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Someone :marseytroublemaker: asks r/UK why there's trash everywhere :marseytunaktunak:, bongs :marseysweating: fall over themselves to not Name Them




Walking in Holborn, London yesterday and the streets were dirty, bin bags everywhere and overall just uncleanliness was obvious.


Why and what has caused this? Previously it was not as unclean.

:chudsmu#g: Yeah, why is that?

Watch as the Eternal Labourite squirms

Council cutbacks and also people not taking responsibility for their own rubbish.

https://media.tenor.com/Yuk3X_AikGAAAAAx/simpsons-bart.webp "Underfunded" "Cutbacks" "Austerity" "Tories"

I would say that dipsosable consumerism has contriubted to it.


Japan is famous for being clean and also has excessive plastic packaging on everything


It's all about culture and teaching.


how close /r/uk is to Saying It

People don't care about the environment and expect others to clean up after them. Too lazy to take their rubbish home.

This is it. Can complain about immigrants and police all you want, the simple fact is that there's too many peepeeheads who don't care about public spaces and infrastructure.

:marseyvenn#2: where did all this peepeehead behaviour suddenly come from since 2021 :marseyhmm:

Councils skint


I'm sure it has nothing to do with Camden council spending nearly 2 BILLION pounds on pension obligations :marseyclueless:

The true answers will be deleted lol

What's the true answer?


Cut backs lack of investment,


"CUTBACKS could be here", he thought. "I hate LACK OF INVESTMENT."

I've, personally, noticed the increase start during the "war on terror" when public bins were removed from a lot of places, for fear an IED would be hidden in one in a train station for example.


Haven't seen that one in a while

People are eating a lot more packaged convenience food and snacks than they used to.


Oh yeah I remember seeing that somewhere

Bins were removed due to the troubles then more after 9/11 and 7/7.

!deathtomicks as usual the perfidious hibernian :marseyhibernian: is to blame :marseyraging:


The eternal https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740749353f_3EUG3Uf0dEpg.webp

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740750500-6DLvtIe6DuFRQ.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740750942bzL9MYGAQggE2A.webp

This was utterly fricking astounding. Might be the literal first time.

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It's a culture on not giving a shit, and not valuing tidiness.

Garbage collection is free for all residents where I live, yet most houses in predominantly Black communities have giant trash heaps in their backyard. Ex:


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The city here gave trash cans to every house in the city so that the garbage trucks could use some sort of automation to collect the garbage quicker. Everyone has these giant green cans sitting outside your house and it's like $20 a month to get a second one if you have a big family or something.

At the same time, they also banned burning your garbage in the city limits.

Well in the ghetto, we ended up with lots of green cans empty blowing around the streets and the fire department won't come issue tickets for burning trash since it's too racist… also then they probably wouldn't be able to fight actual fires since they would be issuing tickets 24/7

But my green garbage can at my business? People inexplicably stop and dump their garbage in my can instead of just using theirs… I don't understand black people at all

Putting the :e: in spookie turkey merry new year donkey

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Yeah you can slice it however you want but it comes down to giving a shit about your community. I once lived in an "up and coming" neighborhood (i.e. rent's doubling from all the upcoming yuppies) and there was hardly any darn litter in the street. Before that I lived in a more melanin-dense area. Trash. Everywhere. There were bins every 200 feet. It basically took making the conscious decision to shit up your neighborhood to get to that state.

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I once lived in an "up and coming" neighborhood (i.e. rent's doubling from all the upcoming yuppies)


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Hm, thanks for sending me your literal address I suppose

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Reported by:

There are over 500,000 people in Halifax, so I figured you could use a headstart.

I assure you though, that I don't live in a shithole like North Preston.....


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I don't live in a shithole like North Preston...

You're just making it easier and easier :marseysmug2:

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Okay, now we've narrowed it down to only 495,000 people.....

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The walls are closing in buddy

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lol nobody has ever thought of the UK as clean these bongs are delusional :marseyindiarentfree:


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>you have to accept third worlders littering because of victorian-era smog 160 years ago :marseybrainlet:

Genuinely, what did you think you were cooking here? :marseyrofl:

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yes it must be the third worlders littering because bongs are such clean and dignified people. Like I said bongs be delusional :marseyindiarentfree:


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Why would you make this argument :marseyxd: this is an even easier dunk




Cairo, Egypt


Lahore, Pakistan



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So the UK which has been considered dirty for over 160 years is now actually dirty because of other countries? Like I said bongs be delusional :marseyindiarentfree:

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yeah sure thing Rajesh let me know when you guys finally figure out indoor plumbing :marseyrofl:

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The picture won't load :marseygiveup:

Anyway enjoy blaming your problems on immigrants while FC Norf hooligans vomit on your wheelie bins lol

Like I said bongs be delusional :marseyindiarentfree:

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Bongs are the worst people on earth, they are all smug arseholes who look down on people who are exactly like them. The Romans should have genocided all the native Britons to spare us.

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The Bong hatred for outsiders is both eternal and justifiable. But imagine how Romans felt about the protobongs, before their great work of building Big Bong? Bongs simply pay the world back in kind.


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What comic, neighbor?

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Crecy by Warren Ellis

Link for :marseypoor:


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Thanks BIPOConi

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Wow dude has a cover for his longbow cus its raining. Artist knows his shit.

