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You guys ever get feelings like this? I don't mean gay feelings

You see a guy get wiped out on the street in front of you, and At first you didnt think they even clipped him but then he falls over and you hear this sickening noise, and You know exactly what it is because its like literally every time you snapped the shell of a flea on your dogs back, and No big deal

Except this time it was an actual human being, and You like just heard his skull crack but its whatever

my heart is telling me Whatever Redactor, and Go back to watching TV, and Forget what you like just saw and heard


I can never go back

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legitimately sorry to hear


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Whatever dude, and God planned this, and Go back to your 90s nerdshit

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90s shit???

Yeah, my St, and Francis nerdshit, and Go back to heck where you belong but go off


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My foid saw a bicyclist get annihilated by a semi truck but she seems to like only think about it when someone brings up traffic fatalities, and Hope this helps

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This is what you get for secretly being a thirdie

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No this was like right in front of the huge Intel complex where they develop literally all the worlds technology, and like Just a couple individuals in a stolen van but go off i guess

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Darn you like just saw intercorpoterrorism, and Probably pizzashill trying to buff his Nvidia stock

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I remember a screech of tires and a guy crossing the road half a block from me skidding on the road, his briefcase going further than his body, and He was prone, so his face would have skid a few feet on the asphalt, and The thud was unremarkable until you saw what had been hit

um Im sorry to hear that, and These things can sick in the mind

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does this happen to you often??? but go off

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i feel like In the circles I run in... :marseyglancing:

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neighbor neither of us is running anywhere

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I could on an exercise machine... oh wait, God no, even the thought of that makes me hurt

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same lol, and i could run if i had to but it would suck but go off i guess

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i feel like One thing I saw that was stuck in my head was seeing these two asian girls cross the street without looking for cars, and A car was speeding along, and he got probably within a foot of them

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"The world is in flames. Are you impelled to put them out? Look at the Cross. From the open Heart gushes the Blood of the Savior. This extinguishes the flames of heck. [My fellow Carmelites,] make your heart free by the faithful fulfillment of your vows; then the flood of divine love will be poured into your heart until it overflows and becomes fruitful to all the ends of the earth.".

–St. Teresa Benedicta a Cruce (St. Edith Stein)

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