. Consensus is near universally negative.

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Very few old people die to see the World be exactly the way it was when they were young. Even less are happy about it.

That's always been the case.

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What author, what year, too vague

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Nicholas Pringle

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There are 245,000 holocaust survivors still alive today.

There is not a single veteran of the Great War ( WW1 ) left alive anymore.

The youngest holocaust survivor is 79 years old now. She was born in the concentration camp.

Assuming the maximum age she can survive is till 120 years, we still have 41 years of having to take the holocaust seriously as some horrible current event left.

Have fun explaining to Alpha generation's children why making fun of a war that happened 120 years ago is a punishable offense in a free and fair democracy.

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She was born in the concentration camp.

rough fricking start god darn

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Beat the spawn campers gg ez no re.

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How the frick does that even happen? Even if you could give birth in the camp (seems tough as heck), would the Germans really let you skip out on work to watch your baby?

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Imagine having to report to your boss that your concentration camp is somehow increasing the jewish population.

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Aw darn that's a good post

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It probably wasn't one of the actual extermination camps, because women were just herded off the trains and directly to the extermination chambers. Only fit men were allowed to live for a few weeks (while being forced to work, typically stuff like removing corpses from aforementioned chambers) before being killed off themselves.

Even if her mom wasn't allowed time off to care for her baby (likely), it's probable that others at the camp would chip in to help. I mean think about it, they live in misery with death all around them, surely they'd pitch in to take care of a newborn?

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A 79 year old Holocaust survivor would have been born in 1945 or maybe late 1944.

The gassings at Auschwitz stopped around November 1944 and the final months it was mostly "death marches" with jews being forced to march in the snow from the bigger camps into smaller camps in Germany. It's not as if the baby was born in the Warsaw Ghetto in 1942 (just before mass deportations)

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>he did the math

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WW2 is much better documented than any war before it. We don't have a footage of, say, Napoleonic wars.

I think that until WW3 happens, WW2 will more or less continue to maintain its importance.

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We don't have a footage of, say, Napoleonic wars



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I disagree. Irrespective of how good a footage is, it's just not possible to care for a conflict at the same level over time. Ukraine - Russia war has far more footage with more relatable technologies and by the end of the day that's what's going to count. Whether the people you are watching on screen look and act like you or not.

WW1 has already lost relevance.

All WW2 has to go on are Call of Duty games and even the COD franchise has been unwilling to return to WW2 since 2017. It really is over for that time period.

The best WW2 movie released till date is Schildlers List and even that is 31 years old now.

You can only milk a conflict for so long before people stop caring.

There were entire crusades and centuries of ongoing wars between the Christians and the Muslims and nobody really cares enough about them anymore because enough time passed.

The current generation doesn't hesitate to make 9/11 jokes anymore.

CoD is now willing to release games set during the Iraq war because they don't consider it insensitive right now.

Only the German's are still hung up on WW2 because they are the ones who committed the atrocities and then lost and felt bad about it.

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!historychads thoughts?

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>replying to a gigachad_brony alt


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for yankeeland (and thus "global" culture at large) ww2 is mostly relevant since its the last war lefties allow them to be proud about. So it will continue to be relevant until commies acknowledge Kim/Minh/Saddam were mass murdering monsters that needed to be stopped (lol)

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I think he has a point that people will lose their emotional connection to the war as it fades into history. We will reach a time (and we're kinda already there) where little kids in elementary school will start to :marseynooticeglow: as to why they get in trouble with stodgy spinster browbeaters for making dank memes about a war fought almost a century ago

But WWII will always have a unique place in armchair academia. The scale of the conflict is mind boggling. Like, you can't read about Eastern Front operations in WWII and then look at modern Russia's "progress" trying to take territory they used to own outright and not :marseykekw:

People are still fascinated by the Crusades after all.

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until there's another near peer conflict :marseynoyouoccupy: with a clear good vs bad guy that takes place :marseychtorrr: on a global scale :marseyjustice: and results in the deaths of hundreds of millions I doubt :marseywut3: it will lose relevance.

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death to bongs

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Too many words :marseylongpost: to read about cod

Didn't read

Palestinian lives matter

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The current generation doesn't hesitate to make 9/11 jokes anymore

I agree with everything else, but there were people online making 9/11 jokes before the second plane hit.

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>Twin towers

Never forget

>building 7


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I meant the general public.

