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Because they want to be loved?

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:marseynerd2: um actually love is not real it's just chemicals and stuff :!marseynerd2:

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Now you're getting it

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They should try doing crack :marseyexcited:

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Well they should try being lovable then :#marseygirlboss:

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No, they want to be loved, and they want to be a fricking stone cold chad, and they want monogomy and they want threesomes, and they want anything they can get, and they want true love, and

Incels want so many conflicting things, not just s*x, but they ruin one for the fricking others, then they do it again.

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Then they should be less shitty?

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If that was the case why do they sneed about looksmatch all the time?

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Because they're unloved

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If you're a virgin, how do you know the prostitute isn't ripping you off? Like she just takes you for a tandem bike ride or something, "yeah, this is called the dutch pedal plow. This is what people do for s*x these days." :marseybike:

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i have a buddy that does this sorta...holiday parties he always shows up with what clearly is a womyn of the night...he shows her off (hey guys this is my girlfriend) then leaves...next event it is a different broad same thing...

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I had a friend like this except all the women were just foids he met while being him.

He was always moping about how the girl he was cheating on cucked him when we'd all hang out.

Love that guy

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i don't want AIDS

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>bug chasing is le bad

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maybe don't get rawdogged by a trans sexworker as your first experience. they will wear condoms if you ask nicely :marseythumbsup:

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If they're cute I'll take mine off anyway :rape:

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Valid concern for saffers desu

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Well don't get a prozzie in South Africa.

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I just assumed that incels noticably give even hookers the ick

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This gave this ricecel a reason to do the biggest mass shooting. :!marseylaughpoundfist: :marseychingchongattentionseek:

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Inkwells are mostly mad about the social status hit of not being able to seduce women, hookers don't count as ascending to them.

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A lot of them do. But escortceling doesn't count as ascending.

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It's advanced mentelcel

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Nobody in that sub understands inceldom.

Formerly Chuck's.

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Most of them are just coping :marseycopeseethedilate: incels :marseyitsover: themselves

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Exactly. Male feminist redditors are just a breed of incel that doesn't respect themselves. I consider them below mysoginistic incels.

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Incels who respect themselves

No such thing :marseydisagree:

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Same thing in e.g. the buttcoin sub - funny when it's laughing at r-slurs who got scammed, but they spend most of their time whining about imaginary "cryptobro" "techbro" stereotypes they made up in their head. That GCP Grey video was onto something.

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What GCP Grey vid :marseyconfused:

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This Video Will Make You Angry

It's insane how many communities fall into this pattern.

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>why don't overly anxious and self conscious people not do something illegal that's highly judged?

This sort of thinking is fricking how you know it's all foids on that sub

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>highly judged

Meanwhile normalstrags get hookers all the time with no hit to their social status.

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being an incel has nothing to do with s*x, it is how right wing and of a chud you are :marseyindignant:

Tate is still an incel even when doing 3 women at the same time, whereas wholesome virgin reddit mods are not

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Even if you do not want a long term relationship or true love, hiring a hooker won't help you. Men want to conquer and until they seduce and get a girl on their own merit, they simply won't be satisfied.

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Maybe incels should actually be men and put effort into that conquest instead of giving up and crying on the internet about it

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:marseyantiwork2: but crying on the Internet about not getting laid is more fun than trying to interact with women :marseyfrozenchosen2: :marseyhearnoevil:

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Neighbor they don't even want that, as many incels consider seduction involving any kind of effort to be cope. Just see how Elliot Rodgers tried picking up women by going to a Starbucks and waiting for women to approach. It's why they're obsessed with the Lookism ideal of a guy who is so attractive he doesn't even have to chase attractive women since they throw themselves at him.

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It's why they're obsessed with the Lookism ideal of a guy who is so attractive he doesn't even have to chase attractive women since they throw themselves at him.

Getting into lookism is a terminal blackpill because this is a real thing but you're not hot enough for it :marseyitsover:

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It is real, but the majority of what they call "Chads" are out there chasing kitty. It's very womanly to want to just "be yourself" and have potential partners line up. Even the guys that don't have to go after women still do it because it satisfies a core masculine drive.

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If you're mid you can get that attention from mid foids by tuning your demeanor, but hotter guys will probably steal them with the same strat so you might as well just actually be cool

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When I post up in public and a foid engages me it is more validating than awards, salary, the love of my mother. Not that it motivates me but I recognize it.

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I mean, i'm not arguing with you. I'm just saying what is the underlying reason why "just hire a whore" solution will not work.

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Yeah I'm just saying inkwells don't believe in seduction in the sense of actually putting in effort, they think doing more than just standing in place until a foid asks you out is cope. They want to be foids in this regard.

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They're closer to the truth than pick up guys. You need to see a spark of interest before you start your circus act.

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Inkwells are too r-slurred to know what a spark of interest is to begin with, that's why they idealize the concept of the passive gigachad (oxymoron). They're too afraid of rejection and most can't even navigate conversations properly in a non-dating context, so they barely try after a couple failed experiences on dating apps (at most). They assume foids think exactly like moids where if the person is attractive enough the socialization part is always irrelevant.

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When they weren't banned i actaully read some of their experiences. It just makes them feel worse for the most part with thoughts like:

"I have to pay for something others get normally"

"She wouldn't even look at me if i didn't pay"

"She seemed repulsed during the act"

"I wanted my first time to be with someone i actually like"


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This is how jobcels see the market as well

I have to apply to positions others are headhunted for

They wouldn't even have called me without my cover letter

They don't pat my head every time I finish a task

All I do is make money for some suit

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"It's illegal :marseymoonshine: in a lot of places so they're probably afraid :marseyaaatremble: of getting arrested."

'It's not illegal :marseymoonshine: where :marseydrama: I live'

Cool dude, thanks for the useful input.

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there is a mini-sexting game that will be happening in my community soon. the person who will satisfy my sadistic desires and become my best pegging victim will get to know the name of the next game i will crack exclusively as a reward.

don't worry, just unleash your hidden slutty side for me, and i will take very good care of you, you will get addicted and will never stop begging me for more destruction.

this is going to be happening in-between each of my releases from now onward. the winner will be instructed to keep silent in order to keep the exclusivity and fun going.

Don't miss this chance and join now




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Incels are weird bro. A good amount are just antisocial or never properly socialized but refuse to just go through the trial and error to learn to be normal-ish enough to get a gf. The fats have no excuse not to hit the gym but cry about having to do so. Trucels I feel for because you cant fix bad geneticw

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Because s*x with a condom isn't actually s*x

If STDs weren't real I would exclusively rawdog prostitutes

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