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Seriously? You're calling HER fat?

I think all that time you spent trolling women on those proana sites has gone to your brain.

I come to /h/fatpeoplehate I expect chonkers.

The advice I'd give her is to lean into her curves and not wear clothes eight sizes too big.

The glasses are also too big but kind of work for her.

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Settle down fatty.

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Internet got used to seeing :marseyburger: chonkers, they are another inhuman dimension of fat. On the asian :marseychartgaussian: scale she is too wide.

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Yeah unironically :marseywould: she looks great.

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You burgers are so blubbroken by all the morbidly obese that you don't even see fat anymore. That woman is 10 to 15kg (33 pounds) overweight.



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You said "morbidly obese" "fat" and "overweight " all in the same sentence. Each of those words have a different meaning.

Just because she's too big for your taste doesn't mean shes on the verge of dying from diabetes/ a heart attack due to her weight.

Come laugh at this loser !downmarseyrs

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Her BMI looks around 26, maybe 27. That's overweight.

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Anime profile picture.

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Yume Nikki is an anime now? :marseysmug2:

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@ponyblaze Talk to him, I can't understand his ching chong gobbledygook

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!fitness !downmarseyrs this guy is a fatty

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Dude, she's fat, look at last pic

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You're also fat.

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Plus she literally has gym photos here. Don't we want the fatties working out?

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a) not if I have to see them do it

b) it could be the locker room at her job where she has to wear a uniform

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Holy shit I didn't know all of you became such fricking cute twinks when it comes to brown kitty. She's fat, she's ugly and you're all r-slurs.

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It's very telling that they don't see anything wrong with her

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Brown girls are the best

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Brown girls are the most desperate for @BWC

jewish lives matter

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:marseyhesright: no brown girls, no love

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Holy shit I didn't know all of you became such fricking cute twinks when it comes to brown kitty

have you never met carp?

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She needs plastic surgery so bad :marseyxd:

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You are an incel :marseydoit:

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She just looks like an average south Asian girl. What's funny about her? What's "the truth", OP? :marseyshrug:

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she's overweight and brown

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brown girls >>> white girls

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If they're not fat, sure.

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Factcheck: This claim is both true and false.

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Below average. 4 at best.!bharatiya back me up

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she is ok no makeup or no photoshop.

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Look at her submission history: 10 posts over 2 years. Then she posts about getting pumped and dumped by chad and now it's 23 cope-posts in 2 months.

She is overweight, but by today's standards you'd just call her a bit chubby or thick. And she's pretty. :#marseywould:

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Yeah basically everyone is overweight. This is still a valid post.

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You're a vaild post.

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In what world is she pretty. Wtf is wrong with all the straggots on this site.

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She's high-mid. A bit overweight and a nose two sizes too big for her face. But seriously, if she gets some slightly smaller glasses, trim those eyebrows and stop wearing tents she'd be above average.

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When average is american burger-shaped, maybe

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well, by Indian standards. but i didn't want to be racist for once

look at the photo with the 5 other foids at the table.

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Yes I know Indian standard better than you. And you were being pathetic which you are trying to cover by being racist.


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Quiet, thirdie.

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She's not even fat, she just wears unflattering clothes. She's probably got family/upbringing that insist she only wears "modest" outfits, but she doesn't need to wear big sack flannels and t-shirts.

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She's definitely fat, it's just that the general lardification of America makes her seem less bad by comparison. If she tried wearing the outfits that @LilMarseyontheprairie suggested she's look like 10 lbs of sausage in a 5 lb casing. On the other hand, if she slimmed down in combination with improving her wardrobe, she'd probably do quite well in the dating market.

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There's so many modest dressing options that are good, too.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1721550775406339.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17215507755534544.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17215507758002124.webp

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Where do these fits come from, #3 slaps

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Yeah if she just worked on her style she'd look pretty good. She is far from unsalvageable.

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>She's not even fat


Look at her flabby arms, she's fat.

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^emperor's new clothes marsey

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Do zoomer women know that they don't actually mean what they say? I know other gen women have a pseudo self awareness that other women are tearing them down with pithy compliments, but zoomers have to do it too, but do they understand it? Maybe they're all complimenting each other thinking they mean it when they don't?

Every other year someone comes out with a "female fight club" story-show-movie-whatever that's some lame bullshit about smashing the patriarchy. What if it should be about returning to the old ways. Being catty anorexic mean girl bitches as nature intended. Let the chips fall where they may.

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No they think all compliments are genuine

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she looks fine i'm confused

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I really don't see the issue tbh

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Shes too fat and pakistani.

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Would taste that curry :marseydealwithitsoy:

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Tbh she looks kinda cute in the last pic. But I like brown girls and overall she doesn't look great in any of the other pics.

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Not that bad, I :marseywood:

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/u/ScheduleStriking7743 :chadwomanlatinx:My queen :marseykneel: your simps valiantly fight against haters, but we need your support. :marseybegging: Please come rally the troops so we can vanquish the misogynistic incels once and for all. :marseycrusader2: :marseymoidmomentgenocide:

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:marseysad: @CrossTalkPM do you not work on posts in this hole?

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@J how does the crosstalk bot work? I wanted to send something, but it hasn't replied to my comment and I've see it replying to other comments. Did I do something wrong or am I just impatient?

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Probably impatient it polls every 10 minutes, also it stops for an hour after a redditor is pinged so that it isnt spamming them.

I would write a new comment now

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Okay I'll try again

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/u/ScheduleStriking7743 :chadwomanlatinx:My queen :marseykneel: your simps valiantly fight against haters, but we need your support. :marseybegging: Please come rally the troops so we can vanquish the misogynistic incels once and for all. :marseycrusader2: :marseymoidmomentgenocide:

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Please contact @J with questions

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I mean it looks like there's literally :marseyme: a picture of her in a gym locker room.

And most of the advice :marseyscumbagsteve: she's getting is good- she does dress :marseyrabbitnewyear4: very unflatteringly, and those glasses :marseymlg: are awful :marseysmugface:

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I'm sure you think every woman looks fat when you're a 130 pound soy boy.

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I wish I was that skinny :marseygiveup:

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sexy Indian dude coomer/10

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Dresses frumpy.

Lose the r-slurred shap glasses.

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She could stand to lose a little weight. She absolutely should go back, though.

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She's a bit fat sure but those glasses,.clothes, and hair the real offender here. She's also not naturally good looking enough to not need makeup. She WILL be fat in 2-4 years projecting based off the level of effort she's putting in now.

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No thiccy brown qt3.14


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