
>I (26F) have always been a little overweight.

a little being probably 40 or more kilos plus on a foid holy shit

>It was never concerning, but since I was a baby I've been chubby and it never left me.

Why do fatties genuinely believe they were born obese? !thin do you remember being born with anorexia?

I got severely bullied for my weight in secondary school,

Bring back bullying btw

and it caused me to have a very bad relationship with my body and food.

So she clearly wasnt bullied enough lmao

>Then I met Patricia (30F) (boyfriends besties girlfriend). And she made a lot of small digs about my weight. Undercurrent coments, "wow, that's a lot of food" in a very judgy tone. I'm aware that sounds petty but the woman had a thing to say about everything I ate or drank. It was relentless. But- it was never just straight up "ew fatty" so there was very little I could do about it.

So tldr normal foid probably makes one (1) comment about the sheer amount of food this hog shoves down her throat and she decided to project all her insecurities on this poor fricking soul

>And then eventually it evolved into straight up mean comments about my body.

Notice the lack of any examples? Its all fricking projection. :marseychonkerfoid: :marseychonkerfoidpuke:

>It really messed me up. I stopped allowing my boyfriend to see me naked, I stopped eating as much, and of the foods I wanted, I cried when I looked in the mirror.

>I stopped eating as much


>and of the foods I wanted


>It felt like all the progress I'd made was for nothing if I'd still be getting bullied.

The "progress" was probably already long gone considering the former comment

>Eventually it all came to light when I had a breakdown infront of my boyfriend and told him everything that had been happening. He was upset, and comforted me but no matter what he said, I couldn't hear it. The little evil voice of Patricia calling me fat was screaming over him in my head.

Literally rent free

>My boyfriend, Jake ( 26M), called his best friend Glenn (29M), and told him what had been going on and Glenn promised to talk to Patricia. She of course denied it. And Glenn obviously took her side. (I am not upset about this. He is someone I consider a friend, but I understand that he loves her and its hard to believe the people you love would do bad things)

Translation: Other foid did absolutely nothing wrong and she knows

>After a lot of trying to be civil and work things out. I decided for the sake of my mental health I couldn't be around her anymore. As I live with my boyfriend, it was agreed she wouldn't be allowed at our home anymore and if she was going on nights out, I'd sit out.

All you have to do to absolutely destroy a fat foid is being in decent shape and existing in her vicinity holy shit lmao

>And this was working well but the issue is our house is the default hang out place for our friendgroup. And as she's not allowed in our home- it means Glenn can't come round as often as he has to go to her place. So we only see Glenn like once a week, maybe once a fortnight. Which is a big change from seeing him borderline daily for game nights and going out drinking or just him and my boyfriend hanging out. I can tell they aren't as close and I feel horrible as they were best friends but they are slowly distancing.

I bet she feels absolutely horrible fo so

>I really feel stuck as when we tried to reconcile she took zero accountability for anything she said and called me overly sensitive. And then continued the behaviour even going as far as to pinch my stomach and then give me a disapproving look because she was able to grab fat when she pinched me. I asked that if we had to be near eachother for them (the boyfriends) that we just blank eachother and she refused. Finding anyway possible to talk to me, or at me.

Again remember this whole situation is filtered through the grease-plugged brain cells of this Megahog, none of this is the full truth

>She was also just never very close within the group. She isolated herself very quickly by bashing everyone's hobbys and interests and being generally very rude. She made fun of one of the girls for getting tickets to go and see the show SIX because "musical theatre is for virgins". So the girls and their boyfriends didn't like her either and were happy she wasn't around anymore.



Glenn recently asked to start bringing her around again and I said no. As she has not apologised and Glenn has never even acknowledged that it happened, anytime its brought up he says "allegedly" after anyone talks about the things she did to me and the other girls.

I can tell my boyfriend is dismayed as he misses his friend but I refuse to be bullied in my own home.I don't know what to do as I don't want him to have to lose a friend but I shouldn't have to sacrifice my own wellbeing. Am I being dramatic?

:#marseyagree: :#marseyagreefast:

>Should I just suck it up for his sake? Or is there another way to solve this that I'm oblivious to?

