Drama Fitness Friday thread: Boomer Lifts

You guys know the drill, post your fitness journey, questions, diet, or other things you’ve noticed.

Got my RAD140 and PCT today, gonna hold off using them until April though.

Been doing full body workouts and the Hinge movements are killing me on a multiple day basis, gonna switch from RDL to hip thrusts 2 days a week.

Pinging @Aevann because he wants heads up on community posts

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I wanna start steroids, how do I go about starting? I reached a plateu and after seeing the results others guys get Im gonna start

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Get testosterone enanthate, aromatase inhibitor(aromasin) and nolvadex.

Before starting get a blood test showing your natural hormone levels

Start with 500mg testosterone per week split into 2-3 shots a week. The more often you inject the better. Couple of weeks into a cycle get bloods again to see where your estrogen is at. If it is too high take aromasin but don't take too much or you will crash your estrogen and feel terrible. It is very important to learn to recognize both high and low estrogen symptoms and find the right ratio between test and aromasin so that your estrogen is not too high or not too low. It can take a bit of effort and patience but once you figure it out you ll feel great. Take it for 16-20 weeks and at the end either stop taking test wait for it to leave your system and start taking nolvadex to restart your natural production or lower your test dose to 100-200mg if you intend to stay on it long term.

For the first cycle do only testosterone. Later cycles you can try adding other drugs but always take them together with testosterone. Primobolan and masteron are my favourite and I use them instead of aromasin to lower my estrogen. Anaver is also nice. Stay away from tren and deca.

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Just to add to this part

>The more often you inject the better.

this is r-slurred. With enanthate you might as well inject weekly, the hormone fluctuations are still much less than what a natty goes through daily. I frontloaded a week and felt no changes once. Twice weekly is fine and anything more is r-slurred.

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Natural testosterone fluctuates by about 20%

If you inject enanthate once a week you'll have around half left before next shot. Some people are fine with that but many people will get spikes in estrogen and annoying sides like acne from the hormone fluctuations.

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>Natural testosterone fluctuates by about 20%


>If you inject enanthate once a week you'll have around half left before next shot. Some people are fine with that but many people will get spikes in estrogen and annoying sides like acne from the hormone fluctuations.

just dont pretend pinning enanthate more than twice per week has any effect other than being a pain in the butt

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That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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Don't listen to the other guy. I'm on week 12 of a 20 week Testosterone Enanthate @ 500mg/week cycle and it's one of the best things I've ever done. If you aren't low IQ it's very easy to do and quite safe, contrary to all the fearmongering on it. . Testosterone is one of the most studied drugs in the world - you WILL recover to your natural baseline. You really only have to worry about long term side effects if you are doing multiple cycles, or you are blasting and cruising long term. You will have big balls. You will have children. And you will have gains that DON'T DISAPPEAR WHEN YOU STOP TAKING TESTOSTERONE. This is one of the biggest myth about roids. You do not lost muscle mass when you get off unless you are over your natty limit, which you will not be after one cycle. You will lose mass which is water and glycogen your body stores in response to high T and E levels. Every pound of muscle you gain you keep!


First thing you should do is get your "baseline stats". Go to Marek Health link here and create a custom blood test (scroll to the bottom of that link). The tests you need are:

  • Total Testosterone (LC/MS) + Free Testosterone (Equilibrium Dialysis)

  • Estradiol, Sensitive (LC/MS-MS)

  • S*x Hormone-Binding Globulin (SHBG)

This will cost you roughly $180 USD. If Marek isn't available for you, look up if there are other vendors for your area / country.

You will walk into a LabCorp or affiliated company building, get your blood drawn, and in two weeks get an email with your test results.

The Needles

First, your needles. Head to Bulk Syringes (link here)[https://www.bulksyringes.com/] and get some high gauge (read: thin needle) syringes of two types - one for intramuscular Testosterone injection and one for the other drugs you will need to inject subcutaneously (I'll explain below).

There are other places to get needles and syringes. Depending on where you live, you could get it from your local pharmacy. Where I live no one can purchase needles without a prescription in order to stop junkies getting their fix. I think you could get syringes off Amazon too. Bulk Syringes is what I used. For the 1 inch and a half needles, you can use 27 gauge, and in fact that would be preferable, but if you get your syringes elsewhere make sure you get 1 CC, any higher and you won't be able to get an accurate dose, any lower and you're going to be burning through syringes and need to pin more than you should.

Finally head to your local Walmart and find sterile alcohol swabs. Grab a few of these boxes. This will be for sterilizing your skin and the bottles when you inject. They are very cheap. I got ReliOn brand, 2 USD a box each with 200 swabs.

The Main Drugs

There are many places you can get your stuff. Some are faked, some are underdosed, some are good. I got everything from CatCafe.is and lucked out with properly dosed products that I verified were real with blood tests mid-cycle - I can provide you my results if you wish. If you trust another source, go ahead, but I recommend catcafe.is because they are affordable and real.

