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Kamala Harris will be POTUS. Amendment 14 Section 3 congressional jurisdiction has been invoked on 01/18/2025. :marseyhappening:


https://i.rdrama.net/images/17372962843q-L9Nlb_WB0pg.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737296285ThmH7E_K_mXDZw.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737296285xeiGUmAu5tDK0A.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737296285C3nPCSNDFvrUVw.webp





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needs more jiggle physics

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Hollywood destroyed these people's brains :marseysigh: You can't just make a move like this in the last seconds and expect the population to just accept it like it's nothing :marseydisagree:

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The population wouldn't just accept it. We'd have a swarm of diverse Americans celebrating in the streets of every major city. Trump got less than 50% of the popular vote - he clearly didn't actually win.

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didn't he win the popular vote

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He did but it was less that 50%


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New voting scheme: whoever wins the majority of the popular vote wins. If neither do, then whoever gets the second most votes wins

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Each candidate gets to control a portion of the oval office proportional to their share of the popular vote.

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Yeah but only of the people who voted, and even they didn't go more than, 50% for him. If more of the population didn't vote for him than did how can he have won the popular vote?

Face it, Trump doesn't have a mandate and any talk of a "landslide" is cope

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why are you threatening democracy

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It's not democracy when Russian malinformation gets the wrong candidate elected

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:#marseykamalatalking: :#sadwalztalking: :#gigabidentalking: :#obamiumtalking:

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Bernie can still win and $BBBY is going to $1K

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To be fair, typos does not mean it's not a legal document. Plenty of typos in all sorts of court filings :marseyshrug:

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My favorite is when I'm reading a brief and someone forgets "not" in "should not" and accidentally strongly agrees with me.

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Documents are why I love AI

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I remember reading a gun-control article and they sprinkled enough typos to the point I wasn't sure if they were pro-gun or anti-gun at the end of it.

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So, is it a shill account? Would the DNC knowingly fund something so r-slurred? Or is it some mind-broken libtard?


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Everybody hold tf up.... where did 15 million voters come from!?

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1737318773PrT38GDjFeCYhQ.webp :#nooticer:

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Without him, we would be in lost.


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Really wish Trump was .00001% of the evil they claim.

No trans lives matter

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He isn't, but the grifters he employs sure as heck are

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in 2016 these fascist threats to democracy tried to make up things to prevent trump from being sworn in. now in 2024 they are doing the same thing!!! :hmph:

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:marsey#nothingburger: :marseysal#:

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With how much these freaks hype up Trump to be this uber fascist dictator who is going to put them all in camps and bring about the fourth reich, can't the question be realistically turned around on them and ask "with the threat you believe he poses, don't you believe it'd be justified to cheat and steal the election, in order to keep that from happening?".

I mean, if they believe he'll be ordering right wing death squads to come and murder :marseytrain2:s and themselves (redundant) like they claim.

What would their answer be to that question? Both their public facing answer, and also the one they wouldn't say out loud. I wonder.

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It's the same thing when I ask, if fascism is on the rise and democracy is being subverted, what is your plan to defend yourself and those around? Are you prepping for an armed resistance? Or are you going to be complicit and just watch it happen?

The answer is usually some slight exasperation and seat-squirming before attempting to fillabuster the question with wordswordswords.

:#marseynpc2: :#marseynpc2: :#marseynpc2:

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My health, safety, sanity, and very life depend on preventing Trump from being sworn in tomorrow, and I will try any tactic to persuade public opinion to make this happen.

But I steadfastly refuse to summarize which constitutional amendment I'm talking about in my headline. I'll give you the section and subsection. Look it up yourself. I can't hold your hand through everything.

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Let's speak the truth: people are protesting because Black people have been treated as less than human in America. Out country has never fully addressed the systemic racism that has plagued our country since its earliest days.




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