The boyfriend deserves this for not dumping this fat fricking piece of shit holy heck.

:#soysnoo5: TAKE TIME

>But it's not your job to fix it. Glenn's girlfriend is a bully and no one in your friend group likes her. And it's never okay to be bullied or even disrespected in your own home. The only one ruining Glenn's friendships is Patricia. This is not on you.



Reported by:

This is probably ragebait but I love hating I am a real hater.

>I will start this by saying I love my husband more than anything and never once in our entire 17 years together, did I think about cheating.

Except when the dumb whore cheated lmao

>However, back in our first year of dating, I (then 20. joined his family for Christmas. We call got really drunk and I passed out at some point. When I woke up, I was in his brother's (then 24. bed naked. I had woken up just as he was finishing.

Teehee totally just blacked out and ended up in his bed for no reason.

We left the next morning and I had never told anyone about what happened that night. Believe me I was disgusted with myself and really ashamed but I was really scared of losing Evan. He was my first real boyfriend. He was mature, sweet, kind and we had started out deciding that we wanted long term commitment. I didn't want to lose any of it for a drunken mistake. I stopped drinking completely since that incident and never ever put myself in such a vulnerable position again.

>He was mature, sweet, kind

Fellas if your foid starts describing you like this she doesn't feel sexually attracted to you. You are her piggy bank "anchor" she (thinks) dates down because she wants commitment, not because she thinks you are hot.

>The guilt sort of lessened over the years and we were happy. Married right after college and have started a family since. I was very happy and so was Evan.

Oh well if the whore doesn't feel bad about fricking her BIL then everything is fine, right? Marrying your boyfriend with a skeleton who's related to him in your closet is morally righteous because "we are happy". Foids really can justify getting away with everything they want.

>But last week, his brother came back to town. He didn't tell anyone but called Evan to meet up and told him everything. Apparently he had found god and wanted to clear his conscious. Evan came home and he was crying. He's never shouted at me like that and he called me disgusting and kept crying asking me how I could do something so vile. I begged and apologized. I tried explaining I was drunk and didn't realize what was happening.

I swore I had no intentions to cheat and had never wanted to cheat.

But then the whore fricking did didn't she? How the frick can women be this delusional about their actions?

>But he wouldn't believe me.

I wonder why

>He has a job that makes him travel quite a bit. Now he thinks I was cheating all those times he was away and I can't convince him that it's not true.


Once a whore always a whore

>I know I made a horrible mistake and probably deserve what's happening.




Plebbit will surely call out this piece of shit that build her marriage on a foundation of li-

>You tell him "your brother r*ped me when I was drunk, then threatened you would leave me if you ever found out. Looking back I know it was r*pe now, but I was young and terrified then, so I believed him." Then you press charges if you still can, to make it official.

Meekspill in Reddit
Sir, your 27 yo based and redpilled Aryan tradwife :tradwife:

For anyone who doesnt know, this is Pearl

She goes on those thot podcasts and extoles the virtues of traditional gender roles to onlyfans harlots

Bipocs are smarter

You see a lot of mayo's are told lying is bad and you always have to be honest with girls and respect them.

But growing up I watched many cases loser bipocs getting hot foids. Like I remember how in high school I neared some neighbor in boxing then he came to girl and told he is strongest fighter in school and is supper, I thought there no way she would believe in it but she believed in it and slept with him and month later was bitching to everyone he lied to her and 2 month later bitched and cried he dumped her. Some Muslim guys even managed to turn mayo foids into Muslim. Like one of my most hilarious moment was that when I visited my friend school and he told the girl in coroner is khohol and I came to her started talking with her in Russian telling her so bf dumped you ? She told yes. I told her he is Muslim ? She told yes. Told her he told you he can't be with you because parents don't let you ? She told yes. Then I asked her after you slept with her ? She told yea and asked me how do I know it all and why do I speak Russian ? I walked away like:

B-word started crying :marseyxd: :marseyemojirofl:

But point is bipoc guys know they ain't good for average foid and they adjusted their tactics to lying max like Aladdin

Meanwhile homosexual mayo's respecting women and getting postwalls


!incels could you imagine any slander against this king? Me neither.

