Apex predator foid vs test pumped foid

Lena Dunham getting large :marseychonkerfoid: :marseyobesescale: :marseychonkernoticeme: :marseypig:

Here's the video where it is from:

also here is the !redscarepod post about it:

Why :marseyconfused2: is there a height :marseylongsurfing: filter but no weight filter :marseychonkerfoid: on dating apps :marseyappicon:?

Because weight doesn't define health.


A weight preference is not wrong. But there is a faction that is very LOUD that are trying to convince everyone that a weight preference is wrong. Those people need to shut the heck up.

You aren't a BBW. You are obese.

This causes a :marseysneed: storm.

Lots of healthy women's weight can vary by 20 lbs depending on the time of day and where she is in her cycle. Mine always has, and that is one reason I had to stop weighing myself everyday and just stick to weighing myself at the same point in my cycle at the same time of day in order to have a better idea for if I was gaining or losing weight or maintaining. So you could end up with situations where men claimed a woman lied about her weight when she really didn't.

Not only that, but lots of women just wouldn't put their weight into a dating app, so it would be a bit self defeating.

Sorry that chubby ladies offend you so much.


A weight filter would serve no purpose. People carry weight differently. A body shape filter would make more sense.

Edit: A lot of people could easily just lie, too.


Hypocrisy my guy


others have answered your main question but I just want to point out how problematic it is to think those who are bigger aren't healthy or health-conscious, or that someone being skinny automatically means they are either


Being overweight 100% correlates with worse health, that's not "problematic" it's just the truth



A few months ago, I found a little statue of a woman at TJ Maxx. I felt drawn to it and eventually bought it. I joked that I thought she looked like me--long hair, small chest, big belly, and thunder thighs. I set it on top of my dresser, and I pass it every time I leave my bedroom, and I see it from every angle in the room. I look at her often, and think about how beautiful she is each time. After that, I remind myself that she looks like me. I look like her. I think I am beautiful.

LMAO what the frick.

for me I really started to love my body when I saw the Venus of Willendorf statue after I had my baby. That's my body and I want to celebrate it <3

this is the venus of willendorf statue btw

I bought myself a copy of The Sleeping Lady of Malta, and a life-size copy of the Venus of Willendorf. The Venus is only about 3 inches tall, and she can't stand because, like the original, she has no feet, so she lives in my jewellery box with other precious things. The Sleeping Lady is just beautiful-whoever carved her all those millennia ago knew exactly how a female body was put together and how larger bodies moved. It's a very intimate pose-she's fast asleep, lying on her side, with one hand tucked up on her pillow and the other casually resting on it-she has rounded, thick arms and delicate, dainty wrists. Its a feminine, graceful piece of art.

another reminder this is the venus of willendorf

I hope it's the Venus statue lol. my favorite piece of ancient art

again, these women think looking like this is okay


TIFU by not reading the fine print on baked goods and getting fat(ter)

I have a love-hate relationship with baked goods like we all do. Love the taste, hate the excessive calories. A few weeks ago I thought I discovered a cheat code to it in the form of Paris Baguette vegan muffins. They were only 170 calories for a huge muffin! It was amazing! In the back of my head, I wondered how they could make a delicious muffin for such low calories, but I justified it by thinking the Vegan meant it lacked a lot of higher calorie ingredients. ( :marseyxd: )

I was in heaven and would eat 2 a day, because I could afford it in my calorie count. But then I noticed I was getting heavier on the scale. No worries I thought, I was lifting more, so maybe it was just muscle...until my body fat started going up.

Thinking I was eating too much, I ended up eating MORE muffins because they were so low calorie and filling. What was 2 became 3-4 a day because I could get full on 340 calories...but the fat kept creeping up.

That was until one day when I was on vacation and noticed the fine print on the calorie placard. 170 calories...3 servings. I wasn't eating 170 calories a pop, I was eating 510 a pop. Those 4 muffins as a snack was a full day's worth of calories.

Now I'm back to square one and feel dumb for thinking I had hacked life.

tl;dr - thought I was eating 170 calorie muffins for a few weeks...turns out they were 510 calorie muffins and I got predictably fatter.

Based :marseyjewoftheorient: Dab on :marseychonkerfoid: with store names

Investmaxx in fatb-word activewear now.



We joked they must work for @MDLZ, the nutritionist actually does! So first libs love Pfizer, now Mondelez? I don’t recognize Dems anymore. So glad i left last year.




Whose burger :marseyburger: is this?



Lmao at the women saying "there is nothing wrong with being a simp"

The fatter you are, the more r-slurred you become.

I know this because I have experience both being super fat and just normal amounts of fat and declining.

Also this. Fatter people grow up to be dumber.

Also this.

The more fat I lose, the smarter and more competent I get. Coincidence? I think not.

The west keeps getting dumber, and the west is also having consistently higher BMI over time. Coincidence? I think not.

Therefore, if you want to avoid being r-slurred, you must become fit.

Fit people are hotter people. Hotter people are smarter people because they are fitter people.

In conclusion, good looking people are naturally smarter than you all things being equal.

Become fit, become good looking, become smart, become rich.

How are there involuntary fatties?

Losing fat is literally one of the simplest thing in the world. How are people still failing at it?

your tax dollars hard at work




:#marseyemojirofl: :#marseyrofl: :#roflmao: :#turtoiserofl: :#laugh: :#marseygarfieldrofl:

Your reminder to exercise and get fit

Being fat is disgusting.

Being fat is ugly.

Being fat is depressing.

Being fat is shameful.

Get your shit together and start with working out because exercising is the one thing you can do on your own without needing anybody else and still having real meaningful gains in life that will help give better direction to things around you.

Exercise and being fit will balance your hormones and teach you to love and hate the right things in the right quantities.

Being fit gives purpose to both the love you feel and the hate that you feel.

Being fit changes your outlook on life.

Workout. Workout. Workout.

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Get on Ozempic or put down the fork fatty :marseyscooter:


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