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NEETS Rise up: :marseyneet: Number of young people not in work or education hits 11-year high : unitedkingdom




Competing with the entire third world, young Brits are now out of their traditional Greggs or Wetherspoons gig, fuelling a potential slump in NOS Canister sales :marseyitsover:

In October to December 2024, an estimated 14.4% of all male 16-24-year-olds were Neet, compared with 12.3% female.

Rdrama still has growth potential :marseyhmm:

Niall became Neet after getting in with the "wrong people", he says.


"At first, it just seemed like Reddit but with cat emojis," Niall says, describing the Neet community.

"But before you realise it, you're saying words like 'Bussy' and 'dramapilled' - it alienates you from people."

"So obviously I had to get off all that stuff."


can you blame them? whats the point of working, theres no light at the end of the tunnel.


It's literally easier to just say you have long covid and rake in the bennies :platyrich:

Most people don't want to be a leech on society. :marseyclueless:


Yeah except 1/3rd of the country :marseythumbsup:

If the British young people don't want to work we need to open up the job market to young Europeans they're not lazy unlike the Brits. :marseysmug2:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740702493op9etoaMESY9QQ.webp "I'm sorry chancellor, but the economy won't budge. Our labour productivity is still 24% lower than pre-2008 trends.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740702493MlMG7wVsxP5p9w.webp "Why don't we try importing another 2 million people?"

Also :marseyemojilaugh: at the idea that Europeans aren't lazy

Entry level jobs that were previously done by 18 year olds etc are now staffed by full time middle aged people and immigrants.

Do you have any sources for anything you just claimed?

>source? :soysnooseethe: do you have a source? :soyjakcobson:

what is the point? To earn money for corrupt politicians, ungrateful pensioners and billionaires while we all burn our mental health to the ground with shit public services

>:soyjaktantrum: waaahhh billionaires exist!! My mental health! :soycry:

How did the bong go from conquering the world :marseyredcoat: to this level of cute twinkry in 100 years? :marseyitsover:

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I'd just sit on my butt and collect benefits too tbh

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this is why runescape is going down the shitter

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I don't blame them, why even bother working for bong wages :marseydicklet:


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What software does uk develop

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Ok so first of all we invented the internet, so jot that down. :marseynails:

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It makes me wonder why the jeets and pakis even bother coming here

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So they could molest bong girls before the other gets to them

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!commenters reminder that we !NEETs already have our very own ping group! remember to join the NEET revolution!


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I sadly have a job but I support your movement.

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being an ally is SO important, we need more people like you. btw can i have $1000?

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If I had $1,000 to spare I wouldn't have a job

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im not going to waste it on something stupid if that's what you think, i need it for chemsex drugs

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I am okay with $10 :marseybeanwinking:

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I left a bill under the cigarette disposal bin outside the local Freemason lodge.


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:#gigachadnoticeme: :#gigachadnoticeme: :#gigachadnoticeme: :#gigachadnoticeme: :#gigachadnoticeme: :#gigachadnoticeme:

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disgusting anti-neet hate at home and across the pond, we're under attack from all angles :marseyneet: :marseysociety2:

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Nah the "making money for the billionaires" point is valid. If you're only going to be compensated a tiny fraction of the value you produce, why work?

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It is getting less and less worthwhile to seriously work for most men tbh.

What do most of them get? A landwhale with no loyalty? Im about to take my shekels to asia and retire.

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Why would I work for a scrote? You're a landwhale pizzabro

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!metashit Guys we totes almost missed this :marseyopera: Pizza has a new Alaska arc dropping :marseyoperasmug:

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Why work indeed? people with this r-slurred childish idea of value would be far more valuable being mulched up and rendered into biodiesel :marseyexcited:

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The point isn't that work is innately bad. Work makes our survival possible. The point is that people aren't going to work when the cost of working is more than the compensation provided for working. It's basic economics. NEETdom is collective bargaining on a societal scale. When working provides a better deal than NEETing, people will go back to working.

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Most people would be more valuable to me that way. You included.

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Wrong, I am very valuable as an internet poster :marseyblush: :marseyshy: :marseyflirt:

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Don't worry, I produce negative value.

Instructional guide from negro below:

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This guy was a campaign manager for the republicans :marseyxd:??

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No lol

Trans lives matter

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is this where nightly apartment renters get their life advice from?

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"I supervise the machine that glues the top part of the iphone to the bottom part of the iphone, which basically means I'm producing 500 iphones per hour, which means my fair hourly wage should be $400k... What do you mean, there's more to making an iphone than gluing the top part to the bottom part?"

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:marseysmughips: You're right, there is more to it. But if you want people to supervise that machine, doing so needs to pay well enough for them to live well enough to offset how suicidal supervising that machine makes them feel. And you especially need to not tax away most of the machine supervisor's income to feed leeches who refuse to get jobs while telling the machine supervisor that his laziness is what's ruining the country.

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if instead of billionaires you mean the state you have a point

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The billionaires are the state.

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Because you don't produce any value otherwise and are just a useless leech? By all means start your own business but if you live off government hand outs you are an actual parasite unlike the billionaires you decry.