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  • CREAMY_DOG_ORGASM : Ching Chong I'm a Japanese girl can you buy me an unban award prease
  • Kang-PrimeTimeline : husbandu-san, you gambred all our coins now we cant get unbanned

No cute Japanese gf, it's over


Throwaway for obvious reasons

Me (22f) and my boyfriend (24m) of 4 years, recently got into playing BG3 co-op! And so far it's been a lot of fun! We've been super invested into the story, and I've had a lot of fun discovering the plot and figuring out the gameplay mechanics with him! However, the trouble started as soon as we ran into Shadowheart in the crash region. At first it was just 'oh she's cute' which I didn't really mind, I mean obviously she is cute, but lately it has gotten worse and worse. He absolutely refuses to swap her out for another party member, and everytime she says ANYTHING he can't seem to help himself but remark with something along the lines of 'awwwwh' or 'she's so cute.'

I really didn't mind it at first, but lately it's start to become annoying. When we were messing around with the characters underwear (sorry!) he discovered Shadowheart had a 'bush' (which i do NOT have) and he couldn't help but comment on how 'well designed' it was. Normally I'd never feel like I'd be in competition with a videogame character, but there was an extended moment of awkward silence where my boyfriend didn't talk while... 'examining' this part of her.. it was humiliating! Even after I tried to suggest that we change our party members, all he could say was 'we need the bless babe.'

Fast forward a week later to now, he drove over to my apartment to spend the weekend together as we usually do, except this time was different. It seemed like he just wasn't interested, his words were shallow and short and he came off as being bored the entire time. When we finally turned it in for the night I was excited to show him something Shadowheart couldnt do with him, and he was completely uninterested! He just turned over in the bed and said he was tired, and fell asleep 30 seconds later.

Now that he's back home, I notice he's offline on steam (ON HIS DAY OFF) and he tells me that he's sick. But after checking his steam page several times, I can see that his hours on BG3 are STILL INCREASING. He's hiding his account in offline mode to spend time with shadowheart without me.

What do I do? Do I change class to cleric so he can't use her? Do I dye my hair black like her? I've never been in competition with a videogame character before.

!incel still mogs me


/r/seduction is a new favorite sub. Redditors giving each other advice on seducing women

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He was literally :marseyme: me
:marseywomanmoment2: Personality detector :marseysmokealarmbeep:

Everytime I enter REM state :marseylouisiana: during sleep :marseytoasty2: I experience nightmares and immediately wake up. So despite :marseybipocattentionseeker: sleeping :marseysloth2: 8 hours with excellent :marseycertified: deep sleep :marseytoasty2: which allows me to recover physically, mentally :marseymeds: I feel like worse waking up than going :marseysal2: to sleep.

Only cope thus far has been dude weeding it up before :marseyskellington: going :marseysal2: to sleep :marseytoasty2: cause I usually don't dream when I do that. Any other suggestions how I keep myself :marseypain: from bullying me in my head every night?


Reported by:
I finally understand why women are so horny for vampires.

Vampires will enthusiastically eat them out on their period.

!fellas !incels !foidmoment GAZE UPON MY DARK ENLIGHTENMENT!

Current mood #truecel



So this stinky :marseyshitlover: whore :marseyarthoe7: who I used to know in primary school :marseydylan: dms me on Insta out of nowhere. We go on 2 dates, I of course pay for everything like a cuck. Meanwhile all she does is complain about some other r-slur :marseyshortbus: that fricked her over in the previous months and how shit guys on bumble are. Of course I should :marseynorm: have seen the red flags :marseymacacosalute: but like a delusional cuck I believed that maybe WAGMI. I was wrong :marseyakshually: of course.

Suddenly after the second :marseygunnut: date she no longer has time to hang. She's busy with this and that and oh also she is going :marseysal2: on a 2 week to Paris. Fricking :marseyfuckingfunny: whore. Moral of the story, no matter :marseypibblelivesmatter: how hot I look on Instagram it takes the average :marseyaveragetotally: b-word :marseychonkerbutch: 2 dates to sniff :marseyorthodoxbrap: my autism :marseysmugautist: out. Fricking :marseytom: hate women :marseysuffragette: so much it physically hurts more than ab crunches.

Original r/braincels post
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