I love that his mom sympathizes with the brother and not the ham planet sister. Gives me hope for 2025. I wonder if the girlfriend even knows the sister exists
This is crazy. They want you to remove yourself from society because of your appearance? At that height/weight you're, what, a 1-2xl in women's sizes?
She is 260 lbs. she is way too big. Frick. All fatties should be out of sight and out of mind
Basically. i feel like im kept as a dirty secret or something. and yes im 1X or 2X depending on the style of clothing or the maker.
You are dirty /u/totalnetwork1013 do better to not be disgusting
Totally ridiculous. I honestly can't think of words strong enough to express how I feel.
I'm a little shorter and a little fatter than you and I'm a totally normal person. I'm married and I have a job with coworkers who like me, and I have friends who love me. Don't let your idiot family make you think you deserve anything less than the full depth of human experience. There is NOTHING wrong with you.
This poster is even more gross. She convinced someone to put a ring on it? You are not normal when you are this fat. You are some freak of nature that exists thanks to modern food surplus and advanced medicine.
Fatties, you have something wrong with you. Luckily, lead poisoning is still effective
I don't really understand what's going on here. Are you a minor living at home? Is it a cultural thing? Is his gf so special that meeting her is meant to be an incentive, or is he just ashamed of you? Frick this noise. If you know her name just message her on Instagram and introduce yourself and tell her why your brother won't. If she's any kind of decent person she'll see this for the massive red flag that it is. Also, move out girl. These are not people who uplift you.
He is obviously ashamed of her… but she is fat so she is too lazy to remove herself from this awkward situation.
This is not normal at all. I feel like your brother has teased u about your weight before
Normalize being ashamed of fatties
since i was little yeah. my whole family
The family has been trying to get her to stop eating but nothing works. Her brother is my hero. Now that's a man of action. I bet his girlfriend loves him
My jaw is on the floor. I'm literally tearing up over this. I'm usually not a proponent of going "no contact" with family, but wtf. Protect your peace dear. This is INSANE behavior, for 260 measly pounds. Love yourself love yourself love yourself and surround yourself with people who love you.
That's approximately the weight of a normal guy and his normal girlfriend. Fatties deserve love as much as they deserve food
Fatties are the most delusional narcissistic pieces of shit ever. I pray that RFK will the needful to in order to enact the final solution to the fatty problem
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Pure Taliban banning windows level bigotry from the brother!
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The talibans dedication to saving women from themselves is admirable but ultimately pointless
Putting the
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