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Handcuff situation is literally nothing new Pure Trump hysteria proof



English for non !macacos

Brazil negotiates with the US to end handcuffs in flight of deported Brazilians

The use of handcuffs by Brazilians throughout the deportation flight from the United States to Brazil has generated discussions. The US claims security measure, but for Brazilians themselves, their families and authorities, it is humiliating and unnecessary for those who do not have a criminal conviction.

Two more planes chartered by the United States government should arrive this Friday, 11, at Confins International Airport, metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte. In one of them, 200 passengers arrive; in the other, 135. They must land, once again, handcuffed. But the measure has generated indignation.

Despite the appeals of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the US government's procedure is due to "security issues".

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE) reported that the issue of the use of handcuffs in deported Brazilians is still under discussion by the two countries. "Brazil has been expressing its sensitivity to the subject at a high level and maintains its expectation of an adequate outcome. In particular, he has insisted that the vast majority of Brazilians who return on such flights do not have a prior criminal conviction and does not represent a threat to the safety of the aircraft. Itamaraty remains committed to ensuring dignified treatment to all nationals abroad, especially minors," Itamaraty said in a note sent to Correio Braziliense.

According to the MRE, in conversation with the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, on the 30th, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carlos França, expressed concern about reports of handcuffed Brazilians. "Secretary Blinken indicated in response that he would convey this concern to the competent government area. He also reported that the possibility of flights composed solely of family groups in which handcuffs are not used would be examined," the note stressed.

Washington authorities also admit that they continue to dialogue with the Brazilian government on the subject, but the signal is that the rule is the same for all deportees, regardless of the country of origin. The procedure is for the safety of crew members and passengers, in order to "avoid fights during the flight" or even a hijacking of the plane.

Since last November, US migration authorities have used Title 42, a border closure rule due to the emergency resulting from the covid-19 pandemic, to accelerate the deportation process, which occurs, on average, in two weeks. In the cases of Brazilians who test positive for the coronavirus, it is necessary to wait longer until the confirmation of the negative test for boarding one of the two authorized flights, weekly, to Brazil. With information from Correio Braziliense.


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Btw this was posted in 2022

When Biden :marseyridin2: was president :marseykamakama:

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