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Posts like this is why I do Heroine.

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WW2 will continue to maintain its importance until it stops being the founding myth of the global hegemony.

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We are getting closer and closer to having the critical mass of wingcucks that think dismantling the various WW2 national myths will help their cause and only their cause. That recent Churchill thing with Tucker Carlson was the first time I've seen rightoid "Britain was the bad guys in WW2" have any mainstream traction and leftoids have been screeching about it for decades. Once the line is crossed in a country WW2 as the Manichean creation myth is gone and wingcuckery will dominate again, it's why eastern and southern euros can have insane politics.

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Generational trauma of the Holocaust will be eternal. I, for one, am suffering from fourth-generational Holocaust trauma. The Holocaust is a scar on our history that will never heal. Hence why we must teach all future generations about this heinous event.

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Booooo I won't pay reparations to slave children, I won't pay reparations to you. The civil war enthusiasts can frick off too.

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Why are you defending Nazis? :marseyreich: :marseyshooting:

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Because it's as impactful as supporting confederates or Pharaohs

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hopefully climate change makes the middle east unlivable by then

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They in turn will make Europe unlivable. Fun times ahead.

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gah, sometimes i regret buying a tesla.

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>a free and fair democracy

:#marseysmughips: :#marseysmug: :#marseysurejan: :#marseyhmmhips: :#marseysmirk2: :#marseysmug6:

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!historychads how strategically important was the Battle of Britain?

  • The air campaign was never close to bringing Britain to her knees. The much more effective U-boat campaign didn't even do that.

  • Britain is strongly motivated to play up the Dunkirk evacuation, the Battle of Britain, and the North Africa campaign because otherwise it'd look like they didn't do shit until Normandy

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I don't think you can view the strategic significance of it purely in material terms. At that point the UK was the last man standing against Nazi Germany. Its populace and political leadership were wavering on the edge of coming to terms. Whether or not their situation was as dire as it felt at the time, the perception was the Nazi war machine was unstoppable and further resistance might be futile, or perhaps even purely self-destructive. Even if a German amphibious invasion was somewhere between wishful thinking and absurdist fantasy on the part of the Nazis, a successful German air campaign - or even simply a bloody stalemate - might have tipped the balance towards surrender. And then the Germans can go into the Soviets with a free hand.

If war was purely a question of numbers of men and machines France would not have fallen in the first place. You could call the Battle of Britain purely a moral victory, but at that point in time morale counted for a whole lot.

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It was an attempt to make Britain sue for peace by seeding terror among the populace, the basic idea was to take advantage of the Luftwaffe initial numerical superiority, the nazis thought the British public would have pressured the government to accept some peace proposal.

The Kriegsmarine stood no chance against the Royal Navy and "Operation Sea Lion" was a fantasy.

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>The Kriegsmarine stood no chance against the Royal Navy

You don't need full naval supremacy to interdict shipping.

I like a take I once heard that instead of fighting battle of England as they did Luftwaffe should have acted as a support in a naval commerce raiding campaign, focusing on scouting the Atlantic and bombing ships and harbors. This not only strikes Britain at its achilles heel, it also largely denies them home field advantage, you can't recover more pilots over ocean. I don't know if it would win the fight, but it would have been more equal at least.

It couldn't have happened for a number of reasons, for one nobody understood strategic bombing in 30s and many had really high expectations of it (not just material but psychological, expecting mental stress in bombed cities like in shelled trenches). But also Kriegsmarine had no naval arm, and Luftwaffe had little interest in any naval tasks. That's also why they couldn't do much during Dunkirk, pilots new shit about hitting ships. Some units would get better later in the war, but not in 1940.

And also, Goering was far too prideful to suffer being relegated to a support role.

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Britain is strongly motivated to play up the Dunkirk evacuation, the Battle of Britain, and the North Africa campaign because otherwise it'd look like they didn't do shit until Normandy

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Well Germany's goal was to bring the British to terms. If we set the parameters of the battle as such, a German victory would have changed the war completely and entirely.

The historical outcome of Germany giving up counts as a British victory and allowed the US to use Great Britain itself as an unsinkable base for further operations in Europe.

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Well Germany's goal was to bring the British to terms.

Like I said, they weren't even close.

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Yeah cos they lost. If a question of, "How strategically important was the battle?" can include a scenario where we imagine the battle as a British defeat, their defeat there would have changed everything.