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Hmmm, should I work for $20 an hour in the Amazon warehouse for 40+ hours a week and then lose a bunch of my wages to pay for government handouts, or should I live off of government handouts and get the same standards of living with no work? The social contract has imploded. I'm an Amazon wagie btw because I don't want to be a total leech, but the temptation is there. And guess what? The billionaires aren't lazy leeches, but it's not like they have all the wealth they do because they work so hard. Jeff Bezos doesn't work 1,000,000,000 times harder than me. He's not 1,000,000,000 times smarter than me. But I don't mind him being 1,000,000,000 times wealthier than me, so long as my society is a good society to live in. But that's not the case. I, the person working 60 hours per week in order to live with five roommates, eat exclusively Aldi rice and chicken, and bike to work, am told that I am what's wrong with our country. That somehow, if I just worked 20 hours a week, it would do more to fix my country than Bezos investing his capital more effectively. If I have that much of an impact on my country, if I'm more to blame for it's problems than the billionaires are, I should be paid more than the billionaires. I don't mind having a ruling class. I don't mind being paid less than people who provide something that the economy values more. What I do mind is the ruling class having no sense of responsibility. Whenever they frick up, it's somehow my fault. That is a lie. The most power I've ever had has been over a goldfish. If you want the peasantry to buy into your fuedal contract, you need to uphold your end of the deal. People are NEETing out en masse because they're correctly realizing that playing the game isn't worth it anymore.

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i agree, don't listen to these morons.

they rather be worked like a dog for peanuts than be considered a loser by society. Same type of uncle toms who would be calling other slaves lazy. Go back to picking cotton dumb neighbor.

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The funny thing is that a ton of the people who most vehemently defend the system are modern day house BIPOCs. They clawed their way into a middle management position by working 10 times harder than the company owner to get the promotion over the 9 other guys working 8 times harder than the company owner. Now they get to drive a Tesla and send their kids to private school, so nothing could possibly be wrong with the system. Ignore the fact that the company pays them 5% of the value they generate it. They fail to realize that the rest of us just want the deal they got; work hard, live well. They also fail to realize that if they just worked together with their 9 competitors for the promotion, they all could've negotiated a pay raise without needing to work disproportionately harder.

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Ignore the fact that the company pays them 5% of the value they generate it.

That would be a pretty unusual business.

Typically profit margins are around 10%, and personnel is around 30% of expenses.

If you multiply 30% by 20 you get 600%, and that 10% profit turns into a 460% loss.

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Nothing wrong :marseynoooticer: with harvesting cotton.

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True. Love u spooderman.

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Spidey you're literally a trust fund NEET. You are proof that being a wealthsigma has nothing to do with hard work.

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So what? My parents :marseyrorschach: unfortunately died horrifically and I was raised :marseycheers: by lawyers and financial managers. Just let me be happy :marseywerebackbrasileiro: bro!

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:marseythinkorino: last I heard your parents sent you a Valentine's Day card and that made you sad since it wasn't from your girlfriend.

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I open them up again every year. Same with Christmas :marseyxmassweaterplaty: and my bday (coming up)

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Correct. But if we as a society have decided we need cotton to be picked, the cotton pickers deserve to be paid a living wage off of their cotton picking.

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So you could get promoted and get a fraction of the value your underlings produce :marseythumbsup:

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That's not how it works.

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Maybe not for you

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You're never getting promoted from the warehouse to the boardroom. That's not how business works.

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Yeah, you're never getting promoted out of the warehouse. People of actual value do though

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And if we expect people who do bitchwork to remain doing bitchwork forever, we should pay them enough to live off of doing bitchwork forever.

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Nah, they should just git gud

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:marseysmughips: so do you believe we can have a country where the entire population works white-collar jobs?

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Those are the men that should have been :marseyredcoat: Society just doesn't have an outlet for them :marseydisagree:


And yes believe it or not the average common soldier in history probably looked something like that

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that's already the plan, starmer wants to send millions of incel neets to go (hopefully) die in ukraine so they can no longer be a drain on the state

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>dead bongs

>dead slavs

There's absolutely nothing I dislike about this plan

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quick import a million more immigrants from pakistan and jamaica to stimulate growth

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keyed jeets working hard to provide for the neets

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Is Bongland even a real country anymore?

How long before bongland collapses?

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Depends on how many more of :marseysquint: you people :marseysquint: we're saddled with.

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What do you mean "You people"?

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They forgot the quotes around "people". Jeets are fungus in a man shape. Years after you coop invented fire he failed his first attempt to make the white devil failed as just as his cranium was grotesque. His art was grotesque for first pass. He threw up in the f****** vat and made fungus people. And then when they started raping everything he sent them to India to just be a s*******

dude bussy lmao

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What? Source?

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It's in the Indian Constitution

dude bussy lmao

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What? Where? Source?

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It's not my job to educating you SAARS

dude bussy lmao

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So you are just another loser making shit up. Got it.

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NEETGODS stay winning and we don't even do anything :marseycoleporter:

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Why do y'all refer to Brits as bongs and not barries?

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'Barry' is a forced meme from the Western Europe subreddit. Brexit means brexit. :marseyindignant:

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