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8 changes

1. u can now use the "reply" button as a quote button

2. added Donkey Kong emoji tab


3. added more chud phrases


4. when u receive a chud award, u will now see the phrase u have too say


5. /h/countryclub posts are now more distinguished

6. award price is now shown more prominently in the "give award" window



7. made the taglines a little bit shorter


8. bypassing the chud award is now almost impossible

trans lives matter

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I stand with Israelvaccines work

Looks like one has an issue there king.

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I see no issue. What is your issue with this statement? Do you not stand with Israel? Do you think vaccines don't work?


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Stop being a diddy kong and recognize when things need to actually be taken care of

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whoops, fixed king

good catch

trans lives matter

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Can you multi-chud someone so they have to say multiple phrases?

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not rn, sry

trans lives matter

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I can't wait until I'm omega chudded and have to say 11 different phrases each comment.

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Aevann it’s a good idea :marseyhesright:

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Vaccines work science denier

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I like it the way it is

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@chiobu BTFO’D




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it's ok mate i'm used to that crowd forcing themselves and their opinions on people


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why do you think trans lives mattering is a forced opinion? they are humans too like the rest of us, they were just born with gender dysphoria, because some chemical reactions in the womb caused them to have it, they had no choice. hating any person for something they have no choice in is cringe

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i dont hate them i'm for equality and dont believe that they should be coddled :marseyshrug: i think that line is just useless virtue signalling and pointless because it really does nothing to help uplift them

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chuds are constantly dehumanizing them, so it's just to combat that, so trans people see that they matter as much as every other person.

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I'm not trying to dehumanize all of them. Only the annoying ones.

I would also like to dehumanize annoying rightoids, leftoids, white women, and llm

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I'm not trying to dehumanize all of them.

I am :marseytroublemaker:

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But if :marseytrain:are treated like everyone else they will get put on antidepressants and be told to see a therapist instead of harming themselves and everyone around them.


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Trans lives matter when they get hotter. Until then :marseyshrug:

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What chemical reactions in the womb?

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The thing that goes wrong and causes gender dysphoria in the brain of the child.

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Are you talking about this? Where relative length of the index and ring fingers may reflect fetal testosterone exposure in the womb?


That’s the only thing I’ve seen that has an actual tangible correlation, the “female brain” study that I’ve seen quoted by TRAs is bunk

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wrong one bro, this is for chuds:


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No I was the one getting mad that there wasn’t a chud speech bubble besides the trumpjak one :marseyitsover:

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here king i made one


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The lips are so unsettling :marseyyikes: I love it :marseymarseylove:

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king chiobu, can u submit it as an emoji pls

trans lives matter


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wipe the cache AND just hop onto chiobu-ii while the softban expires

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When will the madness stop?

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@Kong-Vann what did you change about the autojanny to do this?

Does it see if you put markup around the words?

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Black Lives Matter!!!

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Cucked by :chadstevejobs:


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Can you make chud violation comment a PM instead (or accept a PR doing this)? Chud award is supposed to annoy the awarded chud, not give him a way to annoy everyone else.

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no it's funny


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You're right. Instead of deleted by autojanny there could by a deleted for not saying: "anti chud thing" . No need for an extra autojanny comment beneath

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give coins


https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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There should be an equivalent ping group for lazy posts, like effortposters but not

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upmarsey this comment for no reason

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third rdrama currency confirmed to be donkeykoins

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They're kremkoins you absolute mong

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Unrelated but can you add dc/mb balance too this page https://rdrama.net/casino/blackjack @Landlord_Messiah want too goomble my coins but need too go too profile too see how much @Landlord_Messiah have

Trans lives matter

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oh this is actually a good one

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Wherever I stand, I stand with Israel 🇮🇱

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I dont

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Why not?

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Why is Aevann permanently Chudded? Who is chudding you King?

https://files.catbox.moe/y2zrro.png https://i.rdrama.net/images/172082001273549.webp

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The CCP.

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:klo#bber:Currently my favorite Kong :klob#ber: what's urs

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Second fave is

Oh shit, they dont have the one where diddy tosses his hat in the air and winks


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trans lives matter

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>Those new chud messages


You really do love us, don't you?

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Ah, nice marmot!


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Kong Bros just cant stop taking W's :#donkeykongdance2:

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Good job king :marseycapypharaoh:

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tysm 🥺🙌🏾

aev i fricked up i chudded @Greu but wanted zer to say Black lives matter so i chudded zim agsin n choosed the right one...is zer chudded for 48 hours now pls? or did my second chudding erase the first?

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chudded for 48 hours beloved

trans lives matter


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:marseyjam: ألف شكر habibi

Ramadan kareem tmrw 🤲🏾🤲🏾

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trans lives matter

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We do a little trolling :marseytroublemaker:

Black Lives Matter too, fwiw

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is it 48 hours? i want u to realize Black lives matter u fricking cac racist

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Can you add "save the whales" and "climate action NOW!" As chud phrases?

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@Aevann added "climate action now" king

trans lives matter

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thank you glorious leader

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idgi bb how?

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he made it so that "trans lives matter" will end up on its own line

at least that's what i think it does but i dont wanna test it lol

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imma ask my mane mb i hate bugging him but mb he kno a way round it

i been spending my dc on deflectors tbqhwyf

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i been spending my dc on deflectors tbqhwyf

yeah same here :marseysad:

imma ask my mane mb i hate bugging him but mb he kno a way round it

it's possible since he says "almost impossible" so there's probably a loophole

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>donkey kong emojis

idk what the gimmick or motive behind this is, but I love DKC 1-3 so DKchads are winning rn :#diddykongboombox:

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can you add a button to the award shop that is "buy and give award" or make it so the "give award" button automatically buys it if you don't have it? it's so annoying to click four times to give anyone an award :marseyfluffyannoyed:

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wasn't that always a thing?

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it was, but now u can use it successively

trans lives matter

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So no mention of abusing power huh ?

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Why is noone mentioning the trans peepee, was this established capylore before?

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the cursor changes too this when ur chudded

trans lives matter

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I see, i just outed myself as a phonechad.

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Turn the lights off, the changes are crawling towards the light!

hillary 2024

hillary 2024

hillary 2024

hillary 2024

hillary 2024

hillary 2024

hillary 2024

hillary 2024

hillary 2024

hillary 2024

hillary 2024

hillary 2024

hillary 2024

hillary 2024

hillary 2024

hillary 2024

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Missed a chance to be Aekong tbh

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Nice post, bro! I posted it to twitter.

6 changes https://rdrama.net/h/changelog/post/156842/6-changes #based #twitter #r-slurred

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@Aevann bug report: downvoting a post no longer hides it

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blame @funkykongpathianflorist for this one

trans lives matter


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what's new in that

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Can you fix the meme arrows


Gives you based greentext


Gives your soyddit nesting

Instead of it being just


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Nice work on the chud awards King

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