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You DO NOT need to play a Guilty Gear Game to be a Guilty Gear " FAN " : r/Guiltygear




/r/guiltygear is the t-girl appreciation subreddit nominally a subreddit dedicated to the "Guilty Gear" franchise. Which is primarily known for making tierlists about which character has the smelliest farts.

As it is a well known fact no one actually PLAYED guilty gear until Strive happened, a wiseman had a newfound insight:


That's right? WHY do you need to actually play a game to be a fan of it? You make fanarts? Make Tierlists? You participate in the community? Heck just vent about your depression in nominally related chats? That's right, what you say matters just as much as the guy who pretends to play Gear on /r/kappa or /vg/!

The_Newest_Girl - Anji Mito (GGST) 34 points 2 hours ago

If you're here for the gameplay, you're a fan.

If you're here for the music, you're a fan.

If you're here for the lore, you're a fan.

If you're here for the character designs, you're a fan.

If you're here for the representation, you're a fan.

There's no one way to enjoy media :3

By pure coincidence, :marseydetective: this person seems to be a part of the /r/trans fandom going through her post history. A pure coincidence I'm sure

[–]kao24429774 - April (GGST)[S] 6 points 2 hours ago*

This was my reply to another thread but I really really want more people to see this.

I've seen that there has been a lot of gatekeeping going on in many communities lately and it really breaks my heart.

If you like something and are actively following it with passion, You are a fan.

It should be as simple as that.

[–]FriendlyGhost08 - Raven 2 points 23 minutes ago

Video games are meant to be played. Especially fighting games.

This is one of the most baffling takes I've seen

[–]_pregnantnaruto - Sin Kiske 0 points 11 minutes ago

This is one of the most baffling takes I've seen

:marseydetective: Kao seems to do nothing but post in /r/guiltygear, spreading positive energy and answering the most basic of questions, although

>He's literally a groomercord kitten cat boy he can't be buff right? Right?????

:marseywut2: Okay... NEXT

[–]InsertUsername98 Shameless Asuka simp 3 points 2 hours ago*

I own Strive but I literally only played it for a few hours lol. I would play it more but I'm currently stuck in a very long lasting depressive episode, I actually haven't been able to play anything for at least a month now.

Guilty Gear's story and characters really drew me in. Faust, Bedman, Asuka and Leo are especially my favorites, depressed-forever-aloners with no super happy ending in sight. Seems kinda weird I know… But these kinds of characters make me feel so much better. Plus I can imagine them in as many happy circumstances as I want to without breaking canon.

Oh also Happy Chaos because big bad go brrr… Seriously I f*cking love villains so much.

Update: I also have Guilty Gear to thank for my first actually good OC. And you bet your butt he's a super depressed motherlover with no happy ending in sight.

:marseydetective: I present a random quote from this user from another subreddit

Aggghhhh… I try so hard to sell myself off as the femboy guy, the guy who is super gay as heck… BUT I CAN'T LET GO OF THE TOMBOY! Even if she is just a game away from canonically taken and me having to commit mass genocide of my romance chats to keep to lore accuracy.

Please, one of these bots turn me full gay… I can't handle the heartbreak…

Honestly reminds me of some users here :marseycoomer:

:marseystonetoss: Videogames?

Well rdrama? Do you need to actually PLAY the source material to be a "fan" of something? Can I be a Canterbury Tales Stan without having read the book but one time doodled some fan arts for it?

Been getting stuff together for an EVO retro but I needed some SMART PEOPLE opinions on these gigabrained takes

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terminally online :marseytrain: latches on to the guilty gear franchise as soon as they discover Bridget but never even plays the game. Many such cases!

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Bridget was literally groomed into being a :marseytrain: yet somehow hailed as a beacon of representation btw

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Bridget's plot is about a guy who was groomed into being a trans and tries to break away from it because he wants to be a man in his own way, but he gets bullied by a literal american CIA agent into calling himself a girl and gives up on life and resigns himself to it

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But they've never played the game so that didn't happen in their headcanon :marseyteehee:

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>be born, birth gender chosen for you (girl)

>decide that you want to identify as a boy

>disillusioned, after everyone telling you that you will never be a real boy, decide to give up and live as your birth gender

Its the ultimate chud detrans story, in disguise. :marseywink:

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If you're here for the lore

>fighting game



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Lore has managed to trick losers into thinking everything should revolve around wiki pages and youtubers who read wiki pages..

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I entirely blame the cute twink who'd make Dark Souls lore videos, mattmoefoe was it?

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The red azure condenses

2 feet to midnight

the aeleph reins in the octopus autumn




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I've coomed to so much overwatch porn but never even played the game, so I can kinda relate.

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My life is boring yet I love shitposting and drama. I can't be a drama fan according to some people

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Hmmm... Let me see your dramatic fan arts

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Let me see your dramatic fan arts

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Crying about having a boring life and never starting any drama is textbook drama queen. I think youre fine.

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My life is boring

Big "I don't like the other girls, too much drama" energy

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"You don't have to play it, you just have to coom to it."