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what's wrong with this picture?

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:Cholerabacteriumtypingtalking# :

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Breakfast burritos

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This is the Bong equivalent of a Parisian believing that Paris is indeed romantic.

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Exactly. Bongland has always been a dirty shithole, immigrants didn't suddenly make it that way. If anything, the fact that they leave trash and shit everywhere shows they're doing a good job of integrating into Bong society.

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I have

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To be fair, the binmen just not fricking coming and fheir schedule being a state secret doesn't help matters.

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To be fair,

>proceeds to not be fair


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mine are alright despite the grand total of £0 I have remitted to them in Christmas tips

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And them being such unbelievable cute twinks about what they will take - if they leave my cardboard boxes I put on top of the bin one more fricking time they're going in the pond outside the council office :marseyraging:

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Just collapse them and put them in the recycling neighbor??? :#marseyconfused2:

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Bin companies should have all their trucks and employees under full spectrum NWO surveillance.

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The same redditor who says demographics are destiny will fail to make the connection between changing demographics and changing social values.

As the UK looks less like the UK, the UK looks less like the UK. What a shock.

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>will fail to make the connection between changing demographics and changing social values.

I'm pretty sure it's a bad faith argument. They are pretty open about disliking "white people" and loving diversity, which is a synonym for nonwhites.

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>We just need to spend more on public :marseyfreedomofspeech: services, then we can finally spend more on public :marseyfreedomofspeech: services so that we can finally spend more on public :marseyfreedomofspeech: services and them everything will magically be fixed :marseyviewerstare2:


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lefties solution to any societal problem


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No cap some BIPOCs ftom Africa moved across my flat and they literally shit where they eat; they drop garbage from their hands like they're cows pooping in the field, they have huge piles of clothes at the doorway because they have no concept of cloth hangers, literally one evolutionary step above chimps...

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:marseymanysuchcase#s: :marseybritbongitsove#r:

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You joke but officers literally broke into my home and took my laptop for this one!

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>sexy Indian dude complaining about cleanliness


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Imagine thinking flag next to my avatar means anything lmao

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I hate seeing chimps besmirched with such hateful rhetoric

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>import half of India

>"Why are the streets full of shit?"


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>leafistan takes the other half

There is something wrong with Bongoids at a genetic or cultural level, or both. All of their former colonies are turbocucked.

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:marseyusa: :marseysaluteusa: :marseypatriot:

All of their colonies that didn't violently overthrow them.

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Funny how their former colony is spotless


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That's what happens when you hang people for chewing gum :marseyshrug:

We need a Lee Kuan Yew. Or perhaps... https://i.rdrama.net/images/1740752706oarbatBphtWDEg.webp

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Don't look up our ruling party's logo and then wonder which bong party's logo it resembles


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This is completely unrelated to the forgoing conversation but seriously


why would you admit to this, much less advertise it

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My paypig was actually gifted and I don't donate anything lmao


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lol based

!freeloaders one of us

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COVID was a big contributor too. Also social media has made it fashionable to not throw out your trash. Ants. Ants have been a possible reason. I heard they are taking garbage out of the bins. People in general but no specific people are being lazy but it's all people. Also climate change is a large part of it.

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My ancestors were from Bradford. George Galloway's district. :marseyyikes:

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I thought you were a :marseysouthkorea:

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Bradford/Bath/Cork/some place in the Netherlands.

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C...cork..? You're an Irishman...?


!deathtomicks add Redactor0 to your Mick Trackers :marseynotes:

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I'm guilty! :#marseyshrug:

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I appreciate the spinny wheel you made for this post.

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:marseyembrace: thanks king

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Lol I was wondering if you made that

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I love these constant litter threads because it's just people telling on themselves that they live in a shit hole. There's no litter here.

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Hey Siri where is the most polluted river located?

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True reality is !antibharatiya wont agree but

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No-one's watching that big man :marseythumbsup:

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didnt you award som shit

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Speak English please big man :marseysurejan: remember who your superiors are

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cheppu lanja bodha

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Yeah I don't speak ooga booga

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Woman have to be literally perfect or be condemned to stripped of their last name, referred only as Joanne and denied any authority. They don't want to understand because any empathy would prevent them from hating her, from wanting to destroy her life and cause her immense suffering, they have to completely dehumanize and satanize her otherwise they might have any level of sympathy. It's legitimately pathetic the expectation for the work of an amateur artist to not have a corpus of birthmarks on it, to not be a product of the society and life which it was created within.

They have totally forsaken any level of introspection and understanding because it would be politically inconvenient, they want to live within a simplistic world of good and evil with all grey causing a mental breakdown. They're complete mongrels of the soul, choosing to refuse anything which could allow for emotional development because it would be mildly uncomfortable.



Council cutbacks and also people not taking responsibility for their own rubbish.:


I would say that dipsosable consumerism has contriubted to it.:

Japan is famous for being clean and also has excessive plastic packaging on everything:


It's all about culture and teaching.:


People don't care about the environment and expect others to clean up after them. Too lazy to take their rubbish home.:

This is it. Can complain about immigrants and police all you want, the simple fact is that there's too many peepeeheads who don't care about public spaces and infrastructure.:

Councils skint:

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