I was replying to a post and one thing led to another and I wrote this. It happens sometimes. Maybe someday I'll clean this up, reorganize it, make it more coherent, and do some actually good writing.
We went to Korea and trained their guys. Within a couple years in 1953 they had infantry as good as ours (Ridgway himself said this) and they were learning to use artillery. By then the Americans were doing most of the technical stuff (communications, artillery, armor, certain engineering tasks) but with our help the Koreans had built up the 4th most powerful army in the world and taken responsibility for most of the front.
We go to Vietnam. We're there for 15 years. We give them all kinds of training and equipment. Many ARVN units are brought up to US standards. They're flying jet fighters in combat ffs. Somehow they lose. This is some political problem in Saigon, not what's happening at the front. They had the same problem as Ukraine with draft dodgers who they wouldn't crack down on for political reasons. You can't win a war when the people who are supposed to be doing most of the fighting are playing a bunch of inscrutable oriental Fu Manchu games with each other. Apparently Ukraine has the same basic problem, except the Vietnamese fought for 15 years and they're already throwing in the towel.
Somehow we don't have a Fu Manchu marsey yet.
The Vietnamese were treacherously stabbed in the back like Trump is going to do Ukraine. Kissinger made a deal with the Chinese where we'd make sure South Vietnam was destroyed in exchange for them turning against the Soviets. The media presented this like it was a genius move that only he could make. Frick. Frick this b-word. The Chinese already hated them and were in extreme fear of a Soviet invasion. We didn't need to give them anything. I could have gone over and accepted them begging us for help. Mao was a total fricking psycho but he was willing to do business.
The US mostly pulled out in 1971 (Old Man Redactor was one of the last) and completely in 1973. But to the consternation of imbecilic wingcucks on both sides, South Vietnam didn't immediately collapse.
I hate hippies
Leftoids were shocked as they imagined that the with the Americans gone, the Vietnamese didn't all rise up and beg for the communism they always wanted? They were supposed to be cute communist teddy bears (George Lucas has proudly and openly said the Ewoks are based on what he imagines Vietnamese people are like) and follow Jane Fonda's lead. In my entire experience with leftoid boomers (keep in mind this about 75% of my teachers, lots of family members, etc.) I have never once heard them mention ARVN once. I think most of them honestly don't even know it existed. So there's this extreme cognitive dissonance between their idea that America was fighting all the Vietnamese and it turning out that most Vietnamese were on our side.
B-word, you are not going down the Ho Chi Minh Trail, a major highway, in the rubber sandals they imagine on college campuses. You know why? Because it would be dangerous with so many trucks going by.
You ever notice that the "Anti-War Movement" never gave a shit about ending the war? After 1971 they had zero interest. Curious. Their hearts bled for all the brown people being killed by US imperialism and all of the sudden they don't give a shit what happens. I've had conversations with people who were adults in the 1970s and I have to explain to them what happened because at the time that's how little they cared about all those brown people. (I know Vietnamese aren't brown, I'm talking in terms of how these people saw them.) I'm not saying we should have gone to Vietnam. I'm not saying we should have stayed in Vietnam. Throughout this post I am not giving any military or government policy advice. But the "Anti-War Movement" was entirely self-serving, trying to keep upper middle class people out of the war. This is the real moment when the Democratic Party began shifting upward. Republicans dodged the draft too, but the Democrats became identified with the social class that could and did to that. A generation later it should be no surprise what peoples' party affiliations are.
This is one of the best episodes. When the hippie dies because he's walking around barefoot I always curl up in laughter. I guess this planet has a "no shirt, no shoes, no service" policy.