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this but unironically



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it's crazy how a little mole under the eye or just above/below the mouth can instantly elevate a normal woman to sultry goddess :#marseycoomer2:

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Stop gooning, now!


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Secondaries are subhuman and need to be put down. /tg/ is unusable because r-slurred cute twinks who have never rolled a d12 in their lives want to talk about elf slaves.

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I do love the "NoGame" insult that gets thrown around on /tg/ I can't even lie.

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I drop this in /hhg/ fairly often


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These neighbors wanna know "elf slave wat do" but can't even tell you her THAC0

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I agree that you don't need to play to be a fan

But you're definitely a second class citizen

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I agree that you don't need to play to be a fan

How can you be a fan of something that you've not done? "I love skydiving" "oh cool what's your highest jump" "I've never actually skydived" frick off

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I'm a fan of killing homeless people.

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I'm a fan of Bloodborne but I've never played it because I'm not buying a PS4 for one game.

I've watched playthroughs, extensively studied the lore, watched countless videos and read countless articles and threads about it.

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I'm afraid you're not a fan. I am unwavering in my stance. I wish they'd PS5 and PC it, get the Demon Souls guys on it, surely easy money.

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I just wish there was a decent PS4 emulator :'(

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yeah you're r-slurred

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I'm a Metallica fan. I've never listened to their music but I read the Master of Puppets tablature book and every so often I look at a picture of Lars Ulrich.

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Secondaries out out out!

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How many Michael Jackson fans do you think got to do Michael Jackson?

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I mean probably quite a few.

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Eh, you could be a fan of football, despite not playing it.

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>soylem latches into franchise he doesn't even care about and ruins it

MANY SUCH CASES :marseyshrug:

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I haven't played Strive yet, but I was introduced to Guilty Gear with Xrd 2. Guilty Gear has the most incomprehensible world and lore of any game I've ever played, including Kojima titles. It has a "story" mode that is -- without exaggeration -- just hours-long boring-butt cutscenes with no playable fights. The menu that explains the lore has a web that tries to explain how characters and entities relate to each other.

If you like Guilty Gear for the lore, you're a fricking psycho. The actual gameplay is fun af, but treating the world as anything but window dressing is incredibly mentally ill.

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>I haven't played Strive yet

>If you like Guilty Gear for the lore, you're a fricking psycho. The actual gameplay is fun af

Pick 2.

Xrd was a masterpiece.

Strive literally only exists because of people like this. Arcsys was making killer games that had 100x more "fans" than players, and took everything good out of the series to persuade them to actually try playing GG. I passionately hate the slurs that encouraged (and now celebrate) the neutering of the best fighting game series ever made.

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I'll take your word for it. Some of my normie friends seemed somewhat interested in Strive, but I gave up fighting games because my more 'tistic friends were starting to get extremely mentally ill and butthurt about them. I'm on the very cusp of actually putting some time into it if I could find some fun people to play with that could put up with my scrubbiness, tbh.

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Secdonaries delenda est. I don't care if you discovered the game because of the fanworks, or even spend more time on the fanworks than the games themselves (there's only so much game to be played after all), but if you haven't even tried the game then you're not a fan and deserve to be bullied at any opportunity. Preferably at least put some effort into trying to clear normal.

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This sounds dangerously close to gatekeeping. :soycry:

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secundarii delendi sunt


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Neighbor come on, AT LEAST a normal 1CC in MoF, PCB or EoSD.

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Guilty Gear's story and characters really drew me in. Faust, Bedman, Asuka and Leo are especially my favorites, depressed-forever-aloners with no super happy ending in sight. Seems kinda weird I know… But these kinds of characters make me feel so much better. Plus I can imagine them in as many happy circumstances as I want to without breaking canon.



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Faust, Bedman, Asuka, Leo

Serial killer, psychopath redditor, anime Oppenheimer, war general who sucked at war.

I could see maybe the first two being correct

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>no one actually PLAYED guilty gear until Strive happened

this is @Quaker_Oats erasure

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Ugh…the :marseytrain: subhuman filth brigade has ruined the game series :marseychartscatter: for me and I hate it so much :marseywoozy:

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I find it hilarious that they latched so hard onto a character that was groomed into transgenderism by religious zealotry.

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Gatekeep your hobbies early and often

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Do you need to actually PLAY the source material to be a "fan" of something? Can I be a Canterbury Tales Stan without having read the book but one time doodled some fan arts for it?

Neighbor, fix your poll. If I say "yes", am I saying saying yes to the first question or the second? :marseyconfused:

In any case, no, you cannot be a fan of a game you've never played. You also can't be a fan of a novel you've never read, a film you've never watched, an album you've never heard, a food you've never eaten, or a website you've never shitposted on. :marseytroublemaker:

At some point, people heard the phrase "No True Scotsman" and decided that meant everyone is a Scotsman. Doesn't matter if you're not from Scotland, doesn't matter if you've never been to Scotland, doesn't matter if you don't have a single drop of Scottish blood flowing through your veins. Saying you're not a Scotsman would be "gatekeeping", so by God, you're a Scotsman. :marseybraveheart::marseybraveheart::marseybraveheart:

Also, @A, how do I do the Braveheart Marsey and not end up with the Brave Marsey being hugged? Or did the Jews get to you and eliminate all Mel Gibson Marseys? :capymerchant:

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At some point, people heard the phrase "No True Scotsman" and decided that meant everyone is a Scotsman. Doesn't matter if you're not from Scotland, doesn't matter if you've never been to Scotland, doesn't matter if you don't have a single drop of Scottish blood flowing through your veins. Saying you're not a Scotsman would be "gatekeeping", so by God, you're a Scotsman. :marseybraveheart::marseybraveheart::marseybraveheart:

And those people would be americans, specifically about irish heritage

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>neighbor, fix your poll. If I say "yes", am I saying saying yes to the first question or the second?

