This is Senna
Rio de Janeiro during the 1940s :marseysalutebrasil: :bolsenarofingergun:

!macacos !historychads check this out

First :marseytrain: deputy rector of a Federal University in Brazil says xhe feels lonely and fights for more trans quotas :marseytrans2: :marseypass:

Hoje, Joyce faz parte de uma articulação que luta por cotas para trans nas universidades públicas. O movimento tem participação de entidades como a Associação Nacional de Travestis e Transexuais (Antra), que elaborou uma nota técnica para orientar políticas públicas sobre ações afirmativas para pessoas trans, travestis, transmasculinas e não binárias no ensino superior.

De acordo com levantamento do g1, ao menos 23 universidades públicas brasileiras aderiram à política de cotas desde 2018, sendo que 16 delas (69,5%) aprovaram a ação afirmativa entre 2023 e 2024. O aumento nos últimos dois anos é fruto da articulação da qual Joyce faz parte.

Lmao, also !macacos chud Paraná still has no :marseytrain: quotas. God bless the UFPR.

Reported by:
  • FormerLurKONG : Macacos language nonsense
  • Y : Translation for english-only readers inside!
Os subreddits brasileiros estão sendo astroturfados pela China

Eu sei que o título parece :marseyschiz#owall: :marsey#tinfoil2: , mas não é.

Não estou falando nem de subs como o /r/Brasil, que já são basicamente branches da SECOM. A maioria dos subs brasileiros que eu vi que estão comentando sobre o negócio da OpenAI/DeepSeek tão claramente sendo astroturfados.

Não precisa ser necessariamente um setor em Pequim com um monte de chinês fodido do pau pequeno postando bosta, pode ser só os webcomunistas de reddit que já são pró-PCC fazendo o bagulho, mas não importa. O resultado é o mesmo.

''Gente'' chamando o massacre de Tiananmen de ''revolução colorida'', ou falando tipo ''ah, quem liga pro que aconteceu naquela praça lá, tenho conta pra pagar'', ai tu vai ver e o cara tá chupando a rola do Xi Jinping no /r/BrasildoB.

Eu não visito mais o rBrasil, aquele lugar é uma singularidade de estupidez, mas eu tem mais ou menos uma semana que eu tô vendo bastante uns subs brasileiros.

Esses dias eu tava no sub de investimentos e tinha uma notícia pró-governo. Você abria a página de usuário do OP, e ele estava escrevendo em 3 linguas diferentes (tailandês, sânscrito e vietnamita) em subs aleatórios, até que um dia ele decidiu postar esse link pró-governo no sub de investimentos (e nunca mais postou nada em português).

O reddit brasileiro está praticamente inutilizável



English for non !macacos

Brazil negotiates with the US to end handcuffs in flight of deported Brazilians

The use of handcuffs by Brazilians throughout the deportation flight from the United States to Brazil has generated discussions. The US claims security measure, but for Brazilians themselves, their families and authorities, it is humiliating and unnecessary for those who do not have a criminal conviction.

Two more planes chartered by the United States government should arrive this Friday, 11, at Confins International Airport, metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte. In one of them, 200 passengers arrive; in the other, 135. They must land, once again, handcuffed. But the measure has generated indignation.

Despite the appeals of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the US government's procedure is due to "security issues".

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE) reported that the issue of the use of handcuffs in deported Brazilians is still under discussion by the two countries. "Brazil has been expressing its sensitivity to the subject at a high level and maintains its expectation of an adequate outcome. In particular, he has insisted that the vast majority of Brazilians who return on such flights do not have a prior criminal conviction and does not represent a threat to the safety of the aircraft. Itamaraty remains committed to ensuring dignified treatment to all nationals abroad, especially minors," Itamaraty said in a note sent to Correio Braziliense.

According to the MRE, in conversation with the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, on the 30th, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carlos França, expressed concern about reports of handcuffed Brazilians. "Secretary Blinken indicated in response that he would convey this concern to the competent government area. He also reported that the possibility of flights composed solely of family groups in which handcuffs are not used would be examined," the note stressed.

Washington authorities also admit that they continue to dialogue with the Brazilian government on the subject, but the signal is that the rule is the same for all deportees, regardless of the country of origin. The procedure is for the safety of crew members and passengers, in order to "avoid fights during the flight" or even a hijacking of the plane.

Since last November, US migration authorities have used Title 42, a border closure rule due to the emergency resulting from the covid-19 pandemic, to accelerate the deportation process, which occurs, on average, in two weeks. In the cases of Brazilians who test positive for the coronavirus, it is necessary to wait longer until the confirmation of the negative test for boarding one of the two authorized flights, weekly, to Brazil. With information from Correio Braziliense.




Starts with post on /r/Brazil about the deported !macacos not having stewardess on their flight home

No Water Or AC On Flight, Handcuffed: How Brazilians Deported From US Reached Home

One Australian expat in Brazil asks

There are currently over 5,000 US citizens that are in Australia illegally as they have overstayed their visas. These aren't people claiming asylum, these are people who have deliberately broken Australian immigration law.

Can you imagine the outcry from Trump & his cronies if Australia put 100 of them on a plane, handcuffed & shackled & flew them back to the US?

