That wasn't real Weimar. Real Weimar hasn't even been done properly yet.

Inflation is mayo nonsense:

Why was the germ simply not enslaved after tho?:

Americoids need not talk. This is eurotrash business:




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Serbia started WW1 by assassinating the incoming monarch of Austria-Hungary -- an act of war. Austria-Hungary didn't need to declare war formally, it had already been declared by the act itself.

France and Russia supported the assassination when Austria-Hungary announced it would defend itself.

Germany was allied with Austria-Hungary and had to defend itself against France and Russia by flanking France through Belgium.

England got mad that Germany defended itself and joined the war and started starving the citizens of Germany with a naval blockade, a genocidal war crime.

Germany unleashed unrestricted submarine warfare in order to restore food to its citizens which pissed off America who joined the war.

France led the Versailles treaty and didn't Germany enter negotiations of surrender for a war that Serbia and France and Russia started.

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I didnt realize how common child prostitution was, and proporagated by jewish pimps. I unironically understand the rise of hitler more now.

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Now ask what books were the nazis burning.

I was actually shocked at myself I never asked that when we were told in middle school about it.

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Yeah im not saying that justifies trying to kill all Jews but if anyone deserves to be put in camps, child pimps is on that list

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I mean, Mustache Man himself had a thing for his teenage niece who later committed suicide and then married 17 year old Eva Braun at 40.

(don't get me started on what Stalin did, though)

SS brothels also existed and they also engaged in a bit of terminal moidery:

Yad Vashem and the Germans both say that there were no Jewish girls used as prostitutes to service the Nazis. But I have testimonies that Jewish girls did work in bordellos in the camps,” she says. “They must have changed their names so the Germans wouldn't know they were Jewish.”

Otherwise they wouldn't have been able to avoid the gas chambers and crematoria by being s*x slaves.

For instance, one man, who was r*ped by a German soldier as a 13-year-old boy in Tunisia, has struggled his whole life with his sexual identity. How could he be a man who goes out with women if he was in the position of being one, he asks

Weimar Germany was still a shithole because it was Germany, though.

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Im sure the timesofisrael is an unbiased source and (((they))) have no control of wikipedia.

The niece stuff is weird for sure but 17 is still above the age of consent in most of europe today so

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It wasnt a real problem and if it was it was a good thing and totally unrelated to today but we should have it

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Weimar wasn't perfect, and most of its ‘degeneracy' is overblown literal nazi sneed, but it contained all of the conditions for the NSDAP to rise to power and this clearly shows something was horribly wrong.

>muh child prostitutes

Happens everywhere, rightoids included.

>muh gender madness

Destroying Hirschfeld's institute was chimp tier monkey behaviour, but we have the internet now, so good luck doing it again you smooth brained lobotomites.

>muh stab in the back

If you were any good at nooticing you'd find that Jews were excessively patriotic in WW1

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It wasn't even close to perfect. Dysfunctional government that had a president with dictatorial powers, who then used these dictatorial powers to pretty much remove any check and balance.

Political violence so goddarn rampant that all parties create para-military organization. Then you had a military that was a state within a state.

So in the end everybody and their mums tried taking over the state.

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Stalin was trying to overthrow the Weimar Republic through Antifa and Commies today are jealous that Hitler and the SS were able to beat them to it.

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Destroying Hirschfeld's institute was chimp tier monkey behaviour

It was like 1 of maybe 3 good things the nazis ever did.

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Destroying Hirschfeld's institute was chimp tier monkey behaviour

hirschfeld did ludicrious cruel medical experiments on poeple who were often juveline, mentally ill or desperate . He didn't care about them he only wanted to see his (ridiculous ) theories succeed. . burning his institue was a good thing. the nazis dindu nothing :marseychud:

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Well this mostly happened because the Jews ruled the entire country with an iron fist. They kinda deserved the holohoax. It didn't happen but I wish it did.

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Lol didnt the nazis have to suppress how patriotic jews were after doing a study that showed lots of them signed up to fight for Germany in ww1.

