You see a guy get wiped out on the street in front of you, and At first you didnt think they even clipped him but then he falls over and you hear this sickening noise, and You know exactly what it is because its like literally every time you snapped the shell of a flea on your dogs back, and No big deal
Except this time it was an actual human being, and You like just heard his skull crack but its whatever
my heart is telling me Whatever Redactor, and Go back to watching TV, and Forget what you like just saw and heard
I can never go back
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I remember a screech of tires and a guy crossing the road half a block from me skidding on the road, his briefcase going further than his body, and He was prone, so his face would have skid a few feet on the asphalt, and The thud was unremarkable until you saw what had been hit
um Im sorry to hear that, and These things can sick in the mind
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