My last chance to ascend basically ghosted me

So this stinky :marseyshitlover: whore :marseyarthoe7: who I used to know in primary school :marseydylan: dms me on Insta out of nowhere. We go on 2 dates, I of course pay for everything like a cuck. Meanwhile all she does is complain about some other r-slur :marseyshortbus: that fricked her over in the previous months and how shit guys on bumble are. Of course I should :marseynorm: have seen the red flags :marseymacacosalute: but like a delusional cuck I believed that maybe WAGMI. I was wrong :marseyakshually: of course.

Suddenly after the second :marseygunnut: date she no longer has time to hang. She's busy with this and that and oh also she is going :marseysal2: on a 2 week to Paris. Fricking :marseyfuckingfunny: whore. Moral of the story, no matter :marseypibblelivesmatter: how hot I look on Instagram it takes the average :marseyaveragetotally: b-word :marseychonkerbutch: 2 dates to sniff :marseyorthodoxbrap: my autism :marseysmugautist: out. Fricking :marseytom: hate women :marseysuffragette: so much it physically hurts more than ab crunches.

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Neighbor go to Amsterdam and wander De Wallen on a Friday night with a flask of cognac, pack of camels and €200 in cash.

You can get sucky sucky for €50 EZ and maybe get a freebie if you share your booze and smokes

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