TLDR of my take: it was fricking garbage, SF6 top 6 somehow redeemed it
Darn, what a ride.
I'm gonna fricking obliterate anyone that I see shilling for UMVC3. What a way to start the day, with a fricking terrible kusoge that looks horrid and must be even worse to play. Seriously, frick Sajam and Max for shilling that heap of dung. It makes me worried for Project L, because they said they like and they're very vocal about how much they love UMVC3.
Also lmao at a Granblue announcement after UMVC. Good announcement though, they released the date and made a good decision in having the game have some sort of free trial. Now if only that BIPOC FKHR could get his head out of his butt and revert the motion changes. Real talk, if they removed block button, brought back Universal Overhead, removed cooldowns and added more specials/normals and... pretty much rolled back all changes they made, Granblue would be unironically the best current fighting game and one of the best fighting games of all time. I'll die on this hill. but i'll leave this for another thread
Then we had Tekken. Tekken was mostly fine honestly, I'm just kinda tired of T7 already. Mad respect to Arslan though. He's a based paki king
And it turns out the 4chan leak was true, so we already know a bit about the new characters that are coming. Harada must be furious. Harada probably wants Total Leaker Death
Grand finals were a bit shit with the mirror match up and all, but the earlier games were cool.
Strive... darn. Johnny wasn't a surprise, hope people like him in Strive. But I seriously don't get what's the point of hiding the next characters? Why not reveal them all at once? Fricking straggy shit
Don't know what to think about the new strive mechanics, will have to play to form an opinion on it.
That mk1 trailer was sick. Reptile literally looks the best he's ever looked, it's fricking perfect.
But they took two more females and made them ugly... why? sigh
Strive top 6... what a disgrace. I hate HC, I hate leffen. I hate Nago (though NBNHMR is sick). At least Umisho didn't make it to GFs. If the GFs was Umisho vs Leffen I ...
Now, on sf6...
What a top 6 my man.
I'm not the biggest SF fan and I absolutely despise SF fans, they're usually unbearable.
But I'll have to give them this. SF6 top 6 carried and redeemed EVO.
All matches were insane, most of them going 2-2 and 1-1 setpoint.
I really don't have anything to say about it. It was just some incredible games.
Now, on other stuff...
AKI looks bad. Real bad. Of course Capdrones will eat it up like they ate Marisa and Manon, but AKI is some NRS ''women MUST be ugly'' shit. Also no gameplay on her trailer... literally just some sfm of her teasing some poor neighbor
Now, EVO itself.
EVO was fricking garbage. At least compared to my expectations.
They changed from top 8 to top 6 and... for what? I stole this from kappachino, but Melty blood finished 50 minutes early. If only they could have had two matches in there somwhere...
Top 6 instead of 8 sucks. There was so much downtime in T7 top 6, it killed me slowly.
Also a shit ton of ads. Announcements were garbage.
They had SO MANY PEOPLE in there... they should have gone ram and made an EVO to remember. Instead they just the frick out of it
That's all I can remember for now.
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So they can sell a sexy cosmetic patch for them in a year when gaming journ*lists have stopped covering the game
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Also did they show any of the Riot fighting game stuff? I have a strange attachment to the League of Legends lore/characters even though I quit almost 3 years ago
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there was a whole butt Livestream, Yasuo reveal and a short vid on mechanics
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Lmao at you seeing a western FG dev and expect them to not uggofied the girls.
As for GBVS, maybe this time CyGames won't act like an r-slur and limit their code to the fricking console version.
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You got some nerve for those first two sentences and then going straight into talking about fricking codes for a horrible gacha
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Hey don't talk shit about GBF!
It's a dogshit grindy gacha BROWSER game, that's over 7 years old by this point, but at least they bother to translate it.
As for the code, I'm calling them an idiot for treating steam players like some sort of criminals.
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Agreed on MvC, I just don't get it. It's obviously a kusoge, I'm sure it's fun but come on...
Also agreed on Tekken 7, I think they may have honestly revealed T8 too early because an announcement in 2022 and release in 2024 is kinda annoying/dumb
And yes, Strive top 6 were a bit of a shitshow, I'm pretty sure literally every match except finals was either a 3-1 or 3-0
I don't like Big Leff either, but at least the r-slurred
didn't win 2 Evos in a row, I was losing my mind 
The new Strive mechanics look like they could be exactly what people have been asking for; more depth. I mean, it's literally just drive rush and drive parry lol, which we know has a decent amount of nuance.
I was also losing my mind during SF6 top 6, even though they were probably the best top 6 of the day; I FRICKING CANNOT STAND MenaRD, the dude is a whiny b-word who literally said on twitter that he thinks SF6 is scrubby and he doesn't like it. BIPOC THEN STOP PLAYING IT. Thank god he didn't win.
The real fun for me is always the community tournaments, +R was fun as always, and so was Darkstalkers, but those 2 ain't gonna save the event. Also gotta catch up on the Xrd tournament.
NEXT year will be great with T8 though, I'm sure. I've kinda realized that basically every other supermajor is more fun than Evo. Frosty Faustings, Combo Breaker, and CEO were all WAYYY more fun to watch this year than Evo.
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No, don't reply like this, please do another wall of unhinged rant please.
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It helps every other super major doesn't have their final set be 3 hours long instead of 1.5 to 2, and that they feature 8 players instead of 6. Whose peepee did Poki suck to warrant that much fricking ad time?
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I'm currently gathering the funnies I am seeing around the internet for a mini effort post in between shitposting on /ggg/.
Praise Allah, Strive finals were a joke, you watch it for a second look away and a neighbor got two touched, was watching Gundam during those finals tho so that was kino.
Also Strive deserves Leffen and HC
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Watched Tekken top 6 and went to bed (EU timezone doesn't help
). Mirror match final was a bit boring, but the rest of the bracket was good.
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