Chuds are no better
The rightoids were equally embarrassed. They were supposed to be so badass and they lost a war against a weaker opponent. How does that work? Some blamed the Vietnamese "we cared more about fighting for their country than them!" and a lot them made it a racial thing. A couple moments in time from Old Man Redactor's memory: Standing there in the base and realizing that everyone in his unit was either drunk or high. Everyone. Every single one. Other memory: Old Man Redactor turns on the TV. Now you've been told over and over again that "Vietnam was the first war on television, where people at home could see what was really happening". He's flipping the channels and he gets on South Vietnamese station. They're showing their journos' footage of the fighting. And right away he can tell that this is actually not staged, these people really are in combat, because they're fighting but at the same time they're scared out of their minds. You notice Walter Cronkite never aired any of that footage on American TV. The audience might find out his Vietnam War entertainment product wasn't really authentic.
You ever notice that our "racist grandpas" watched our Chinese allies fight but you never see our allies today (except white Europeans). It's probably because of internalized whiteness or something.
The stab in the back (unlike Hitler's, this one actually happened)
So the ARVNs kept on fighting. In America both leftoids and rightoids had massive cognitive dissonance. A South Vietnamese army that could hold it's own in battle? This can't exist in either of their world views. (You had to try really hard to not notice the ARVNs existed. (Old Man Redactor paraphrase: "The Tet Offensive is when they found out that in a real war the South Vietnamese would beat them.")) The leftoids especially were absolutely fuming that South Vietnam didn't roll over and die immediately like their professors at Dartmouth promised. Should they learn and adapt their thinking to the real world? Of course not. We're talking about rich white women. So the US Congress got together and cut off artillery ammunition for South Vietnam.
Is that the narrow gauge railroad he told me about that went along Route 1, the Street Without Joy? Notice the relationship between the ARVN commander and the advisors. At this point in the war they're throwing out suggestions but this guy may have been fighting 12 years. He'll consider that but he's the one in charge.
Old Man Redactor says they used 130mm guns to blow shit out of Quang Tri province, the one on the border just north of where he was. The ARVNs had no shells. They couldn't shoot back. Things disintegrated pretty fast after that. The US had trained and equipped a really strong powerful army to fight like Americans. Americans (especially then) rely a lot on artillery. So they're overrun.
Impossible. The Viet Cong (who totally still exist 7 years after the Tet Offensive) only fight with goofy wooden traps and carry everything on their backs. American soldiers can wander around unarmed alone because... the teddy bears are waiting to spring their traps. They would never use an 8 ton gun that is among the heaviest artillery in the world. It's just not sporting. Only imperialists do that.
The war is over!
Meanwhile the "Anti-War Movement" doesn't notice. They're too busy smoking dope and giving each other gonorrhea to care. There war is over. The North Vietnamese send I dunno how many people to "reeducation camps". (I guess it's better than Tet where they murdered all the teachers in Hue on the grounds that they're paid by the government.) They help their Cambodian puppet army take over Cambodia. Their puppet does their own thing, which is genocide. Now genocide isn't a problem for the Vietnamese commies. They aren't Anne-Marie Slaughter weeping about the "responsibility to protect". But a power struggle between the pro-Russian and pro-Chinese factions is fought out and the pro-Russians win. Pol Pot sides with China. So Vietnam invades Cambodia. Pol Pot's guys run into the jungle and do guerilla warfare. You thought the Vietnamese commies were good at guerilla warfare? Well they're sure not good at being on the receiving end of it. They quickly realize that they can't accomplish anything by fighting, so they just cut off food to areas controlled by the Khmer Rouge. Now huge numbers of people are dying of starvation. This only ends when the Cold War does. Like so many wars across the world it was fueled by the Russians and Chinese fighting over who is the better commie. As soon as that ends, all these wars do too.
*Border skirmish between China and Vietnam in 1984. Did the Anti-War Movement care about this? A bunch of asian people got killed. That's they're raison d'etre, right?"
You ever ask an "Anti-War" boomer how they felt about the genocide in Cambodia? I'm not saying they're responsible for it (they had virtually no impact on any decision making in the war) but like... did you ever wonder what happened in the end? Ever? All those people you cared about so much before. And then they stammer and piss their pants and say "It was... It was Immoral! It was an immoral war! I know because I saw that napalm girl! That's when I knew I had to fight against the war!" And then I say "b-word please, that photo is from 1972 when virtually all Americans were home. For you the war was over. There were no Americans involved. A South Vietnamese plane dropped napalm in support of a South Vietnamese unit on the ground. The more I think about it, the more I notice that the "anti-war" boomers would systematically ignore the whole existence of South Vietnam through the whole war. I wonder who coordinated this.
