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7 changes :marseycapy:

-added "bump" sorting to the frontpage, it works like forums and sorts posts by the date of the last comment (requested by @eager_potty)


-per the results of this poll, changed the sub options on the frontpage and added the functionality to subscribe to subs



-added the number of subscribers here https://rdrama.net/subs (u can click on the "subscribers" table header to sort by subscriber count)


-decreased golden marsey chance from 0.5% to 0.25%

-allowed everyone to edit their profile CSS (not just paypigs) https://rdrama.net/settings/profilecss (here is an example of it in action: https://rdrama.net/@Dramarama)

-made it possible to sort the marseys table by author username: https://rdrama.net/marseys (just click on the "author" header) - requested by @Dramarama

EDIT: -added "blockers" column to the subs list https://rdrama.net/subs

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