Get yourself 3 bottles of Testosterone Enanthate link here. Each bottle has 12 mL's (36 total). Each mL has 300 mg of Test E (36 x 300 = 10,800 mg total). That gives you enough Test E to do 20 weeks @ 540 mg (10,800 mg / 20 = 540 mg) which is a little more than enough for 20 weeks of 500 mg as a proper cycle.

Next, get 2 bottles of HCG powder link here. This is what will keep your balls working while on Testosterone, meaning your testicles will not shrink, you will not lose any fertility and your sack will be full of c*m, and best of all your testosterone will be even higher because you are combining your natural testosterone output with exogenous testosterone!

Now get 1 bottle of Bacteriostatic water link here. The HCG is a powder. In order for you to be able to inject it, it needs to be "reconstituted", or recombined with water to make a serum that can go into a needle. Bacteriostatic water is water that is 1% benzyl alcohol, keeping it sterile. You can actually make this at home. If you know how and would rather do that, skip this step.

Finally, get 1 bottle of Arimidex OR Aromasin. This is an Aromatase Inhibitor, or "AI". This controls your estrogen and is what keeps you from getting gyno, as well as a host of other high estrogen symptoms that you should look up (because it seems different for everyone). You may not need to use this at all. And in fact, you should try not to use it unless you think you need to. The reason why is that high Testosterone, and by extension the high DHT it will create, is toxic to your body. The reason why your body naturally "aromatizes" or turns a proportion of that Testosterone into estrogen is because estrogen subdues the toxicity of Testosterone, and has a protective effect on your organs - much like how masculinity is the ying to feminity's yang. Some people aromatize more than others. I didn't need an AI on my cycle, but most need at least a little bit on 500 mg per week. If you start getting symptoms of high E, then start taking it but go slow and small, less is more. Believe it or not, but low estrogen is actually worse than high estrogen, not just for your body but for your psyche (you should look it up because its different for everyone).

This will be our main arsenal of drugs, but unfortunately we aren't done yet.

Accessory Drugs

Head over to DashPCT (or whatever online pharmacy you prefer that will have these products if you know any) and consider putting these into your cart.

  • Tamoxifen - also known as Nolvadex link here : This is a SERM - selective estrogen receptor modulator - and it is used for PCT - post cycle therapy - which helps you recover back to your natural baseline with no long term side effects. By far the most important of these accessory drugs. Generally it is recommended to take 10mg a day, every day for 6 weeks once you finish your cycle. This product is 10 tablets 10 mg each, so get 42 of these (7 days x 6 weeks). There are other PCT drugs like Clomid that you could consider, read up on it if you are curious.

  • Raloxifene link here : This is also a SERM, however it doesn't work as well as either Clomid or Nolvadex for that purpose. What it does do exceptionally well however is annihilate gynecomastia. You would use this during cycle if somehow you end up getting gyno. If you do everything properly, you shouldn't get gyno. Even if you get a little bit, it should naturally reverse once you go into PCT. But if you get a lot of gyno somehow, or if you get gyno somehow and are nervous, this will with certainty eliminate it. The protocol is 60 mg per day for 10 days, then 30 mg until it's gone. You shouldn't need this, but if you want assurances, grab 4 packs of this.

  • Telmisartan link here : This is a blood pressure medication. Steroids can elevate your BP to unhealthy levels, which is where this will come in. You might not need it. I did not, my blood pressure did not elevate whatsoever, but I was healthy before roiding and have a very clean diet. I do not recall the protocol exactly, but I believe it is 40 mg per day if you have elevated BP. Grab 4 or 5 of these.

The only one of these accessory drugs you absolutely need is Tamoxifen/Nolvadex. I would recommend getting telmisartan just in case. Raloxifene you shouldn't need if you do everything properly and use your AI properly IMO, but you could be particularly sensitive to gyno. Some people aromatize more than others, some people are way more sensitive to estrogen than others as well.

The Protocol

Get an alcohol swab and sterilize the tops of the bottles you will use before every single use. If you touch the top of the bottle, sterilize it again. Once you fill your needle (do not let the needle touch anything!!! if you do, sterilize it with a new swab). Then open another swab and sterilize the patch of skin you will inject on. If you touch that patch with your fingers, or something touches it, open yet another swab. Do not reuse swabs. It may sound excessive, but swabs are very cheap, and the alternative is risking an infection.

For testosterone, you will want to warm it up before injecting. At room temperature, there can still be some crystals inside which will cause a lot more post-injection pain. What I do is I fill a sauce pan to around 2/3's to 3/4's height of the testosterone bottle. Then I put it on the stove until it starts steaming. I take it off the heat and put the bottle in the water for a few minutes. This will reduce post injection pain significantly (but not completely).

You can inject 2 or 3 times a week. If you are comfortable with it, I would recommend 3 as it keeps your serum test levels more consistent and stable, less extremities, and by extension less aromatization and more effective cycle. It's not that significant though, 2 days a week is fine. At 3 days a week (e.g. M/W/F) you will fill your 1.5 inch syringe to the 56th mark. 500mg / 300mg per mL = 1.67 mL. 1.67 mL / 3 doses = 0.56 mL. At 2 days a week (e.g. M/Th) you will fill to the 84th mark. 1.67 mL / 2 doses = 0.84.