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  • Enward : antisemitism and trans erasure

"we wuz Jerries n oi weeey"

moronic rdamanaut take

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chuddery will NOT be tolerated

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lmao, saying Jews partook the most in WW1 is exact chud behavior, im anti chud

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>:marseyakshually: there were lots of nobel prize winners and stuff in the weimar republic

> :marseysaluteusa:

>:soycry: nooooooooooo something something worst country in the world

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Without Black people none of that wouldve been possible!


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Jews did this

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Yeah the weimar republic had a bunch of problems, but so many rightoids literally :marseyme: have ZERO clue about anything :marseycoleporter: and just assume that everyone :marseynorm: was starving to death :marseyoutletsuicide: and also a gay transexxual jew, just a magical fifteen years of uninterrupted hypermega inflation :marseyballoon2: (because of those evil french :marseyguillotine: jews), everyone :marseynorm: was starving to death- because of the bank jews, and everyone :marseynorm: was a gay :marseytrain:- because of the jews. read a fricking :marseytom: book

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Hear me out: Everyone were starving to death and inflation was zimbabwe-tier, and the Germans deserved it 😂

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All nations get the government they deserve.

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They deserved worse

And Harris gave it to them

The Ivan r*pemarch was too far tho

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>The Ivan r*pemarch was too far tho

Should've let Patton do his thing after German surrender.

white extinction is long overdue

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nobel prize winners coming from a country means that country was amazing and had no problems. fact.

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by that metric the Faroes :puke: is best place live

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What's wrong with the Faroes? Tanic lives there :marseysonichu:

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They survive purely from Danish tax payers' precious money. All Faroes should die

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So why not blame the Danes before blaming innocents?

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I don't pay my taxes willingly, I am not the aggressor but the victim

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Maybe if you were nobel prize material you wouldn't let this happen to you.

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Coming from that country, but also being not part of it because they're jewish

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>entire time and culture

Rightoids: horrible

Leftoids: perfect and good

Wonderful analysis from the normies :marseybrainletclapping:

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Which is weird because the leftoids were also furious with the weimar Republic and wanted to overthrow it to establish communism.

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>let's focus on fighting the SPD because they're clearly the greatest fascist threat around

~KPD :#marseycluelesstalking:

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The KDP were so bad they got people to vote for the nazis

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reichtsdag fire luike ju janeuary 56 th

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the last fifty years of American political history support this assessment

Republicans are the party of intentional incompetence

and the idiots who support them are incompetent horrible people

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white extinction is long overdue

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nice one, reddit

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Shades of gray don't exist, pick a binary idiot

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:marseynoooticer: I see some shades of gray, like:

Cadet gray :!marseysaluteconfederacy:

Feldgrau :!marseyreichcry:

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pick a binary

Yikes this is literal patriarchal alt right propaganda!!1!1

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Suck the girldick or murder all :!marseytrain:s immediately bigot

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Its terrifying that millennial cute twinks and zoomers learned history from YouTube and other buttfrickers on Twitter

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There are some good history videos on YouTube, they also have a bunch of dislikes for mentioning some uncomfortable facts. See basically anything TIK releases as an example lol.

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What is tik bb?

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This guy, some of his videos generate insane amounts of seethe.

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Hmm, why do they seethe so much?

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He's a bit of a lolbert and his views can be summarized to: "Socialism is when government does stuff, the more stuff it does, the socialister it gets"

Which also means Soviet Union and Nazi land are a socialist hellscapes for him. Which makes nootzis and gommies mad.

@Fabrico I sat through the Battlstorm Stalingrad Series :marseywhelmed:

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Oh ok ty bb

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Imagine watching breadtube /e/marseyemojirofl.webp

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>Hey it's tankiespankie here, did you ever hear about the Weimar Republic? You see the nazis were seething about legal child prostitution legalized by jews and used that to justification genocide. Can you believe that shit?

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I only watch actual bread tube

Recipes of tasty home made bread

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@LilMarseyontheprairie you watch a ton of breadtube don't you?

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I love baking bread :marseyloaf:

But I'm not a communist


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If you were a communist you wouldn't have much bread :#marseyanorexia:

!anticommunists discuss the superiority and diversity of bread in capitalist countries.

