The story of Lou Pai - the invisible CEO of Enron :marseykingcrown:

Most young people haven't seen it, but everyone should watch the Enron documentary, "The Smartest Guys In The Room," and read the book.

He impregnated a stripper while married, got divorced, cashed out near the peak, and left Enron before the implosion that he was largely-responsible for creating.

Because his stock-sale was divorce court-ordered, he couldn't be accused of insider trading, and got to keep most of his ill-gotten gains.

He left Enron with $250 million, married the stripper, bought a Gulfstream, and a 77,000-acre ranch (with a 14,000 ft mountain he re-named Mount Pai), making him (at the time) the second-largest landowner in Colorado.

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Because his stock-sale was divorce court-ordered, he couldn't be accused of insider trading, and got to keep most of his ill-gotten gains.

if he did this intentionally :marseykneel:

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I bet Ken Lay faked his death.


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The book is well worth the read. The doc, unlike the hogwash they make today, is a quick 120 minute overview. Skips over all the Rich Kinder and the trading desk stuff that was really what made Enron successful.

Played golf with a random old guy and my dad awhile back, the random guy turned out to be on the gas business. So was my dad, they chopped it up about Enron stories. They were a huge customer for my dad. The random was the one that brokered the sexy Indian power plant that was a disaster for Enron.

I also used to smoke dope with Skillings kid, poor kid was pretty fricked up and ended up keeping himself safe. He deserved better

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Skillings :marseyninja:

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I think black people really owe white people reparations.

Okay hear me out think about it. If you are black and aren't the descendant of slaves likely you're still in Africa sucking sand. Now if your ancestors are slaves likely you're in America and have an iPhone and a car and a refrigerator. So you take the average net worth of an African-American and subtract it by the average net worth of an African-African multiply that number by the total number of African Americans today and that's how much they owe. If I had to choose whether my great great great great grandfather was a free man in Africa or a slave in America I know what I would choose...

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