The strategic consequences of the battle as it actually was include Britain staying in the war, which was huge.

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Poms showed strength when they were alone and that helped get the yanks on board.

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that helped get the yanks on board

The yanks got on board because Hitler declared war on them.

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They wanted to help real bad by then.

Plus, it gave the poms the right to carpet bomb Nazis and burn their families. Suck shit

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They wanted to help real bad by then.

FDR and some others did, but the public did not

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And those that did had just seen the poms defy the blitz, lol.

Are you a Mick?

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Not 100% related but it's crazy to me that if you have some good genes, good health practices, and a little luck, your retired life can actually be as long or longer than your working life. Not sure if I'd choose to be a centenarian but if I can still move around and :marseyzwei: I guess it wouldn't be so bad

:#marseyplane: :#!platysalute: :#marseykneel:

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I like the classic Daily Mail commenter argument that "I'd rather die at 60 having enjoyed myself than die at 80 in pain an old people's home", as though drinking every day and eating like shit mean that they'll be in perfect health until they die in their sleep at 60.

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Not far off of just maiding at 60 probably being socially expected too

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Yeah I've known r-slurs like that irl who say the exact same thing.

"I'm here for a good time not a long time!"

Too much of that attitude will make your time short AND bad

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I've got friends in their mid-thirties whose bodies are already starting to irreparably break down.

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Genuinely depressing :marseydoomer:

His life matters more than Palestinian lives matter

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Crazy how boomers fumbled the bag they were given.

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The British empire collapsed and the UK has been failing downwards ever since. In time it is almost a certainty that the UK itself will split into its individual constituents with Ireland and Scotland breaking away.

The average Britoid alive today behaves like how an American is actually justified to behave.

The Bong has no future, the Bong has no culture, the Bong is a cheap imitation of an actual human being, with even how they speak sounding like something somebody came up with in a lab. There is nothing natural about the behavior and beliefs of the Bong. The Bong is just a child that grew up and demanded to be allowed to continue living his or her life as a child, with the government and the Bong police to nanny him and punish him when he says a nono word or makes fun of the weird kid in class.

The Bongs are a failed empire that did not even last half as long as the Greeks or the Romans. They are the only empire that once the countries of the world gained independence, every single one of them began to distance themselves from the embarrassment of having Bongs involved in their history.

While entire continents will celebrate their historical roots in Roman, Greek, or Persian culture. Not a single one is willing to admit having any connection to Bong heritage without a hint of shame in their demeanor.

The Bongs came up with novel ideas and creations that one time, and the moment those creations reached even the most savage and backwards of hands, others made them better. The Bong ended up being an entire civilization that built the colonization equivalent of the gunpowder without figuring out that you could use it in a gun.

The Bongs are such a despicable people that the German's who created the holocaust were placed next to the Bongs as an option to lead the continent, and even the war time enemies of the Germans chose Germany over the Bongs.

Bongland is the only place in the world where you can catch a married Bong fricking a pig behind his Bong wife's back and you can sympathize with the man.

The Soviet Union replaced Bongland, the US replaced Bongland, and today even the failing EU, failing Japan, and India have replaced Bongland. Nobody has moved towards mediocrity faster than the Bong. Who would allow anybody to enter and live in his country as long as the money flows through a Bong bank account.

Bongland is unironically the Mexico of Europe but even Mexico improves over time. Even Canada today has better future prospects than Bongland in the current day. Bongland is the country that is losing the race against other failing nations.

Look at a Bong, and you will see the signs of heavy inbreeding and genetic collapse in their lazy eye, hanging nose, and uneven teeth. The Bong people are what happens when white genes fail. The Bong people are what happens when empires are so useless in their conduct that everybody is more glad to forget they ever existed, preferring to have them forgotten even in the annals of history.

Multiple generations of greater empires and nation states have arisen since the failure of Bongland and the people are still in denial about it. It is the saddest place on the planet.

One day they, just like the Russians will fall out of the top 10 economies in the world, and the world will be a better place for it.

Europe belongs to Germany and the Germans won. The Bong needs to accept his place in the current day world order where they allow Russians to assassinate targets on Bong soil and are unable to do anything about it.

That country has been through 4 Prime Ministers since 2021. They have no future. They are a failed state with a Chicken Tikka Masala.

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I don't care, sorry boo

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What about Biggles?

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Hope that cute twink dies soon

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