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Highly recommend this to everyone who gives a shit about interwar Germany. It's either closely inspired by or had convergent evolution with the classic 1988 game Hidden Agenda, which should be an entire genre of game that everyone makes about the history of a country/time period they know.

Personally I'm not gonna play this one. I'm sure it's a great game but for personal reasons I am unable to give a frick. I know that interwar Germany has some fascination for Eurocentric bland pinko socialist midwits who think it's the most important thing since the Barricades at Paris or that time when the French sat on the different sides of the aisle at some estate sale.

Newsflash from 1939: None of this shit mattered at all in the slightest. My people fought these Hun bastards in the first war and came back and they were the same bastards except they called themselves Nazis that time. They all rallied around the flag when the war started, all the "socialists" just like in 1914. Maybe you learned about this shit from Prof. von Krautenstein, I learned about it from WW2 vets. They had done this shit before. They had to go back and fight the same ones who had made a treacherous peace before. And when they were on Omaha Beach or the Po Valley they really didn't give a shit which ones might have supported abortion in 1928. If you want to see a good simulation of the kraut level of behavior, try SimAnt.

As far as game mechanics and basic concept: excellent. As far as anything you should give a shit about, try Hidden Agenda. It's about Central America in the 1980s, something way more relevant to the lives of everyone who isn't an effete eurotrash softpeepee wearing a black turtleneck judging art films in East Germany.


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Well aren't you extra spicy this morning.


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I haven't had a good week. Or month. Or year. :marseymad:

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Thx ilu.


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This kind of game making its own unaesthetic HTML interface makes me wish the Fallen London engine was still available for public use. Its all but identical in functional but looks better.

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Is there a "promote degeneracy" policy that you can set to "off"?

That should do it tbh

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Would've posted this in /h/istory if it wasn't dead :itsoverjapanese:

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It's/h/erstory now

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Thanks, I initially thought it was /h/herstory and that it also died :derpthumbsup:

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Other way around yeah

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It has been forever but some just don't want to admit it. :marseyno:

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Infighting minigame HYPE

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How about I play as France and this time I destroy the German menace once and for all

@Redactor0 discuss :marseylaying:

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Clemenceau tried to explain to the rest of the Allies that you can't make a deal you make a deal with a German, you can only get him to submit when you have your boot on his neck. Nobody listened so we got WW2. I blame this on everyone involved being racist against the wrong people: The English against the Irish and Indians, Woodrow Wilson against the blacks, the French against anybody they can steal from, the Italians... well they're all just a bunch of wops so who cares what they want?

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Almost all gameplay videos will be speedruns.

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Let @AdventUsDomini guess, making bottom surgery mandatory gives you +50 lib-dem popularity and stability?

Black lives matter as you're minister of the interior gives +10% economic growth and -50 unemployment because of the untapped potential of BIPOCs in krneurodivergentan in the 1920s?

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You can actually vote to recognize s*x changes lmao. It doesn't actually do anything aside from making :marseytrain2: players feel better about themselves and losing you a bit of support.

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Lmao of course you can. Its a religion, and that means every activity has too pay honor too their deity.

Im just shocked you lose support for doing so, though. It attaches a negative outcome to :marseytrain2:s and usually that's verboten even when it is in the service of a larger pto-:marseytrain: narrative or would objectively be dictated by reality and historical fact. Can't have :!marseytrain:s be connected to something negative (again, like a deity)

Black lives matter two the weimar rethugglic

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To be fair to the dev who seems to be a :marseytrain:

The game doesn't moralize you on these things, which puts it ahead of 90% of AAA slop. You don't get a pat on your back for introducing these reforms or a condemnation for ignoring them neither. Nor is there any gameplay incetive for doing so, it's only really good for achievement hunting. The path to introducing LGBT rights is actually somewhat realistic: You have to work with Magnus Hirschfeld, one of the first LGBT activists ever and the bane chuds, who was actually a friend of the founder of the SPD and had some supporters within the party.

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You easily lose every time right? Like, immediately?

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Skill issue


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