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Testosterone use is almost always recoverable with a decent PCT, and even if you skip the PCT it can still come back. Long term use can permanently shut you down

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This is essentially what I am doing, can confirm it is incredibly effective.

500mg per week dosed 250mg mon/thurs, I take 0.25mg anastrazole every 3 days to counteract estrogen. 250iu HCG dosed every other day.

Currently 12 weeks into my 20 week cycle and I have gained 20lbs while sitting at about 12% Body Fat. Plan on taking Nolvadex and Ralox as my PCT to blast away my puffy puberty gyno nipples.

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Test is uber effective, it’s too bad that it’s been scaremongered by r-slurs.

A good percentage of men these days, regardless of age, would do well being put on test or a SERM (probably enclomiphene) Fricking modern life has people all fricked up.

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It all depends on how people respond to it. I know gymbros blasting the same mg of test, plus 200mg tren and dbol/winstrol for some fricking reason and their physiques are only slightly better than mine

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Watch this video on how to actually properly draw liquid from a medical vial. among some others on youtube, there are many. The TLDR is

  • the first time you use any bottle, take a syringe and pull out the plunger completely. Then stick it in the vial. This will equalize the pressure. This only needs to be done once.

  • don't reuse needles. if you mess up several times stabbing into a vial then replace it. Needles get blunted quickly

  • pull back the plunger of the syringe to the amount you want to inject. So if you want to inject 0.56 mL's of testosterone, pull the plunger to 0.56 mL of air, then when you stick it in the vial, inject all that air in. This pressurizes the vial and allows you to easily get the exact amount of substance you need, in addition it will equalize the pressure once you finish drawing from the vial.

You can inject in many places. The traps, your quads, your butt. I recommend the ventral glutes and dorsal glute because they are the least sensitive. When you inject, inject slowly, over the course of 15-30 seconds. This will minimize damage to your tissues and reduce scarring, as well as reducing post injection pain somewhat. Aspiration is a meme, you can do it if you want but it is unnecessary.

For subcutaneous injections like HCG, AI, whatever, I used my belly and sometimes my leg fat, but really any of it works. It's very easy and painless.

You will see some people recommend doing subcutaneous injections with testosterone instead of intramuscular. The reason why I suggest you do intramuscular is because the post injection pain with subcutaneous is far worse. Don't believe me? You can try it yourself. SubQ is slower to absorb, meaning the ester sits in your fat for a long time. The reason why that's bad is that underground lab steroids (UGL) are usually made with very high levels of benzyl benzoate (because its the easiest method of making testosterone), and this substance is toxic. Injected into your muscle, you'll get some pain but it is quickly absorbed and processed. When it just sits in your fat, that's a lot more time for it to damage the tissues (not permanently) and it will hurt much worse.

Get another bloodtest from Marek at the 6 week mark with the same tests. This will show how high your estrogen is, helping you with knowing if you need an AI and how much, as well as if your drugs are real and not underdosed.

Inject 2 mL's of bacteriostatic water into your HCG vial. Only reconstitute the vial you are currently using, as it will begin to degrade as a serum. You want about 700-750 IU's a week. For the product I linked you, 7,000 IU's are in each vial. 7,000 IU / 2 mL = 3,500 IU per mL. 3,500 IU per mL / 100 tick marks = 35 IU's per tick mark. Therefor, if you inject 3 times a week (recommended) then fill your insulin syringe to the 7th mark (7 x 35 = 245, 245 x 3 = 735 . If you inject twice a week, then you need 10 or 11 tick marks of HCG serum. You will stop injecting HCG 2 weeks before the end of your cycle.

I'd write more but I'm exhausted and at this point you should start doing your own research. Check the wiki on /r/steroids for more info regarding AI dosage, the difference between Arimidex and Aromasin and why you'd prefer one over the other so you know what to pick, and AI dosage. But it's really easy man. Make sure to eat plenty and don't waste time, work out as much as you can!

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Darn dude thanks for the effortpost, seriously that was incredibly informative.

Do you recommend I get below a certain body fat percentage before I start or can I just start if im roughly 20%, I've heard you shouldn't start ubless your at a certain % but im not sure if thats for health reasons or it just not being as effective.

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The lower your body fat the smaller the proportion of testosterone you will aromatize, which means less likely to need an AI or use higher dosages, and more effective cycle, so yes that would be correct. You could still go on it and do a cut/recomp, you'd still gain muscle but it would be an inefficient use of testosterone. If I were you I'd see if I could lose a bit of weight before going on. 16-18% body fat seems reasonable.

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That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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Download Grindr and message really swole guys for their roids hookup

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this is really good advice, you should all download grindr

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You go to the physician and cheat a steroid test to get some. If you want to do SARMs you can get them online. I don’t recommend either until your in your late 20s to early 30s tbh

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Are you done having children? If no, don't do it. If yes don't do it anyway, you lift for yourself not to show off to juicestrags.

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