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America's problem is fifth columnists on the left and now the right force them to fight with one hand tied behind their back (and often force allies to do the same, look at the Ukrainians forced to watch Tu-22s dump cruise missiles at them, but they can't kill the Tu-22 with aid weapons bc 1991 border).
Also your post has inspired me to make a "Nixon if he was based" mission for Sea Power (decapitation strike & landings in Hanoi)
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That's the only way we really could have won, by invading the north. But then the Chinese would go in to keep us away from their border. When there's a war where even if you win the result is an even bigger war, you should probably just stay away.
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[Read this Wikipedia article if you want to gigasneed then] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vietnam_stab-in-the-back_myth)
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The funniest part of this is that leftoid boomers love to claim that their protesting really did stab our guys in the back and "end the war". Which is total bullshit. They had virtually no effect on anything. Nobody wanted to be involved in a long drawn-out war in Asia, it was just a matter how to get out. Kennedy sent advisors over there hoping to prevent it from turning into a situation where we had to send our own troops. Johnson had (extremely incompetently) tried to end it by bombing North Vietnam a little bit and then asking for negotiations. Nixon was elected on the promise that he would end the war. And they like to pretend that they swayed everyone to their side. If you actually look at the polling data though opinions on the war remained pretty close to 50/50 till the end.
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I always thought it was funny that the South Korean army would go on to massacre civilians and act like savage japs in Vietnam. They learned from the best.
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I've read multiple people who mention that you were totally safe in the Korean sector. Some thought they must have some secret deal with the Viet Cong. Yeah, the deal was, if you don't shoot at anyone we won't burn down your village with you in it.
You often hear it claimed that really this is counterproductive and you've got to use counter-insurgency tactics and win their hearts and minds and all that. You ever notice that this is how every other country on Earth operates? Is it because all of them stupid? No, it's because retaliating against civilians works. I wish it didn't, but that's just how the world works.
The Koreans had a lot of experience with guerillas even before the war. During the war lots of communist guerillas and North Korean troops were cut off in the southwest of the country, a traditionally rebellious province. They fled into mountains and kept up the fight, drawing many South Korean troops from the front to fight them. When the war ended they had no place go so they still kept fighting. It took until 1957 to completely wipe them out. So when they went to Vietnam, I imagine they must have taken with them the lessons they learned from that war. Which apparently includes killing lots of civilians.
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Don't forget POW conspiracy theories, from my understanding it was common refrain from Leftoids at the time to say that this was America's stab in the back myth and would lead to fascism
I was reading old copies of Soldier of Fortune magazine
Really explained the Cold Warrior international alliance against Communism thing to my Zoomoid mind
Was also amazed at reading about the air war piece of the Vietnam war, the duels between Mig 21 and F4 Phantoms
Also the Vietnamese highlands and FURLO was interesting to learn about, often gets glossed over
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Having read some YouTube comments pages translated from Vietnamese on videos about their subsequent wars with Cambodia I got the impression that they invaded because Vietnamese people were being purged over there.
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Yeah, I think that was the primary reason. All these local fights end up linked to the Cold War.
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Good post
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My take on the Vietnam war is that the communists were morally worse than the South Vietnamese and Americans who took the commies' side for supposed moral reasons were stupid, but at the same time the fate of Vietnam was not worth enslaving American boys and sending them to fight and die over there.
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Yeah. If you're not sure that you're going to win, don't send our guys to go over there and escalate the war even worse. Another Old Man memory, talking about US aid to the Contras in Nicaragua. Something to the effect that you shouldn't give a 15-year old kid a gun and tell him that the greatest superpower in the world is behind him if you're just going to forget about him and leave him there to die.
