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I try to eat lots of fibre every day, including plenty of fruit and veg, I have a varied diet, yes I do eat chocolate bars/takeaways/ice cream but who doesnt? Some of the things I eat might still be classed as "bad" by diet culture for instance I have these oat bars that also contain a bit of sugar. To me that's fairly sensible as it's got oats but probably not to everyone. Or I might have salted nuts over plain. Other people do make me laugh with some of their supposed knowledge of what's healthy as well and what's not though. "Can't have that it's got carbs!" Etc. I do try to eat sensibly where I can but I never think about calories any more. I eat what I want to eat without the guilt but I aim for fibrous foods where I can. I think other macros/micros come more naturally to me such as protein. I remember when I was trying to lose weight years ago the requirement they tried telling me for protein was insane. I realise now I probably have enough. I eat home cooked meals most day that have lots of nutrition but yeah because of my weight and the fact I had chocolate bars in the cupboard I must eat chocolate all day every day lol
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Because Europeans have higher standards in darn near every category.
But Germany lags behind, as always. No GF buns in McDonald's here yet.
Yeah, people (usually Americans) make odd generalizations about Europe lol. The EU may mean that a lot of laws are the same but EU=/=all of Europe and there's vastly different cultures/attitudes.
I think the actual reason why the US and Canada (and other places) don't have the GF bun is to do with legal risk vs. market for it. I am guessing they are a bit more worried about lawsuits in the case of illness or food testing and so wouldn't want to release a non-sealed GF product. If the product is sealed it probably has less appeal to anyone who isn't a very "serious" celiac (ie. celiac who really cares about CC). Celiacs who are very concerned about CC aren't a huge part of the market in NA, heck even celiacs aren't. Most of the GF market here is happy to pick their bun off and get fries (if in Canada where they lack gluten ingredients) because they either don't have celiac or just don't care about CC much. There's no sense in offering a product unless it will be profitable, and risk introduction is part of that calculation.
I haven't seen survey data for motivations to be on a GFD outside of NA, but it would be interesting to see.
I'm from South América and McDonalds has GF options here too. It's not an European thing.
South América
/u/cusimanomd how is not serving a niche product that doesn't sell well cruelty? Also being a worthless fat lard who refuses to take ownership and work around your autoimmune disorder isn't a disability. Being r-slurred and piggish enough to think the world should revolve around your niche needs might be though.
/u/dizzyclutz you aren't wrong but do you actually think that European McSlop is healthier? In France I think they still give you un clope gratis avec your Royale with Cheese.
/h/peakpoors crossover content!
Because everywhere else in the world cares about what they eat, acknowledges celiac & food allergies & actually treats people like human beings. Unlike the US who literally doesn't care about feeding people poison if it makes them a profit.
Did you know subway isn't allowed to call their "bread" bread in certain countries because of the insane sugar content? It's considered cake. How about skittles in the US having ingredients banned in the the EU? US pork isn't allowed to be sold in Asia due to banned chemicals. Again, the US doesn't see people as humans, they see us as pawns to be used as they see fit.
Edit to add: did you know that there's many countries that celiacs get a government stipend to help cover the additional cost of GF products? It's amazing to find out other countries recognize the extra costs associated with having to live GF or with food allergies
/u/whybother_incertname you were already corrected for making shit up about pork exports, but why should my tax dollars go toward subsidizing fake bread made for evolutionary dead ends? You've been gifted with a natural aversion to empty carbs, and rather than embracing this and being skinny and hot you grasp at workarounds to fill your pathetic meat sack with unnatural industrial slop disguised as baked goods. Consider emigrating to Canada and applying for MAID.
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- Snappy : R-slur
- Lv97_Slime : Welcome to the McDojo. Would you like fries with that (yes)?
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I'm a 21 year old female who is plus size (specifically 5xl) I've been plus size my entire life and have been bullied for it my whole life mostly by men. It's started to make me nervous around men recently whenever Im near men in person.
Back in September while a family member and I were in the car headed to an Audubon Society Center, we were making a turn and at this turn with a guy in his truck and his friend in the passenger seat, he rolled down his window and started laughing at me, pointed at me and called me a whale. We were literally in a car. My family member tried to convince me that it wasn't aimed at me but it definitely was.
Then in October me and the same family member were at a pumpkin patch which has a ton of fun stuff to do, and lots of yummy food. As we were passing by the food stand some guy yelled out "LOOK AT THE BIG BACK" as I walked by. Once again the family member tried to convince me it wasn't aimed at me but I'm pretty sure it was.
This type of stuff happens like once a month normally and I'm not sure why but I'm starting to develop a fear of men and it's really messing me up. I told my therapist about it but it still bothers me..
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i was on a party yesterday and i always wanted to be the girl that gets looked at or flirted with. it doesn't really happen to me, but to all my skinnier friends. im usually the largest person in my friend group.
im turning 22 soon and i never rlly had a boyfriend or really got flirted with irl. and i don't understand, i mean i got told im average looking, so it's literally just my body.
and dating apps are even worse. it's all so exhausting and i just wish i could be seen by someone.
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