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Why it's okay to be racist against Albanians

Albanians hate Albania


The Albanian doesn't even want to be in Albania because it's full of Albanians and other invasive Slavic pests. He seeks refuge in other countries, mostly Italy, because he most likely learned Italian from their radio and TV waves. The Albanian doesn't produce entertainment of his own because Communism doesn't allow free thought or fun.

Albanians decorate their home in garbage




The Albanian is enticed and bewildered by shiny objects. Upon consumption of a simple soda, he keeps the bottle and decorates his home with it.

To keep up with the demand of Coca Cola sales, a plant was opened in Albania. The plant alone is responsible for nearly 500,000 bottles littering the window sills and hearths of Albanian huts. Untold amounts of empty imported bottles lie scattered about their floors and pantries.

This is the largest reason why the Albanian refuses to live in Albania.

Albanians don't know what a banana is



Only second to his self hatred is the Albanian's inability to recognize fruits. Once the Albanian learns of the existence of bananas, he both fears and idolizes its mystique.

Albanian religion is stupid



Like the Gypsy, the Albanian believes in powerful supernatural forces all around him, and believes that humans possess magic powers. If the Albanian suspects you are jealous of something he owns, he believes you are casting spells at him. To defend himself, the Albanian will hang stuffed animals in a galley outside his home, believing that they too are magical.

Albanians suck at driving



The Albanian driver is untrained and reckless. His ignorance is evenly matched by his road aggression. Being a natural thief, the Albanian can instantly recognize the value of every car on the road, and gives more expensive cars the right-of-way in the chance he has the opportunity to steal it later.

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The driving point reminds me of a Russian joke.

A man arrives at the Tbilisi airport and catches a taxi to take him to the hotel. All is going well until they approach a red light, where the taxi driver just floors it.

:soycry: What the frick are you doing?

:chad: You insult me, I'm a dzhigit!

Nothing happens so they keep driving. They near another light, and again the taxi driver floors it through the light.

:soyjaktantrum: What the heck, you're going to get us killed!

:gigachad2: Frick off, I'm a dzigit!

They keep going until they approach a green light, where the dzighit slams on his brakes.

:soyjakfront: Why are you stopping? The light's green!

:marseygigachad: And what if another dzhigit is coming?

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the joke would have been a lot better if I didn't have to look up what that dumb word means.

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Cross cultural knowledge is important for advanced forms of racism.

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Respect :marseykingcrown:

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I once met an Albanian foid, she was hot as frick although she had small tits

Also, John Cena is Albanian, so no I'm not gonna be racist against my Illyriabros

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I fricking love the Balkans :marseywholesome:

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John Cena is Albanian

Regis Philbin was Albanian

Messi is Albanian

Joe Biden and Donald Trump (2 best American presidents) are Albanian

Albania forever, I bleed kuq e zi

America and Albania are best friends

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I thought the best US president was Bill Clinton

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We love America so much we love every new President more than the last

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Bill Clinton is absolutely the best contemporary politician, bar none

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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An Albanian dude showed me a picture of his sister and she was smoking hot

Also John Cena is AMER-I-CAN not Alban-i-can't

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Genuine question, what do Albanians look like? I thought they were muslims and kind of looked like turks. But the only Albanian I know/am friends with is blonde w blue eyes. Also her family is 100% into some mob shit.

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They’re pretty hot, just worthless and annoying

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There balkans which often intermarried with Turks because they are both Muslim, there also incredibly inbred. They are a coin toss on whether they look Euro or Turk.

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Northern Albanian Chads (known as Ghegs) are tall, pale, mountain people.

Southern Albanian Virgins (known as Tosks) are little Greek-looking bitches.

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Dua Lipa and Eliza Dushku (who has probably hit the wall harder than Flight 93 by now, but has left behind an incredible body of work)


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Some are swarthy some are white

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Once the Albanian learns of the existence of bananas, he both fears and idolizes its mystique.

That's just a commie thing


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One of the first things that East Germans started to buy lime crazy after unification was bananas.

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Most of the list is post-commie syndrome when people started finally having nice stuff again. Although the “evil eye” shit is basically ancient mediterranean/middle eastern folklore shit.

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Ah good old Brixton before the locals put more knives in a person than a vegetable (none human)


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fun fact: albanians have a higher opinion of NATO than any other country in the world, including the USA :marseyfluffy:

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It's like learning that Vietnam has an equal opinion of America than Americans.


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How is Israel number 3? Now I want to see what Singaporeans think of Israel.

Edit, I'm an idiot. That's the approval rating of the US in those countries, not the Vietnamese approval rating of different countries.

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All my best cheaply made goods come from Vietnam.

I guess we beat the Commies after all 😎

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All my favorite countries

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It’s true, most Albanians fricking love the US. Between maintaining an independent Albania in the aftermath of WWI and helping out with the Kosovo War, the US is highly regarded.

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It's not that surprising, NATO did stop the Serbs from massacring the Albanians.

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Albania sucks butt

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coca cola is a delicacy

another example of american dominating the ENTIRE WORLD :smoke:

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That’s what happens when your mom fricks an adidas shoe

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I would like to respond to your anti-Albanian propaganda with three pictures:




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Albanian world order

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Driving my big butt diesel ford excursion in Dallas is sorta like being an Albanian. I just put on a turn signal and if they don’t immediately get out of the way I can just drop a gear and floor it and the big black cloud lets them know I’m extra serious and about to run over whatever micro shitbox they drive. It probably weighs quadruple the average subcompact

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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>rolling coal in an 18 year old diesel in texas


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Sweaty, it’s. 2001. 7.2l, they didn’t even put cats on them back then. 365k miles. She needs a new starter and it’s so hot I’m not even going to try to fix it until the end of august so my baby is down :marseycry:

Putting the :e: in :marseyexcited:

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I thought the V8 was a 6.0 lmao wow

My Merc just lost the :marseytrain:, more to repair than what I paid.

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:marseyno: Blatant Dualipaphobia

Thanks team 👍

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Not sure, but I having a coffee at an outdoor stand in London yesterday and the Romanian guy behind the counter was telling me to watch out for the Romanian guys in groups.

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