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informative video on the failure of bread subsidies in the soviet union:

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Learning about Soviet failures is my favourite pastime. :marseyoperasmug:

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Hence why I'm not a commie

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Is breadtube an allusion to bread rations?

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I don't know what that is

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You know how there's rightoidtube sector like shapiro/crowder/tate/etc? The leftoids call theirs breadtube in reference to breadlines for some insane reason.

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I think it's the commie corner of YouTube. (But developed and maintained in a free market)

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Imagine knowing what that is /e/marseysmug.webp

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Doubt these people even know who Rosa Luxemburg was.

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Someone who deserved worse.

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German rosa parks. Easy, next question

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he said Luxemburg, r-slur

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Thats what was r-slurred about my comment?

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he said german rosa parks, r-slur

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Silence chuds, Weimar totally didnt have roving militias that were shooting each other all the time

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>Believing Weimar Germany was a horrible place is like believing the Treaty of Versailles was overly harsh for Germany.



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When Hitler started ruling by degree allowing him to ignore the parliament he was the second chancellor to do so.

Weimar was a clusterfrick doomed to fall into autocracy from the beginning, and its system takes responsibility for what would come just as much as Tito takes responsibility for sowing the seeds of Yugoslav wars.

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Who was the first guy?

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Heinrich Brüning

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The problem was allowing an “armistice” instead of demanding the krauts to unconditionally surrender.

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I really hate when people compare something to weimar germany. Somewhat because its misleading - by most metrics weimar germany was leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else, because germany was by far the most powerful and advanced nation in Europe.

But because it seriously misses why weimar collapsed - it never obtained any kind of stability or elected government with legitimacy, forcing leaders to set dangerous precedents basically from day 1 to pass any kind of law or respond to disaster or the great depression.

Weimar germany is a fantastic example of what happens when a country has no democratic norms and breaks them repeatedly during a political struggle.

The conservatives never stopped trying to rip the country apart, bitter over the monarchy collapsing. The liberals never took the right wing threat seriously, and the commies were more than happy to let the rightoids take power under the idea it'd set off a pendulum movement and usher them into power.

Weimar was unlike any modern example, had weimar had a stable government or any democratic norms at all it would have easily resisted the nazis.

Blaming the treaty is reductionist at best, the treaty was a useful propaganda tool but it ignores the larger instability.

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Just ignore the general degeneracy and child prots

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>Blaming the treaty is reductionist at best,

I don't know who to go with here, Keynes or Pizzashill

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Keynes or Pizzashill

Believe it or not, Keynes is even more r-slurred than Pizza

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I started reading a Keynes biography on a whim and couldn't finish it because hoo boy was that guy a strag.

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The issue with economists when they try to review history is they put too much focus on economics, for obvious reasons, and miss the larger picture.

No expert on nazism or fascism in general thinks it's a movement primarily driven by economics. Hitler viewed racial conflict as the mover of history, which is radically different than every other ideology which tends to view economics as the primary mover of history.

Richard Evans says Germany was dominated by a "primacy of politics" and talks about how even marxist historians started admitting this around the 1960s. Economics is useful for analyzing history of course, but unless you have an understanding of the broader context it's pointless.

The 3rd reich trilogy is a really good deep dive into the entire build up to nazism and the history of Weimar Germany. It's incredibly detailed.

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You should go with richard evans and robert paxton, 2 actual experts on the topic and not, you know, an economist.

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Germany was by far the most powerful and advanced nation in Europe.

Nobody would have said this in 1939 except actual Nazis. Britain and the Netherlands were on a completely different level. In France they actually had cars and shit. Czechoslovakia was probably more high tech but too small.

Germany beating France in 1940 was totally unexpected by everyone (including Hitler).

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Literally everyone would have said that, germany was pretty clearly the most powerful nation in europe.

Or maybe its historian hindsight, but it seemed pretty obvious.

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because germany was by far the most powerful

were they tho

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Id say yes.

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of course you would. everything you say is wrong and the opposite is what's actual reality.

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by most metrics weimar germany was leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else, because germany was by far the most powerful and advanced nation in Europe.

