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based on popular demand, dildo cursor is back for agendaposters

also if ur an agendaposter, there's a chance ull get redirected to one of those links if u post/comment/view a post:




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When are the agendaposters going to stop hogging all the dildos? Cursor shop items that you can swap out from your settings page would be a lot of fun.

:marseyvibing: :marseyvibing: :marseyvibing: :marseyvibing: :marseyvibing: :marseyvibing: :marseyvibing: :marseyvibing: :marseyvibing: :marseyvibing: :marseyvibing: :marseyvibing:

edit: per aevann you can already do this with your custom css -

html {

cursor:url('https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841372424208188.webp'), auto;



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LLM on suicide watch. :marseyrope: Maybe he can beg during Christmas to have it removed like during Homoween.

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W-whats on the agenda for Bussymas?

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Lootboxes I hope, need two more for my badge. :soyjackwow:

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Does It c*m when you click?

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Suggestion: Marsey creators get a dramacoin when the Marseys they made get posted.

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What's stopping the original creator from making an alt and spamming the marseys they made?

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Is that a bad thing?

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Yesss yessss


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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shit I accidentally donated to actblue again

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Is the agendaposter role why I had the stars and flies on my screen? That was really cute. How do I get it back?

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nah that was bc of fireflies and shit awards on posts

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I already have a peepee on my computer I can’t even tell I’m on the stupid theme anyways

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are all the agendaposters rightoids? i don't keep track of these things.

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yeah p much

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Fake news. Everyone knows that Donald Trump has the biggest hands, big, beautiful, gigantic hands: the biggest.

They don't make hands like Domald Trump's any more, folks. Anyone who says Donald Trump has small hands is doing the agendaposting.

Every time I look down at my keyboard, I'm reminded by how big his hands are (I have a signed photograph) where he's shaking hands with a very important person, and believe me those are big hands. He's shaking hands with the president of England, I was there, it happened, and he says "Mister Trump you have very large hands" and he told him "I know, they're very large," and you know why they're big; they gotta do a lot of yanking and pulling, you know, of papers. You gotta pump, gotta pump some iron, you gotta.

If you go down to the Walk of Fame in New York, and it's true you can go see it if you don't believe me, donald trump has an impression of his hands there than they're very large with proportional fingers, they're not small. People come up to me and they say "How does Donald Trump have such large digits?" and I tell them "You know, you gotta, it's genetics; he has very good jeans, the best jeans, they're in his blood" and they're like "wow," and it's true!

So if you want to have big hands, you have to buy some Trump Jeans, folks, they're not expensive, only $99.99 a pair, go buy some, they're great.

God bless the USA, God bless America, and God bless the United States! Thank you!

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