(18FTNB) i hate having to go the hospital for physical medical issues bcuz theyre always blamed on my weight. last year i had (n still have) a painful numbness on my right knee, and when i went to the doctor he at first said that it was bcuz i was big n heavy n shit then i told him no it was numb so then he was like oh nevermind its actually nerve damage (it actually was nerve damage from overexercise due to my lovely anorexia) n right now im pretty sure i sprained my ankle (not the 1st time) n i told my mom n she was like oh no its your big massive fat fricking weight your foot cant carry you anymore!!!! b-word shut up yes it can i just turned it weird n now it hurts 😐 i dont wanna go to the hospital for my ankle i dont want them to say thr same thing, i hate how people look at me bcuz of my size i hate being percieved n i hate how doctors act like idk what thr food pyramid is or what diets r its kinda why i dont wanna get checked for lipedema bcuz what if i was imagining it (ik im not i did my research i 100% havr it) or what if the doctors ignore me I HATE HOSPITALS ALAOAOWYDHFJFGFEJSIHSEIDDUDHR
/ obese non-binary redditfoid has a massive spergout at doctors telling her that being fat is unhealthy and causes her health problems, why isn't this violent hate speech illegal?
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I don't think fat anorexia is a thing
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It could be a rebound thing. She could have beats the vomiting part of anorexia but the craving is still there.
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vomiting is bulimia
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Always get them mixed up
still not unheard of to go from one eating disorder to anorher.
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I used to have bulimia but I had to stop when it messed up my gag reflex and made me puke on a guy's peepee
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in 2024 anorexia means "there are times when I do not have burgers in my mouth"
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They've been trying to make it a thing for years, same with Binge Eating Disorder where they go "all day" without eating until late at night when they binge three thousand calories.
The time has come for the Necromaster. The unleashing of the fourth joker's card. The arrival of The Great Milenko
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Binge eating disorder is a real thing tho. It's just like having an insane compulsion to do things like eat 500lbs of turkey in one sitting. So I'm fairly sure it's an accurate diagnosis for these neighbors.
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Binge eating disorder is nearly correctly diagnosed fat, some of them just use it as a defeatist twitter bio, but many also hate it for acknowledging reality.
What really screwed things up is how they transitioned binging from bulimia to not having the bulimia and purging but with a little anorexia as a treat, till their disorded eating is just ambiguous mix and match for what each person needs it to be to avoid taking responsibility or making changes.
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When I do it it's intermittent fasting
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Fat people eat all the time. They cope by saying any extended period of not eating is bad. Thus. Day wihtout eating anything. Anorexia
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Surely you could have annorexia and be afraid of getting over 500 lbs but get no body dysmorphia at 450. There are weirder people out there
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