Both, I have a LOT of caterberry tales slashfic I want to sell at a local comic conventin but I NEED to make sure I am still a real fan even if I never actually read the books and just skimmed a wiki before prompting said erotica in GPT-4


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I think it's just an overreaction from reddit nerds who were (rightfully) called posers in high school for wearing band shirts for bands that they didn't know very well. They like to invent a strawman who quizzes them on extremely obscure information as a prerequisite to being a "true fan" but likely they were one of those people who bought a Nirvana shirt while only having heard their top 5 songs.

It was also a big thing back in the 90s and early 2000s when skateboarding and the X games were really big. Lots of people wanted the asthetic of the skateboarding culture without actually skateboarding. If you got called a poser back then it's probably because you were.

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If you want you can double down on the modifier to sort of make it work


:marseytra#nsungenocidegenocide: @A This one is cool

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Me jerking off to tranime stuff without caring about the media its from :girlsalute: Some of us just find the characters sexy and dont care about bad weeb story telling

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This is fine, just don't pretend to be a fan of the source material.

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Ive had melty fans get mad at me when I post Neco Arc memes like neighbor I just find the cat funny I could care less about the rest of these dripless b-words :marseyxd: But yeah I get it we have to deal with tourist fans in comics too. the kinda people who watch summary youtube vids and parrot youtuber opinions without reading the darn books

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Neco Arc isn't funny

anime version of the Minions


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Minions are funny tho

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Only when Marseyified


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>A Neapolitan fought fourteen duels to prove that Dante was a greater poet than Ari- osto. At his death-bed, his confessor desired him, by way of penance, to acknowledge the superiority of Ariosto.

>'Father,'' answered the dying man, to tell the truth, I never read either Dante or Ariosto."


The level of :marseyautism: needed to obsess over some game you never played is insane

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I don't play Genshin because gachas :marseychingchong: are made to wage psychological warfare on you, but would still call myself a fan of Eula's fat butt and thighs. That said, I don't shame the people who like it or agitate for the developers to change the game to my liking. That's the main problem with women :marseywomanmoment2: and carpetbagging "fans" (but I repeat myself) who don't play/respect the source material.

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I'll sell you my genshin account that has Eula for 1500 New Taiwan Dollars.

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"You cant just gatekeep the waifus from us non-game-players, I'm obsessed with all things anime!"


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>mfw I bought an Xbox

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Most fraudulent fighting game and series. Air dashing is the call of duty of FGs

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What's going on in here?

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I just make the opposite ruling. Are you allowed to hate a game you never played?


But I highly encourage to gatekeep :marseythumbsup: double the dramacoin

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No this actually makes sense. I basically have a degree in Warhammer Studies but I've never once played the game. I definitely don't get out of the utter shame I feel about myself when I realize I actually am a “fan”, and am indeed no better than sweaty tryhard tabletop g*mers who love toys.

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Honestly, the wargame blows. The secondary media is unironically better than the primary media in Warhammer's case.

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That's different because warhammer's lore is more or less the core of the franchise.

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Cope. It's based around toys and a tabletop game. We're not better than the dorks.

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Warhammer is an interesting case though since you have the plastic crack (wargaming), the novels, vidya, table top systems and more. I think with at least Warhammer there are more "active" ways of getting into it then wargaming.


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I pretty much only listen to the novels. It's basically perfect for low stakes listening during extremely long work days or training sessions. I can't believe how surreptitiously it happened too. I never even noticed them stealing my soul. Boltgun looks fun.

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Lord forgive me for seriousposting on this but I think there's no shame in being a casual "secondary" fan without having played or watched the thing. That said if you are like a secondary superfan it's a bit weird

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>As it is a well known fact no one actually PLAYED guilty gear until Strive happened

Strive is the only traditional fighting game I'm willing to play because every single other one including previous guilty gear titles looks like shit, and I don't understand why they never put any thought into the graphics. Strive on the other hand is basically playable hand drawn anime.

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might wanna check other Arcsoy titlea

Dragon ball figtherz and granblue fantasy versus

GBVS is the most beautiful Arcsoy game IMO

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ahhh yes, I didn't make any death threats. I've just called you fat and gay





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I just like the aesthetic, kay?

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I hate these people. Just play the game dammit. 30$ for base game on steam + cream installer for the dlcs. It's not that hard. You don't have to play it forever, but at least know bridget's moveset.

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