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Toxic masculinity obviously.

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toxic masculinity is when @dont_log_me_out bully land whales.


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toxic masculinity is when @dont_log_me_out bully land whales.


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Color looks great on you

Apparently this is the go-to meaningless and shallow compliment you throw at fat women, non-passing trains and people with upsetting deformities.

It's actually quite callous when you think about it.

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"That circus tent you're wearing really accentuates your folds." :marseywholesome:

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The hot air balloon you don is actually quite flattering

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>if I saw you at a distant I would at least notice your dons first

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At least we have the decency to be fricking honest when bullying people.

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Bad: bullying people

Good: inducing cortisol in people to reinvigorate their circulatory system

Not so hard, is it?

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that dress has enough material to cover a baseball diamond.

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When foids give compliments to other foids the only purpose is to subtlety compliment themselves.

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Shes so fricking fat she doesn't appear on the thumbnail.


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>Plus size

This is straight up multiplication

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Square root size

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Square root would be smaller you actual idiot. Did you even go to school? Never passed 5th grade math? Didn't bother googling it? Typical.

Did you by chance mean... Exponent? You know. Those things that the exact opposite of square roots.

Good god you're neurodivergent. You should see a doctor about it. Maybe if they give you enough drugs you'll be too brain damaged to post online. That would be an improvement.

dude bussy lmao

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@PatriceOneal POSTED THAT WHEN @PatriceOneal WAS DRUNK ON A FRIDAY NIGHT :platygirlmagic:


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Wait, you're a degenerate? Colour me shocked!


dude bussy lmao

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big meanie

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This but unironically

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Not if it's less than 1 :marseyakshually: I believe all women are worth less than 1, personally

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When has a land whale had only one of something, let alone less? If we were talking about salads or willing sexual partners, maybe, but this is clearly about weight.

dude bussy lmao

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Heck yeah dude

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Valid wheelchair users include WW2 fighter aces, presidents, physicists who redefined our understanding of the universe and mad-eyebrowed latinx kweens.

And then there are people who can't stop eating...

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And Texan governors and 8chan creators

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bros the size of that fatties arm

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Is it possible to achieve this natty?

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is high fructose corn syrup natural

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Rich Piana did steroids, 8 hour arm workouts, injected synthol and got so big that his muscles effectively suffocated him to death by stealing all of his oxygen.

Even he could not achieve arms this size.

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NO EVIDENCE OF OIL :marseyraging:

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HE WAS ALL NATURAL :marseyraging:

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It’s about the size of my peepee, hmu talichad.


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Good lord. I know it's healthy at every size, but you gotta wonder what "health" is if it doesn't involve the ability to walk and do normal human things.

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Fatty cope is always saying "but my bloodwork is perfect!"

Yeah, the issue with obesity isn't so much the short-term damage (though there is that too), it's the long-term problems it's causing for your skin, organs, blood pressure, and arteries etc.

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That fatty cope uses the exact same fallacious logic as "The climate isn't changing because it's snowing outside!"

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Hot planetcels trying to sneak one in.

Sneed at the pump oilet 🛢🚀

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I'm not, actually. I think reducing our fossil fuel consumption when we have nothing even close to viable that can replace it is fricking r-slurred. We either ride our v8 muscle cars into the sunset and welcome the inevitable collapse of industrial society within a century or the nerds manage to develop alternatives that people voluntarily want to use over hydrocarbons. Ride or die motherlovers. :marseyboomer:

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I solemnly swear to keep hydraulic fracturing until I make enough money to do whatever the frick I want for the rest of my life. Ameen.

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Least agenda posting cute twinklet

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"but my bloodwork is perfect!"

"Until it isn't"

Is always my response to that line.

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Wow! Good post. I'm going to put it in my little flip book of comebacks, so I can flip through it whenever I'm talking with someone so I always have the best comebacks :marseyexcited:

dude bussy lmao

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Probably a has a really strong heart though, so there's that

but it's going to give up soon. Her heart probably has to work 6 times as hard to pump blood through all that

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The issue with obesity is that when they are out in public everyone else has to suffer them, their smell and just general unpleasentness. Idc if they die early, just do it somewhere where I dont have to see you.

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What a creepy thread

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bots? gaslamping? Is the NPC meme real?

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That's just how wymen talk.

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Holy shit, she can’t even stand long enough for the photo shoot. But I be she has some sweet braps :marseysniff:


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She would've been a prize heifer on the ol' brapranch.

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  • sent from my brapberry 6


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Fricking dealer is an antisemite!

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Legendary gas gamble

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Id play brapjack if it existed.


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Oh wow lmfao

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unlikely but i know we got fashion b-words in here, anyone got a link to the dress on the middle one (not counting the fat one as a person so i just mean the standing ones)

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The middle one and the one on the right are quickly approaching the size of the one who can’t stand for the photo.


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Oh they're def gonna get super fat after they get married themselves

The top of the middle dress is so cute tho, some kinda roman or greek style or something (I'm not racist enough to know that much about ancient Rome/Greece)

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Eat more fatty, your true love lies at the bottom of your next kfc bucket. Roll on over to that fast food joint, tell yourself your going through the drive through to save time instead of avoiding the use of your swollen diabetes legs, and say hello to your future. :marseywave:

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just imagining her rolling around on the ground trying too fit into that dress

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Her upper arms are wider than my chest.

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Bro do you even lift?

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I'm like average size :marseywtf:

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there are only two sizes relevant for men: cute twink size, and hulk size,. anything in between is waste of body

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way to ruin the picture with her lard butt

https://old.reddit.com/r/PlusSize/comments/t2ufu4/loved_this_dress/ also shes posing in wedding dresses for some reason

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That is not "plus size" each one of her arms is the size of one plus size woman.

She's probably celebrating her sixth wedding as a bridesmaid because she at all the other ones at wedding 1-5

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How can you read those comments and go through the great effort of lying to yourself thinking they're actually being genuine?

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>You must be a great friend!

>Also, wonderful dress on you, your whole look is so glam :)

Lmao whats so wonderful about the dress, its not like you can make out any features of it except the color. Could just as well have been a wine colored blanket.

I swear the good thing about fatpeoplehate getting banned was that I didnt seethe about fat people as much, better for my blood pressure (not that my blood pressure is an issue, cause Im not fat).

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Fittest /r/plussize poster

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not human

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Posts in type2 beetus, arthritis, plussize, cats, and thumbsucking.



Honestly feel bad for her body. Sad. Many such American cases

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Her post history shows she has arthritis and diabetes type II at age 31:marseydespair:

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Stop nooticing things.

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The strongest wheelchair

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Sad, I bet she is a ligit cool chick. Most fat chicks are really cool. Too bad when they lose weight they become insufferable frickable b-words

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