
:marseychinchillalove: Post animal friends here :marseychinchilla:

:marseywave2: Welcome to the pets hole! All furry frens are welcome!

A big thank you to @Chinchilla and @suggynutz for some of the funds :marseyjewoftheorient:

I miss my mayo chin so much :marseycry:

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heres half of my cutie pies


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other half


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…5 huskies n some sort of terrier (?) mix? frick u got energy

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we have a mutt and a border collie yeah, 7 dogs total. We have 4 live in maids so it's not too much effort!


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Getting some serious Rich White Woman Energy off this. Still, nice harem

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Im so sorry for your loss chiobu 😔

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Thanks bb it was gut wrenching but I'm sure he's in chinchilla heaven now :marseytears:

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Wait, what happened?!

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Suddenly stopped eating one morning and then died after we brought it to the vet, probably gut stasis or something :marseytears:

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are chillas like rats where they need a buddy for socialization?

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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They can live alone I think but we're gonna look at adopting another chin next week since I think the BIPOC chin is used to having another buddy around :marseytears:

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FYI to anyone who gets a rabbit to use wood chips and not kitty litter for the poop box.

They eat their own poo and when that poo gets covered in gravel it fricks up their intestines and can lead to death :(

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I used wood chips but alas :marseysad:

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do chinchillas eat their own doo-doo like rabbits do? I wanted to get one but learned they were nocturnal so did a hard pass

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Yup they do lol, those cute shit-eaters. I'm nocturnal too so they're perfect :marseychinchillalove:

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and your foid was fine with them too. Very lucky, cause my dog is pretty as shit but won't let anyone but me come within 3 meters of her.

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POV: youre a white woman about to kiss your bf good morning

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Is that a Pyrenees?

Trans lives matter.


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His dad is a white shepherd. This is dad and his brother.

mom is a pyrenees. will post mom below


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Beautiful dogs. Shedding must be a nightmare trans lives matter.


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brush every three days and it dont even trans lives matter at all

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Not doxing my pets, sorry. Anyway, my condolences for the loss of your chinkchilla. Chiobu.

At least he scored! I think...

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Unplug yourself, :marseytrain: bot.


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She's 17 and likes too drink the oil that leaks from the car

trans lives matter too my dog Princess



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That is a very photogenic cat.

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It's tragic bc he's also cross eyed and r-slurred.

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What happened your mayo chin?

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Died suddenly last week :marseycry:

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how did it taste?


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i am so sorry chiobu :( i am glad your other chin is doing okay, you gave the other chin a very nice life full of love and treats and special chin homes

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Thank you, it's so unfortunate he died the day their new home was shipped to my place, that silly boy would have loved it so much :marseysad:

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yeah :marseycrying: i hope you are able to feel comfortable getting more chins down the road and many happy babies get to play in there :marseychinchillalove::marseychinchillalove::marseychinchillalove::marseychinchillalove::marseychinchillalove:

pic of my boy to help cheer you up? impossible to spot any differences between these pics https://i.rdrama.net/images/16841286822158282.webp

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:#marseyxd: my chins do that when I feed them from a syringe too :marseyexcited:

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rip :marseycry: the cockblocking story was very cute. :@chiobupat:

I just had to put down my childhood pupper of 18 years a few weeks ago :feelsguy:


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Darn :marseytears: I was reluctant to have another pet because I'm a strag who didn't want to experience the pain losing a pet all over again after my lab passed years ago, but when I saw the chins I just melted lol

hope you're feeling better :marseycheerup:

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yeah they seem like cute af pets.

My mom had one back in the day she’d talk about

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She was adorable 🥺 I’m sorry for your loss bb 😔

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thanks girl :@mrpennypat:

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Congrats on getting this open, a fitting mayo memorial eh?

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Thank you! Yeah that's the least I can do although I wish it didn't need to be a memorial lol

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I lost my favorite Beagle three years ago and I still cry at night sometimes, some pets simply go beyond and I believe they form their own souls. Silly nonsense to others but you'll see Mayo again eventually imo

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i give this hole a month before it dies

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I still have my BIPOC chin to post so it should be ok

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>mayo chinchila dies "mysteriously"

>Black one is still alive


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Nah I can sense that she's quite depressed and seeing her go to the edge of their play area and staring out kills me lol, the mayo chin is a gentleman and would let her eat first so I doubt there's any foul play here sweaty


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Did you ever confirm if she got preggers?

