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164,000 White women raised over $2 million for VP Kamala Harris over Zoom.
— AF Post (@AFpost) July 26, 2024
The call, entitled "White Women: Answer the Call," set a world record for the largest Zoom call ever and crashed the platform.
Follow: @AFpost pic.twitter.com/GTzKdJuOoB
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- Geralt_of_Uganda : /h/pol
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Kamala Harris is going to destroy Trump, The Nazis, and Angry white Men this election. It's not even going to be close. Harris running is a living nightmare for Trump. The Republicans got too zealous, and now they're coming to regret it.
We're not even at the primary, and Harris is already up +5 points over Trump in every swing state. I would expect her to be +15 points or more ahead by then. This November will be an absolute blood bath. Trump's campaign didn't expect Biden to drop out. They just got caught with their pants down. Biden was already leading Trump in every poll. With him giving the stage to a candidate who is younger, more likable, and more in touch with the youth, the lead just got even bigger. This just went from a blue wave to a blue tsunami. Trump chose JD Vance, an open Nazi, because he was so sure of winning. Not so sure now, are we tRump? The Republicans are panicking. Trump is crying right now on his failed social media that he spent all of his campaign money on attacking Biden instead of Harris. JD Vance's skeletons in his closet are making their way out. Vance hates women. He hates people of color. He hates democracy. Vance is destroying Trump. Meanwhile Democrats are running full speed into the election with all of Biden's built up momentum.
Republicans are on track to lose every state. That's not even considering Congress. I don't know a single person who sees the Republicans positively anymore. Even my redneck gun toting country lovin' cousins are Alla with Kamala. My old uncle Ronny had this to say: "Y'know what? The economy is booming. Way more than it ever did under Trump. I was skeptical of Joe at first, but I know now that he can get the job done. Trump's plans for Project 2025 are too far for me. We need common sense reforms on guns. We need to stop the white supremacist extremists who are the greatest threat to our democracy. Trump can not win this election. With Joe's endorsement of Kamala Harris, I have to say I'm Alla with Kamala!" The Nazis played their hand too quick. The American People have seen Project 2025. It's simply too extreme. They're going to lose the entire government.
Generation Z will decide this election. Gen Z didn't buy the baby boomer kool aid. Gen Z is the most openly queer, openly trans, most feminist, and least white generation. Generation Z wants change. They want to kick out the white men looking to undermine democracy. They want the rich to pay their fair share. They want a future for our trans children . Meanwhile, the Baby Boomers are dead and dying. This election is their final swan song before complete collapse. They're dying of covid because they're unvaccinated. They're dying of heat in the scorching heatwaves from the global warming they deny. They're dying because they're refusing to get abortions. While Generation Z is thriving.
With a newfound vetoproof majority in the House and Senate, Democrats will oust our extremist Supreme Court. We'll see a return of Chevron deference. The rich will have to pay their fair share. Common sense gun control. Universal background checks, bans on handguns and semi-auto weapons. Mandatory gun licensing, insurance, registration, and training. Codification of Roe vs. Wade. With a Woman of Color in office, a whole new perspective on our country will be had. DEI will be legislated and standardized for all private LLCs and companies at a federal level. Police and private security will be held accountable for their actions. Colleges will be more diverse with mandatory quotas ensuring fair student representation. Women will not just be equal, they will have power. Pornography and cartoons which dehumanize and objectify women will be restricted. The 20 dollar bill will feature a trans woman. Immigrants will be welcomed with open arms and treated like the human beings that they are. The Spanish language will become the new standard.
The American people will no longer see angry fragile white men running things. We'll see a complete overhaul of our system with a woman who knows how to girlboss. The Oval Office is too Pale, male, and Stale. This will be a Revolution of Color. The only question lies on you. Do you want to be on the right side of history? Or do you want to be on the white side of history? Get out there and vote for what's right.
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Paying up to 1000 DC per side banner (100 if it's just a random pic related, 1000 if it's really cool)
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Announced August 11th 2020 that she is VP
Kamala Harris(wrestler) died three days prior of COVID on August 9th 2020