Not true at all, Germany was powerful because it was the largest of rich countries (in Europe), but in GDP per capita France was IIRC 20% and Britain 50% higher. Interwar Germany was a mix of advanced industrial parts with world leading science and corporations, and poor agricultural east full of farmers needing extra jobs because of their insufficient land.

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Weimar was unlike any modern example, had weimar had a stable government or any democratic norms at all it would have easily resisted the nazis.

"If the Weimar Republic was something else, it would have been a completely different country."

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Chaos can breed greatness and shitty things at the same time, remove the chaos and you could easily get nothing interesting

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:marseysoylentgrin: Chaos is a ladder!

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Germoney did have democratic norms you couldn't go for a mile without stumbling upon city states ruling themselves under the HRE. (Free and Imperial Cities :marseynerd3: , Hanseatic Leagues and Kleinstaaterai :marseynerd3:

While the term referred primarily to the territorial fragmentation of the German Confederation, it is also applied by extension to the even more extreme territorial fragmentation of the Holy Roman Empire. In this period, Germany was split into a great number of nearly sovereign small and medium-sized secular and ecclesiastical principalities and free imperial cities, some of which were little larger than a single town or the surrounding grounds of the monastery of an Imperial abbey. Estimates of the total number of German states at any time during the 18th century vary, ranging from 294 to 348, or more.



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If you want to assert your rights in the Holy Roman Empire, play classic 1992 RPG Darklands.

Make sure to build up Speech (Common) skill, local reputation, and fame.

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Your Pulitzer is in the mail

:chad!black2: :marseybear::marseyrefrigerator:

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The conservatives never stopped trying to rip the country apart, bitter over the monarchy collapsing. The liberals never took the right wing threat seriously


Weimar germany is a fantastic example of what happens when a country has no democratic norms and breaks them repeatedly during a political struggle.

even though jailing past presidents and leading candidates of the major opposing party cant reasonably be called a norm in the us

forcing leaders to set dangerous precedents

Oh dangerous precidents

!friendsofpizzashill we got a live one

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I dont know, i feel like letting a president openly break the law and shit all over the system and our norms is more dangerous than jailing him for the crimes he is clearly guilty of.

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Would you mind listing the best item that you believe he is clearly guilty of? I actually don't want a full list I just want your best item which is his worst violation

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Hes blatantly guilty of soliciting election fraud in ga. Blatanly guilty of fraud for intentionally and knowingly inflating the value of properties in ny.

Hes blatantly guilty of the campaign finance violations. Idk how anyone could even argue against these without very tortured reasoning.

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Pick one. Whats your best shot

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Soliciting fraud in Ga.

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All right let's break it down into the details. What was the specific Act I'm assuming the ratzenberger(spelling?) phone call

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Thank you for your response I'm a little busy right now but I'll try to come back a little bit later and write something that at least demonstrates equal effort

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That's cool. But it was actually rimming and drag queens that did it in.

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Blaming the treaty is reductionist at best, the treaty was a useful propaganda tool but it ignores the larger instability.

Yeah the treaty definitely didn't help but I'd be surprised if any nation was doing good after coming out of ww1.

France was ruined, the British empire was basically donezo after the war (they just didn't know it yet). Germany was the worst off given that they lost the darn war. Plus they had just barely formed as a country like 50 years prior.

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Idk about making it harsher either, the idea of France getting even more control of Germany and being bigger pricks probably wouldn't have made Germany 2 turn out any better. Basically as bad as the holocaust

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The French were seething so badly they derived a whole state ideology focused on revenge lmao "revanchism"

In Albert Bettannier's La Tache Noire (1887) French students are taught about the provinces of Alsace-Lorraine, taken by Germany in 1871.

!chuds why isn't there kino art made about sigmamaxxing leverage for conquest today? :marseygiveup:

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Russia has taken this crown :prigozhinsoypoint:

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Weren't the frogs seething hard because the :marseykaiser: declared himself emperor in Versailes after BTFOing them in the franco-prussian war

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china does it as well for things they have not yet owned, so its hecking valid.

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