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After I cockblocked him I don't think I heard the banging on the walls anymore :marseytears: sorry chinchilla bro

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Any immediate recommendations from your initial foray into having them? Looking at potentially getting a bonded pair from a Chin rescue in the next month or so.

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Hmm I'm honestly a noob but I think you'd need to refrain from giving them too many treats even though they seem happy to eat it and they're so uWu cute when they beg. They might take some time to warm up to you since they're eternally btfo-ed out in the wild as a prey, but it's worth it in the end when they trust you enough to jump onto your lap to let you feed them


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Thank you chinkchilla king.


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If not I have baby ducks and no duck hole

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All furry frens are valid here

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Ducks don't have fur

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all animal frens are valid here

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>I still have my BIPOC chin to post so it should be ok

never forget /h/ducks semper quack ;7;

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Wanna bet? I'm gonna keep it open myself just to fricking spite you now neighbor b-word strag.

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I'm completely indifferent to this cute twink, but your dedication to hating him is inspiring

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My boss calls me tenacious :#marseyspecial:

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im going to a party no you dont have to come love u


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That sucks :marseyrain:

My hamster died after my dad greased her wheel with cooking spray :marseychonker2:


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Sorry bro, my mayo dog died recently too. Still got my little Boston though. :marseylove:





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:#!marseytears: :#marseycheerup:

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Sorry to hear about the chinkchilla I suspect the core issue was melanin deficiency.

The canteen cats have gotten brazen, one started pawing at my leg and mewling really hard today at breakfast and wouldn't relent till I gave it half a boiled egg.

:marseypretty: :marseybegging:

I think they realize I sort of like them compared to the others, they tend to crowd around me especially during breakfast.

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Sorry to hear about the chinkchilla I suspect the core issue was melanin deficiency.

I think I unironically fed him too well and I've been guilt tripping my butt off over that lol, I had thought that if he was eating too many goodies he might just have diarrhea or something and not this sudden death that happened :marseysad:

lol the cats during my college days were very well-fed and yeah they would recognise who are the feeders and go to them :marseywholesome: funny thing is that your anecdote reminded me of this black cat one of my college mates secretly kept and I had the impression it was called "blackie" :marseyracist:

Turns out it was called spooky, really makes you wonder why my friend named a BIPOC cat "spooky" :marseythonk:


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One of my dogs is growing really old and it's sad to realize he probably won't live another year :m#arseyrain:

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holy frick i want him to poke me :marseyshy:

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I know you might still be in mourning or w/e but did move your other chin to the new enclosure yet?

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No, I have not moved my "other chin" to the new enclosure yet. I'm still in mourning for my previous chin, who died tragically in a Chin accident.

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No lol we fricked up and didn't check how heavy the new cage was so I hired some movers who can hopefully move the cage upstairs lmao

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this wouldn't be a problem if you weren't such a twink

that's pretty funny tho

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lol it's very big and made out of solid wood + the stairs are quite steep and narrow so i actually doubt even professional movers can do it safely. no wonder the seller asked us if we wanted solid or synthetic wood (which is much lighter) :marseyitsover:

i really didn't think this through properly and forgot why I very rarely buy anything online from china lol, i'm too lazy to read the listings in moonrunes

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how heavy is it?

also, are you gonna get another chin, or are you chinned out?

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I honestly don't know since it was from one of those chinese e-commerce sites and reading chinese makes me want to KMS so my wife handled it. sea freight was $200+ so probably gosh darn heavy based on that and also considering how i've moved a king sized bed frame up here without much problem lol

we're gonna go look at one to maybe adopt next week, i'm really afraid that the BIPOC one would feel lonely and sad :marseysad:

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i'm really scared the BIPOC one would feel lonely

Honestly what I was thinking too. I'm not sure how old she is but presumably she's got a fair bit of life left, would be a shame for her to spend it solo, especially after having a friend for so long.

I hope it goes well. Obviously you'll post pics if you adopt them.

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Thank you! Of course I would, this hole might be in memory of the mayo chin but it's also for the current and future chins :!marseywink:


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Mac wouldn't stop microagressing against beautiful trans queens by perpetuating harmful colonizer capitalist transphobia so bed time.

Pronouns: b-word/bitching


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Ohhhh thats why she hates :!marseytrain:s, we never hit the wall


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You can't hit the wall if it's always behind you

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Oooooooooooooooo legacies always have the wall behind them, just waiting for age 30, harsh joke to make but fair Susan.

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