The responses he gets from !burgers were not what he'd hoped

Well Australia should send them back if true


I fully support the US deporting illegal immigrants and I fully support other countries deporting Americans who have overstayed their visa and are thus illegal immigrants, they violated the law, I have no issue with them being handcuffed while they're returned to the US


I don't think Americans care, many would probably enjoy seeing them get deported.


Deport them.

Do it. If they've overstayed visas and aren't legally allowed in Australia anymore they should be sent home.


Most Americans wouldn't have any sympathy for them doing something stupid and illegal.


Kick them out if they are illegal.


Well, those 5,000 are probably unhappy about America, so you can keep them, deport them, what ever you want. America doesn't care.


I think Trump would nt have a problem with it


No outcry from me, what's fair is fair. They made an agreement and violated it.



!macacos é pra gente sentir dó desse cara?

Porra, torrar 170k R$ como se ele estivesse fugindo do Afeganistão. Tem cada sem noção.

Also, if Lula was based he would deport illegal burger "expats" on cuffs, but instead he's going to :soycry: at the UN like a cuck.

I hope Orange Man sends all those vira-latas back to the fatherland.


Love your country :marseypalestineflag: or don't. The pity me bullshit :marseyitsallsotiresome: with pretending you love your homeland when you did everything in your power :marseyzeldaganon: to abandon it and illegally enter another is for arrombados

Brazil - What does /pol/ think about Brazil? - /pol/ - Politically Incorrect :brazilmutt:

Every Brazilian I've known in America has been white for some reason, and I have never met a single white Mexican. :amerimuttdance:

Probably because unlike the beaners, we can't just cross a border to get to your country, so most Brazilians who go there are middle class and tend to be white or castizos. If you go to a big city in northern Mexico or an upper class Mexican neighborhood, they'll probably be white too. :marseysmughips:

Chill but still low iq

:#!hesrightyouknow: :#marseyme:

!macacos !chuds !latinx

!macacos eu tenho colegas e amigos já reclamando constantemente do Trump

Eu acho que esse ano terei que me aposentar pois eu não vou aguentar quatro anos de reclamação constante

Brasil é o segundo lugar mais desocupado do mundo, atrás somente da África do Sul

@kaamrev @nuclearshill

@BrasilIguana me lembrei de tu falando que o Brasileiro é um povo muito online e crescido numa cultura muito pornográfica/sexualizada.

''Respeita o Comando Vermelho'' - 83 de QI em ação :monke:

!macacos she won for the ditabranda !kino Ainda estou aqui.

Now she's a serious Oscar contender.

:marseyflagbrazil#: :marseyflagbrazil#: :marseyflagbrazil#:

FELIZ ANO NOVO GENTE! :capy2025pink: :marseyherc2025: :marseywerebackbrasileiro:

!macacos como vocês estão passando o réveillon?

Onlyfans carrega o Brasil


Is this true?


Also for the Yankees and other English speaking foreigners, the members of the House of Bragança in Brazil are a bunch of rightoid chuds with some delusion of getting the throne back, so they make these Christmas videos and still want to be referred as "His Imperial Highness, Dom Fulano não sei das quantas" or "Her Imperial Highness, Dona Maria Reinalda Joana Isabel Francisca Luiza Rafaela de Orleans e Bragança, Princesa de sei lá da onde"

Garçom invisível oferece salada

Reported by:
  • tempest : spam in some kind of weird pidgin language
  • ShitTornadoToOz : I don't speak chinese
  • HailVictory1776 : This is America. Speak English trans lives matter
  • 1 : .actual-post:has(.mr-2[href="/h/brasil" i]) { display: none; }

Um dia atrasado pq eu tomei um ban de 1 dia por postar mulheres com pinto


Trancado pq estavam falando verdades inconvenientes demais, isso obviamente só pode ser obra de infiltrados fascistas de outros subs

Um monte de bosta sem sentido, os caras tão dando nó na própria fimose pra defender o governo. Eu não li mas eu imagino que seja mais do mesmo: mercado fascista malvadão etcetc

O post não trancado mas altamente janniado

Olha só antes depois


Esquece, já trancaram

Vamos aos outros subs


Não li, mas imagino que seja tudo 'faz o L'

Cagando na cabeça de um twitteiro r-slurado

Cagando na cabeça daquelas jornalistas nojentas

Esse é pro @nuclearshill, tu que curte a argentina. viu que mataram um argentino no rio e o juiz não mandou prender?

Seria esse governo horroroso uma vingança do lula?

Já aproveitando a deixa, isso aqui foi engraçado, mas não tem a ver

/r/Farialimabets -- era um sub de meme mas meio que virou um campo de batalha entre MAV do rBrasil e seres humanos

/r/Flanelaa (reduto de gente que quer xingar o /r/Brasil)

/r/investimentos -- Segura que agora vem pedrada

E pra finalizar, você sabe o que realmente é brigading?

Quando um MAV do /r/Brasil vai em outro sub pra fazer post desonesto defendendo o governo.


Google translate the article or some shit, I don't care.

Here is a video by some soy cute twink

This country is so cooked


I didn't even notice, of course the soy cute twink put ''paradod of tolerance'' in the thumbnail lmao

The last great Brazilian indicates his wish to become a failure


Dólar atinge R$ 6,09

tamo fodido :marseysopa:

Brazil creates the Ultimate Mutt - Meet 'Dogxim,' the world's first known dog-fox hybrid—and a genetic oddity

Now playing: Lockjaw's Saga (DKC2).mp3

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