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Okay gramps let's get you to bed, you have a big day tomorrow
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I have written my work, not as an essay which is to win the applause of the moment, but as a possession for all time.
-- Thucydides
communist teddy bears:
archive.ph (click to archive)
dodged the draft:
archive.ph (click to archive)
130mm guns:
archive.ph (click to archive)
that photo:
archive.ph (click to archive)
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Why do you hate Walter Conkrite?
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I don't know if he was any worse than the others, but the media was really terrible. At first they kept repeating the same lies that the Johnson administration was telling and pretending they were true. Then all of the sudden they flipped to the other extreme, constantly denigrating the Vietnamese on our side, saying that the war is hopeless, that all of our guys are babykillers and junkies. Which ironically happened right around the time when the war finally started going in our favor. But who's to let the truth get in the way of a good story?
They say the Tet Offensive was a turning point. It was. That's the moment when journos realized they could make more money by lying and saying we're losing than lying and saying we're winning.
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now democrats act like dodging the draft is unforgivable because orange man bad
this perfectly illustrates anti war liberals. then and now. they don't care about reality. they don't know shit about what's going on. all they care about is screeching america and capitalism bad.
it'll never stop bugging me how those fricks treated americans when they came home...
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And they wonder why so many veterans hate the Progressives and the Democrats to this day.
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It's a little exaggerated how bad it was at the time. Like you probably weren't getting spit on. But for decades and decades you'll be discriminated against in college, when trying to get a job, etc. People will always treat you like the government turned you into a heartless killing machine. You could just pop off at any moment and think you're back in 'Nam and kill everyone in sight!
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It probably did happen, just not as much as people think it did, which of course means anti-war tards didn't do anything like that at all
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You ever notice that when a woman says she was a victim we have to believe her, but if it's a veteran we're supposed to trust a sociologist more than his lived experience?
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congratulations on learning the basic fact that politics relies heavily on optics
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I only like veterans who won their wars. Namaste
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The Soviets should've agreed to invading China with us before they got nukes like we suggested
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That happened?
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Yeah lol, we offered and Khruschev nearly accepted, and only didn't due to political pressures on war.
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I don't get it
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They didn't show the South Vietnamese side of things, even if they had plenty of video to share. Instead they stuck to either asking American troops how much it sucks to be there or calling some f-slur journ*list hiding under his bed in Saigon pretending he's about to be overrun. I haven't seen much of the burger TV news from then, but what I have seen is fricking appalling. During Tet they have Dan Rather saying that the Marines are gonna get killed liberating Hue, but Hue is really worthless and of no value to anyone. B-word fricking please. This is the ancient capital when the country was united. It's of enormous symbolic importance. Ripping the commie flag down from the citadel was a real priority. Plus it was one of the biggest cities in the country. Plus Route 1, the main highway along the coast, went through it. How in the heck would we supply our guys in Hue Province, Quang Tri province, and the DMZ? It was important enough that like half of my dad's photos he took were of statues and cultural shit there.
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But you said chuds did this?
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Jesus Fricking Christ. What I hate about you is that you always ask some question where it's obviously trolling, at least partially, but you say it in a calculated way where it provokes a serious response out of me.
These terms aren't really relevant in the 1960s. There were "conservative democrats" and "liberal republicans". Voting for a party didn't mean that gave away your intellectual freedom follow the party line.
Read English, r-slur. I've been blaming everyone except me, and mostly on the left. I mean there's stuff I could say about Nixon.
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I'm not trolling
it's out of genuine curiosity
I knew that both parties mirrored each other ideologically, that's not what I meant when I asked
You just started a section titled chuds at fault and then you mostly ripped into libs and I was
what did the chuds actually do?
Well maybe you should try being nice instead
Well you can't actually because he's already perfect
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You are completely missing the whole fricking point. Back then you could actually disagree with someone about one issue and agree about another.
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You can disagree with someone now, you just end up being a terrorist nazi in the other half of the country.
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