
I'm trying shrooms for the first time. I want to take 1g of shrooms with my ex as trip sitter (she is a trans woman). I'm worried that I might get confused and misgender her or deadname her. Worse, I'm worried I might start seeing things and like… see her the way she was when she was presenting male and say some things I'll regret. Is 1g enough to make me lose my filter?


Maybe she should try them. It might enlighten her to embrace who she really is. Whether that be her true male self or confirming her choice to transition


amanita mushrooms review

alr so I just bought a bunch of amanita muscaria and pantherina from

it is a mushrooms (no psylicoci in) with deliriant effects, but not like benadryl kr datura or scopolamine. it doesn't give u dementia or any fricked up shit like that.

shipping was great, package came 3 days later - u cn use the code Reddit10 for 10$% off ur order

I tried both panterina and muscarias. I dont notice an effect difference with pabtherinas theyre just more strong

these are the products I tried

  • Amanita Pantherina Powder

  • Amanita Muscaria Chocolate Bars

  • Amanita Nice Sticks! (Pre Rolls)

  • Amanita Pantherina 300mg Capsules - 30ct

  • Amanita Pantherina Chocolate

to describe the lower dose feeling its kind of like being drunk but less heady I guess. I was trying to drive in gta but couldn't get far because I would just crash in to walls. I wasn't laughing like with weed or feeling much just uncoordinated even though I felt sober. I can walk and do stuff but for some reason I couldn't drivd in gta lol. imagine 2-3 shots but ur head feel sober and there are a few squiggly lines in ur vision. also ur head feels clear. the. u get real tired and lay down, then u fall asleep. I had a very vivid dream where it felt like I was actually in it but I cant really remember what I was doing. I wouldn't recommend d of ur just looking for a crazy dream experience. after I wake up I felt very well rested and even went back to sleep for 30 minutes after. so if u struggle with sleep try it maybe.

on a larger dose it's hard to deserve how it feels. ibfeel clear headed but also r-slurred but smart at the same time. I feel huge and I can see the air moving in shapes and the walls are breathing like shrooms. theres very slight tracers like when u hold ur eyes clothes but the. open them. u can't talk because I fumble my words but my mind is clear. slightly nauseous and the taste is bad FYI. I keep6 picking my phone up and then putting it back on the charger over and over and over u don't notice it til layer. feels like waiting kn a comeuppance but it'd a let down fr

all in all wouldn't recommend if u want to get high hut if u want to sleep real good or are into herbs m shit go aheaf


Friday doing drugs thread

Post drugs you have taken or maybe will take during this Friday or perhaps throughout the entire weekend. Yes I am essentially just bumping this hole so that it doesn't get deleted again.


I feel goooof


expensive habit


Mac Miller award

I'm a little lost in the sauce

Not quite like I was last. I'm doing the shitty drugs that are stereotyped as being used by the socially r-slurred tech bro micro-optimisation life hack class, the ones who take (((nootropics))) not drugs. I'm slamming back memantine, phenibut, and uncomfortable amounts of caffeine. Since I've been a little zooted and deinhibited I also tried getting some modafinil analogs on order, I probably got scammed but maybe it'll come in.

My nervous system is on edge but my mind is too lost in the sauce to feel the same. I just feel off, alert but I feel nothing. Don't bother with these bullshit drugs, do the real things. The real things will ruin your life but you'll at least feel like you're climbing up while you're falling down. You'll experience nirvana and heck during the same day. It's exciting. I felt confused, but alive. I saved the world by peeling off my toenails.

Right now I'm just acutely aware I'm drugging myself with none of the fun parts that come along with that. Just mildly reduced inhibitions encouraging me to post this L. Not reduced enough to go back to onions and induce bipolarism again. It almost was, maybe if the last DNM I used was still there. I don't feel like sifting through markets and finding old vendors, or finding trustworthy new ones if the old vendors I used are gone. I'm pretty sure all the good PCP analogs are gone anyway, don't tell me if they aren't I'd rather believe they're gone and unobtainable. I'll keep my job on these shitty drugs, I probably won't keep my job if I go back to the good shit.

I'll get off this cocktail in a few days, probably. Not that good. Namaste.

Welp. My last two mushroom grow bags got contaminated with trich. I'm done for now and just buying shrooms from a plug again.

I'm just disappointed.

I know it's a learning process and contam is never 100% avoidable but I am having bad luck lately and it's taking more money to grow than it is to buy. I still want to try growing fungi in the future, but I'm just burnt out.


Pothead prefers pot over kitty
Nicotine sisters what are you doing

I decided to try a juul because I was curious. Pop the cartridge in and breathe and at best it’s mildly unpleasant. As for the nicotine I’ve never interacted with the drug so it should be fine except it does actually nothing. I felt no difference, none whatsoever. The only thing I got out of the entire experience was a mild minty taste and decreased lung health and that was from the least gross way to get it. I can’t imagine reeking of cigs constantly for that.

As for alcohol at least that has an effect but it takes so much alcohol for what I assume is a middling drunk feeling that only lasted like an hour tops and made me piss like 4 times. Guess I’ll try fricking kratom or something because everything else sucks.


You're white

Neolib copes about drugs
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